The biblical story of Boaz and Ruth tells that more than three millenniae ago a farmer was not allowed to pick up what accidentally fell to the ground during the harvest. For that was to the poor and to the wild animals. There was also the commandment not to want the ox of the neighbour. Because he needed the animal to plough; otherwise there would not be income from his land.
This culminated in what may be called the law of Jerusalem since it is said to spread from there: After a few generations or fifty years the production means have to be reshared. That gives the looser another chance but is essentially meant for youth to get equal starting positions. Art 1 of the Declaration on human rights cannot properly do without such a material component. In western society animals are deprived often even of sunlight, locked in bio-industrial sheds. There are regions on Earth where the children of the poor do not eat enough food with sufficient quality because that is not available. Multinationals try to get all oxes in own stable and capitalists accumulate unlimitedly. This shows that the developped countries practice heathen values and these are exported too. Pentecôste in Jewish religion meant bringing the first products to the temple where these were distributed amongst the poor, while everybody else can join in the feastmeal. That is opposite to western standard practice of giving away only after own pockets have been filled. So the world needs Jerusalem and its law very much. Meanwhile churches are full of old people like if they thus pay the insurance premium for a next good life. These religious persons participate in a so called Holy Meal. But only a tiny piece of bread is consumed after which everybody hurries home to eat steak or meatball in apartheid. This does not seem good preparation for dinner in heaven at the Father's table. The New Testament maintains that family relations are not important and should not disturb the convivre. Political parties refuse to listen but stress the family as to be favoured by government politics. This is how a wide gap builds up between neighbouring households when one gets rich and the other falls to poverty. Jealousy and hate follow; at the end revolution will be in the air. Admittedly in the Old Testament family relations were most important. But that book was not sufficient to form the whole of the Bible. Reading John 1 there is the message that a new Initative from Above has taken place.The author obviously refers to Genesis 1 where the first Initiative from Outside, namely creation is described like a far but mighty king speaks a word and things happen accordingly at a thousand miles distance. No human was present at creation time an no one saw even the pink of Gods hand move. Then the chosen way of reporting is technically sufficient and fine. If the first initiative did not come from outside the created world but was inside then man, in philosophical terms, would always be second ranked. The evangelist John repeats this description with light coming from Above or from Outside, which illuminates and tells implicitly that God has good character towards humans because the concept of light is positive. The king James Bible translates wrongly by calling the light a he, and so making Jeso kind of deity. Jeso as the Messiah is not devine in Jewish view, although his origin comes from God. He was born in the state of, in dutch expression "two hands on the same belly", which means of same opinion and acting the same, the aequivalent of Middle Eastern "father and son". In Middle East language father-and-son often does not refer to a physical relationship, but expresses being in the same state of mind and with the same handlingof affairs; so tight that both are indistinguishable from each other. Recognising Jeso (northern name ending) thus both as son of David-in-his-better-moments and son of God is quite different from the ancient Greek way of reasoning which the roman catholic church has adopted largely and which conflicts with the Israelite/Jewish opinion of God being One. Read on in John's first chapter and notice in this interpretation that the accent on "only born son" is not on son. Instead Jeso is described as the only one from birth in the closest relation with God. Other people have to become reborn to get into such state. When successfully they may sit at the table with the Father. The New Testament raises our status from servant of God to "child" relationship. A servant does not sit at the table. A child has some access to Dad's wallet! Moreover a child learns and then will be able to decern, can choose to behave friendly towards other people. And towards animals no less, since the beasts are also God's creatures. Man then can try to make rules like:
Near every artificially hardened surface whether roof (on a building), yard or street high growing trees have to be planted to compensate Nature for the loss of fertile ground.
Every animal under human controll shall have enough natural space to run, fly or swim for at least three seconds.
No man shall block the natural way of animals.
Any farmer will take care on part of his land to the sole benefit of wild beasts.
Poison cannot be possessed, traded or applied unless in court a serious threat of the involved species has been established.
Killing members of species-near-extinction is a capital crime.
