dinsdag 2 juli 2024

atomic clocks

 A few years ago I wrote to NIST that it is not correct to say having an atomic clock precise to one second in a billion years. The universe changes, so the clock will be correct to one billionth per second. 
As energy has a mass equivalent a travelling photon changes the universe. To pass zones with different gravity energy is required in order to get that change of mass distribution. If the photon does not receive such energy from outside it has to provide this itself and red shift occurs. This leads to revision of the time scale of the universe. 
Since Creation everywhere in the universe a same amount of time has passed. Modern way of saying is that the speed of physical processes varies according the local gravity potential. The principal of least action causes a photon passing mass to seek a route with as big steps (lower frequency) as possible and a minimum of these (Yanchilin, The Quantum Theory of Gravitation, 2003). Observed is a path not close to the mass (lens effect), as there frequencies are higher. And thus time passes faster near mass in old jargon, now expressed as physical processes run faster near mass. This is in agreement with the enormous speed of what happened at the Beginning. Which should not be presented as originating from a point because a point is a mathematical concept and does not exist in physics as it has no dimensions. So called black holes may be remnants of the stuff before the universe became transparent or perhaps are formed anew. That photo of a black hole showed an opening in its glowing surroundings just direction Earth. It was a misleading composition. 
So Einsteins general theory of relativity is wrong, but then there is the problem with atomic clocks that show slower ticking on Earth than in space. I propose research whether these clocks do not show proper time because gravity is a scalar of one dimension but electrons going to another orbit will sit so to say on a two dimensional surface and to construct the different surface more energy may be involved. 
             Another interesting remark of Yanchilin is that photons take only a route with a whole number of oscillations. If applied this to entanglement already at the origin photons going west and east will have opposite position and keep this where measurement is done.
Yanchilin proposes the following new theory of gravitation as a pure quantum mechanical process: If mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty then in the half of a particle nearest to an external mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half then the other way. Net result is what is called in common language gravitational attraction. Read also what he tells about Poincaré in the CJPAS (and improve what he says about energy transfer from Earth to Moon in the same paper). 

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