zondag 25 augustus 2013


            Help Elisabeth!
For the queen of England and first lady of Canada, Australia there are not such good prospects. One day she will die and reckon in years only, not in decades for this happening to occur. Then as the Bible says the first ones will change into the very last, which for Elisabeth if going to heaven, if not repenting sins in hell or ly in a coffin unable to close the nose for the stinking rotting body, so if departing upwards she most probably will have to clean toilets in heaven. Cleaning for all eternity.
Have a bit of pity and try to help, which is best accomplished by chasing Elisabeth away from her superior position on Earth. Next queen could be mrs Brown or the British Republic may arise, prosper, be feared and keep Scotland under controll, ruling all the waves around it. Then in heaven Elisabeth might receive a respectable task of p.e. spinning wool. Or do you think in Paradise roasted ducks simply fly into your mouth? That would be boring, not first hunting the birds.
The queen may cooperate for her own future sake and dismiss all nobility, recognizing universal art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, which is a weak repro of the Great Second Commandment. This includes punishing the clergymen who support piramidal society and do no not want Exodus to full democracy with real equal rights, also regarding material aspects.
Remember former queens loosing their throne like Mary Stuart. If Elisabeth seeks maximum credits concerning Paradise she even might like become beheaded, which fits well in true democracy. In the meantime from the Continent (again) provisional government can be provided.


vrijdag 9 augustus 2013

dutch and cheating

                DNB, dutch central bank, fails.
De Nederlandse Bank should see to it that coins and notes in purses of different people have the same buying power, not depending on position in society.
However foreigners pay more for several products in the Albert Heyn grocery shops as they do not know that to receive offered bonus a special card is required. In total Albert "Swine" thus cashed perhaps more than a million euros illegally.
Around the fifties the Treaty of Paris aimed to end dumping practices in the coal and steel sector. It was stated in art 60 that everybody can buy goods (and services) for the same low price as offered to others. Limiting conditions were forbidden.  Of course this must be valid anywhere for a market to be open and honest.
May be you sit in a train next to a passenger who paid far less for the same trip on behalf of personal relations or age or detour via an agency allowed to sell cheaper than at the train station. Such favouring some has nothing to do with organisation of transport; the central bank failed to correct the evil managers.
Dutch government is cheating on large scale by giving tax reduction to well to do people who take mortgage and can buy a same house for netto tens of percents less than a minimumwager would be due. The latter has a too low wage for possessing a house of his own and the former can help him by renting, as he did not pay to the Treasury what he should according the principle of strongest shoulders....  High rent makes the "gap" still wider.
To the upper class is well known that the pensionfundsystem favours the richer half of the population. To which belong members of parliament, professors, bosses of trade unions an many journalists.
DNB did not make public in detail what is wrong; poorly educated people do not yet understand how is stolen from them. Therefor the president of the dutch central bank has to be fired.
Which directors of other central banks are in a similar position?