In modern times technical inventions helped us to gain wealth in an affluent society. The question is how to share this with the fellow creatures, the animals which for 95% have the same body tissues as we and shall not be considered as aliens or inferior beings. If the mountain lion is hungry he may eat a human person. That is not a crime. Killing the beast when it tries to feed is a crime to be punished severely. In old Switserland where the winters were very cold the farmer family resided on the floor above the stable because cows spread much warmth. New ways are to be sought to live together with animals and the first thing then is to increase accessibility for them. If on four feet the lower floor should not completely be taken by man; if having wings the upmost floor might provide some room, if only for nesting. Architects who build only with glass and iron need re-education. Not all the time interests of man go first as such opposes what mankind should desire, namely a harmonious situation without surpopulation by humans.
Like Antarctica is kept forbidden territory to us, except to a few scientists, the Amazone forest, part of the Northamerican prairie, the Sahara, the Himalaya, the Australian Dreamland of the Aboriginals, etc. may be cut loose from states and preserved for wild flora and fauna. Then several countries will become a lot smaller. Already it is wise to build no new towns anymore on fertile soil but create future cities on bare desert ground near an ocean or sea, where the sewage water can be used to make a green belt around the habitat,and thus have nature profit too. All over the world a thousand new metropoles are needed for growing populations, especially to keep these out of regions to be reserved for Nature. A city can be built from nothing in around ten years. A forest, which covers up to fifty meters high and renders a mild micro-climate, needs half a century to develop fully. The metropole can house, provide work and recreation. It is an instrument to promote wealth. The forest is needed to preserve the real treasures. In western Europe a country like Holland is economically not overpopulated, lying as it is on the mouth of the important Rhine river. But parts of the territory have to be abandoned by humans in order to provide enough space for bear and other big animals which once lived here. May-be even nephews of the Siberian tiger were strolling around before the hunting man appeared. Meanwhile many refugees, whether having in mind political or economic reasons, knock on the door of the country. From the period with instream of guest workers result half a million Maroccans who do want to stay but are not giving up their old passport. Is it reasonable then to demand in exchange a small part of Maroccan territory, p.e. opposite the much visited Canary Islands, to found a new metropole under dutch law for both autochtone dutchmen and via Holland entering newcomers? There is a conflict in that region between Marocco and West-saharan people which might be ended at the same time by allowing independance and participation in wealth. The latter could be realized by building three new cities by the dutch and giving away two, since the costs of constructing here are only a third of that in the Randstad, the metropole formed by Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Dutch law over there is necessary to get people migrate to the newly founded settlement as well as to attract investments for employment. The state of Holland then will become enlarged with a tiny piece of land oversea and this might be an example how to deal with the problem of illegal Mexican immigrants in the USA. If people vote with their feet because in own country a bad regime spoils future then state borders should not be too rigid. At the Middle East several borders were drawn in distant foreign capitals not many decades ago. Often here it is possible to change the border line into a humanfree border zone. Thus the bear may come back on the Golan while the lion roars in the SinaÏ.
Counting the numbers of Jews fled from Arab countries and comparing with the number of Arabs living in Palestine before 1800 plus those migrated to here in the 19th century the balance on land claim wil be favourable to the Israelis. Also important is that the Jews always had a solid tie to the whole of the country from past history, while the Arabs came here because economic circumstances were slightly better than in the enormous rest of the Arab reign. Moslim philosophy is not pointed to separate nationalistic states but favours a big sphere with shared religion and language. Islam is considered superior to other religions by most Arabs and foreigners without Allah are treated with a certain dedain. In Israel on the contrary a foreigner at first will be spoken to in hebrew. That is because the Israeli people vary from fair blond with blue eyes to negro skin. Such variation means that we foreigners have become family of the Jews. The God of Israel thus has come closer to us and his blessings too. Jerusalem then is not a foreign city anymore but belongs to mankind. Its role to spread the commandment of sharing becomes manifest. Moslims did not invent anything special about this and do not contribute to further development of the sharing. It is the Israelis who should do most on expanding theory, although thus far they don't. If asked Salomon he might say that the Moslims got Mecca , Medina and Baghdad; the christians are dominant in Rome and a bit in Moscow; so why should not Jerusalem be plain capital of Israel if Israel still has a special task? Like the stones along the road (cathedrals) eventually will tell about christianity the Jews and Israelis whether believers or not by sheer physical appearance are first witnesses to the existence of God. It should be regarded an honour for religious Arabs to live amongst them.
Generally moslims, christians and jews believe that God demanded to show complete obedience of Abraham or Ibrahim when Isac was to beoffered. A different explanation might help to fight the terroristic suicide attacks: At the time people believed that what belonged to the gods should be thrown into the fire on the altar, offered. Abraham got notice that he did not own his son, was not master on him, had to refrain from prescribing and should not do else but "hand him over" to God, who is his Creator and the only master of a person's life. Giving in Abraham prepared the fire. Likewise no man in the 21th century, whether father, political or religious foreman, is allowed to command directly or via persuading over the life of a youth or any other person. Islam knows about Allah as the Merciful and psalm 36 describes likewise. Already in Eden man tried to climb towards forbidden echelons, which would procure domination over other people as if such is not reserved to God only. How the story of Abraham and Isaac ended is well known: there were no casualties. But the goat that was offered instead, where did it get struck? Presumably not on the flat surface of the mountain plateau, but rather in the bush on the steep slope where now is the Wailing Wall. Then which place is more holy: Where God gives or where man answers and later was built the Temple, now the spot where the mosque with the golden dome stands. There is ample room on the plateau left for a Psalms House, to be constructed from stainless steel and glass in the form of two raised praying hands, where this poetry can be sung, recited or musicized on friday, saturday and sunday. By moslims, jews and christians since they share the psalms as common heritage. If pilgrims stick to local time at home also on monday and thursday there will be a lot of music and afterwards they undoubtedly are very welcome for shopping in the Old City. Amazingly the New Jerusalem in the Bible is depicted as a beautiful city with lots of fruit trees along a broad river. That resembles Babylon! Baghdad, successor of Babylon, was the world's most splendid metropolis during the reign of Harun al Rashid. Can the mosque with the golden dome be brought from Jerusalem to Baghdad and make that city very important again? Then at the old place on the Temple Mount a little meadow with some lambs would suffice. Many moslims know about the story of prophet Mohammed visiting heaven and making a stopover at Jerusalem where he talked with Moses and Jeso. The visit means paying respect to the older religions. Quite opposite to driving the Israelis into the sea or to outnumber them by big families which leave no space to animals. Like any horse that of Mohammed did not know about holy spots which from itself are not benificient and beside the animal could not fly unless directed so by God. So please do not start a cult of rocks! One cannot say to God: "Come here" as the story of the Golden Calf teaches:
When Moses stayed away on the mountain the Israelites felt very lost. In those days the deities had a golden calf for a foot bank like a king wears a crown. We would not have done differently from the Israelites and make a golden calf. But obviously God does not want to be trapped by humans, does not agree to "Gott mit uns" on the helmets of the German soldiers. Although sometimes He is lenient and so chose Jerusalem for His law to be spread from. The overall message seems that we cannot get God on a for Him by us prepared place. He wants to be found where He chooses to be and trying to find is described as our continuous task. That brings back to modern society, as in our era widely spread opinion is that we should strive for, say plainly, wealth and a long life time. Almost all of our efforts aim at this, though not seldom at the cost of less strong people, nations and animals. The ways of God differ from those of men, the Holy Scriptures say. Since Darwin we know that physical evolution takes place and in the twentieth century was added that no less spiritual ripening may go on to become a real free person, able to participate in counceling and decisionmaking, both in own affairs and those of society. One can stay home on saturday or sunday afternoon, not watch the football competition. The result of the game will be one team winning and the other loosing. Thus equal draw, a neutral balance. This thinking is wrong because a lot of fun is added. Even as some negative feelings creep to the loosers the balance will be positive, unless the players didn't do a good job. After it was discovered that the iron in our blood was formed in the cores of distant and very big stars which exploded to spread the stuff soon came the idea that in return we on Earth may have a task for the cosmos, namely spreading spirit. The evolution in brain capacity and thinking is considered justifiable since man was created to the image of God. Then not all thought of God Who is alive and not a zombie necessarily should stay above wisdom of man. Or in other words we may reflect on God as not out for the pure benefit of his servants like bigger salary, longer life and heaven afterwards, which count as first desires in most evolutionary processes from childhood to mature position, but busy to procure for each individual as much freedom of choice as possible in the general context. That freedom of course is coloured ethically. Yet esthetics is not to be dismissed; harmony by beautiful things is a pleasure to every mind except that of Satan. To God it may not matter whether the best conditions for freedom of choice are begotten in a country with a dictator, during a natural catastrophy, in a wealthy environment, or where-ever. So if God governs the world He won't always direct to better, to easier material or spiritual circumstances, to improving economics. Success with praying is said to be limited by what is available in God's shop. Ferrari's you get at the car dealer; for health serve the medical plants in the tropical forests and pray for the doctor's handto be gentle.
What is the link to politics? Can the above notitions serve as a looking glass to the European Union, nested on the continent where once the Greek introduced democracy? Today's world differs from the Ancient one as both Greeks and Romans nourished the idea that the strongest may win and have his or their orders obeyed. That is not what the Israelites were taught. Art 1 of the declaration on human rights -everyone is born free and with equal rights- has more ressemblance to the latter; esp. since jewish, christian and moslim beliefs helped to find a balance between what belongs to you and what to your neighbour, while stressing that mutual care is necessary. Democracy in Greece was reserved for the haves; slaves and poor people did not participate. In Rome one time votes to bring dictators to power were bought from the lower classes. O.K. then, the setting now is that man being equal in using basic capacities should by no means get excluded from participation in counceling and decisionmaking. In practice this regards main topics, after which a subjugated parliament takes care of working out and daily controll. In Switserland this functions by referendum and the Swiss are neat people therefore, except when they get the opportunity to steal from the rest of the world by allowing crooks to deposit money on secret accounts in Swiss banks. The European Union is busy with writing a constitution, but... Deliberately is forgotten to mention that basic right to every descendant of Adam which is participation, directly by referenda or people's meetings. The reason is quite simple: like Eve grasped for the forbidden fruit to become more than what corresponds to and suits humans the politicians are afraid to be blocked in their aspirations, to loose influence and material advantages. In the parliaments there are no members with the salary only of a cleaner, a common worker. When referenda are introduced in the European Union on the really important matters then a political shift towards the left will occur because the number of have-much is smaller than the mass of have-little. For statistics no one with a salary of a fifty thousand euros, which or more is received in parliament, has to be counted to the latter. As said Switserland is stealing from other peoples, although not in a direct way, and as a result there are few have-little in this country. Likewise in the richest states much is taken in a dishonest way from the Third World. When a majority of the people is accustomed to the Egyptian meat pots and content to be somewhere in the middle of a piramidal society then a lot of work is required to draw away to the free desert.
One of the democratic rights is freedom of expression. This paper should not contain a multitude of words which are to be deavoured by the reader and perhaps gets him overfed, standing in the way for appetite on remarks from other persons. Up to the main thing then now: Technology is advanced so much that with the factories running a few more hours per day every person on Earth can be provided with basic things. The managers of almost all producing companies however pay most of their attention to obtaining a fat wallet for themselves and secondly be friends with the share holders. A good trick to this purpose consists of crying that other people than themselves and their relations are incompetent to become director of the firm. As if there are no schools or education cannot be provided to get a large number of persons trained and able to run production organisation while not behaving egoistic. The devil shows up secretly to watch and stimulate further. Some think that a develish situation means absence of God and His benevolence and His law which educates man. Many think one hour in church on sunday morning will suffice and they need not a Psalms House which can be entered every day. There does not exist yet such a House without threshold, although only one time the necessary steel and glass for its construction have to be assembled. Instead everybody strives to transport iron all day and all year without ending.
Getting into your car weighing 1500 kgs means superfluous transport of a ton of iron, because a vehicle of 500 kgs can move you as well since speeds are limited. A car good for 120 miles/hour costs double that of one with 90 as maximum velocity and at least three times more than a city car. To go fast has to be translated into stronger frame, more iron. Not long ago dockworkers handled all goods because there were no containers. Occasionaly they dropped a television set which did not bother much since the insurance company would pay out. The latter were happy with the invention of the container which is made of iron. Look at the freighter train how much iron is transported and add this to what passes on the road. Then subtract a bit for those kinds of transport indismissable for comfort and the resulting sum will be billions of dollars spilt. Enough money otherwise available to guarantee effectuation of a worldwide sharing, to provide anyone on Earth with minimum but sufficient basic income. There is more at stake: The colossal transport of iron necessitates urban sprawl since you cannot use the car vertically. The present American cities consist for 95% of suburban housing in a manner of only small rooms and little gardens with a vast area of asphalt in front. In San Diego three million people work hard and as the suburbs are almost void of natural animal life they go on sunday afternoon to the zoo to see the three pandas. From San Francisco a stream of cars heads to the Yosemite valley; driving this twohundred miles trip causes the car makers plus the oil companies smile. A tram or train would provide work and income for the locals, including the native Indians, who at that business also can speak their own old language. But the Indians are seduced to have also lots of iron around, though at the countryside mainly in the form of wrecked car assembleys. With rails instead of tyres to the Yosemite only a fraction of today's iron will be needed.
Up to the eighties of the 19th century the fertile sea clay covering plains in the Groningen province of Holland rendered very much income from wheat grown by the farmers. They had big mansions built but left the co-workers in a state of poverty. Go and see the remaining big beautiful farms. Producers in agriculture need receive good incomes because they are intermediate for spreading wealth over the countryside. A french proverb says that a good king is a friend to the peasants. Because he tames the elite which lives in the cities and likes to take all. In America besides from the scattered Indian villages poverty loams from the countryside to the interested train passenger where the prairie has been turned into wheatland. The American farmer receives such a low price for his product that he cannot afford to build a nice house like his European colleage did before the steamship caused price dumping across the ocean. The USA peasant is unable by lack of funds to create agreeable environment with a great variety of high trees and other plants to obtain a comfortable microclimate for both humans and animals. He lacks the money which should be spent around so that other people can make a good living outside the city. He cannot recede from part of the ploughed prairie, giving that back to the buffaloo, because the teachers, the lawyers, the politicians, the traders,the managers and even the common worker regard the farmer as a low class being who should be content with much less income than they claim for themselves. To effectuate this much iron is used. Iron for tranportation of wheat with subsidized energy to other parts of the world. To remake a gallon of fuel with sun energy costs fourfold the price at the gas station. The wheat -produced in very big quantities by each American farmer because he gets a price much too low for a bushel- is dumped overseas and destroys healthy relations yonder. Multinationals love cheap transport because then they can expand, make more profit and take over small independent business. Cheap energy for transportation is often a curse to regional producers who cannot compete anymore on own market. Sometimes the long term implications of too low energy prices are not noticed well, even not when the small van is overtaken in the street of the village by a multi-tons freighter from a very distant region. People with small business do little lobbying and so the crazy transport of iron with subsidized energy goes on, bringing wheat where this is not wanted to make the big firm and the multinational grow. Its managers in their high rise offices then no longer stay focussed on wheat, but get hungry for money in the very first place. They will not evaluate whether remaining small enterprises do a good job on the market and therefore should continue so, but try to devour these. What should a good American president do to turn things right? Is there a candidate for next elections who opposes unnecessary transport of iron and all its bad implications? That person need not be American citizen to have a good program. The USA people need not opt for a president with a lesser program because of nationality. In that respect everybody may profit from a global world.
The stranger might be a communist!? Of course the really red communists descend to hell but they have a certain pleasure there: pricking with big forks in the fat bottoms of great capitalists. The best president for the country would be an almost superfluous one. A person eager to serve the nation and the world too, but with little to do because people themselves manage their affairs better. Renounce from transporting superfluous iron, pay a fair price for the bread and less to the lawyer, reorganize the cities in such a way that after every three miles an equally long green belt separates from next urbanised settlement. This stimulates both social life and local economics. Be inventive: the habitants of Amsterdam, Holland drive four hundred kilometers to the nice hilly countryside of the Belgian Ardennes and indeed do have good recreation there. But less than a hundred kilometer away from this big city there is a one hundred meters high plateau dating from a previous glacial period and consisting entirely of moveable sand and clay. A couple of bulldozers can remodel the now flat and not very interesting area into an attractive landscape with valleys, hill tops and possibilities for the ski sport. All almost in reach with only ten kgs of iron, the bicycle.
In real terms abolition of unnecessary iron transport is a luxury problem since the world population can be fed, clothed and housed if nothing regarding the iron changes. That's just a matter of resharing production facilities and employment which generates income. The technical knowledge for such a program is available as well, though surprisingly not at the universities but in assemblies of shouting and demonstrating youth. Much of present working hours results from superfluous competition and could be skipped. Technics of automatisation bring a workweek of twenty hours paid and say another ten for voluntary business in the social field within reach. It is rewarding to have contrasting types of work, at least to the soul: the dentist mowing the grass in the park on a sunny afternoon or herding automatically grass nivelling beasts. On average twenty hours salary should suffice to pay for all you need to eat and drink and cloth and have a place. So called primitive societies not seldom offer a nice place, a complete house to the newly married young couple. They have no banks with mortgages. For a healthy normal person average spending on even luxury food is limited to about fifty dollars a day because the stomach won't let in more or the tongue gets longing for beans. Consumption of beverage hardly exceeds that amount of money. Big spending is only possible permanently if"friends" join to profit or if you have a costly hobby like raising horses. A giant living room plus five bedrooms would be too much to keep clean all by yourself. So if no helping hand is available whom you can command and pay then one's aspirations must be limited. This way of seeing helps to formulate a policy: Ownership should be restricted to what a person can handle while not enslaving others.
The resharing commandment in old Israel never was obeyed fully. People are avaricious and find arguments to escape forbidding law while neglecting positively formulated law such as the caring Ten Commandments. Yet the situation improves, for in modern times the biggest means of gradual resharing is providing good education which opens doors to jobs and incomes. Second are the redistributions via taxing. Still much progress can be obtained: When natural gas is kept low priced so that "everybody can buy it and profit from the gift of nature" rethinking is advisable. For in reality the co-human tramp lies on the cold sidewalk although of course he has a certain right to a warm comfortable place; On airports if travelling by plane it is a basic right to be in horizontal position during nightly hours when off duty. The Hilton clan together with all other hotel managers should see to this. Not to be misunderstood for an acceptable price like what will take a hangmat in a guarded, protected corner. Those who do profit most from low prices for fuel are the inhabitants of big houses. They can burn as much of this scarce product as they want because of the very low price.
What foreign policy proposes the anti-iron candidate? He will immediately get rid of mines, clusterbombs and other anti-personnel stuff that scatters deadly pieces of iron. Next step is to abolish another heavy metal, the uranium used in nuclear explosives. The détente between East and West makes it easy to store a rest of those nuclear devices in a neutral place, guarded by forces big enough for the job and from sufficient different signature than present "owners". Caves in the Norwegian fjords for storing ready atom and hydrogen bombs in order to destroy incoming large meteorites? The Scandinavian countries plus the Benelux together are first candidate to do the guarding job. Posession of nuclear arms other than thus controlled by internationally designed authority may become evaluated as a crime. Recapitulating we have as program for the anti-iron, for the anti-hard way this: the tough leader who manages for own group at the cost of others should disappear and be replaced by directors who stick to their proper task of producing enough of what the world really needs. It may turn out that capitalism cannot survive since it has exploiting character. That should not discomfort too much, for how many years are left before changing to eternity where most presumably capitalism is not even heard of? Next change concerns doing away with unnecessary things like continuing transport of too much iron. This will save a lot of time otherwise spent at that transport. It in turn lessens the desire to become very old for then you'll have more time to enjoy the good things of life and sitting at the window of the elder people's home is neither an attractive prospect nor cheap to society. I won't have said it but then even smoking becomes less threatening since lung cancer takes several decades to develop and before it strikes you may have passed away without an enormous doctor's bill to the heirs. Going around with loads of fat is strictly an individual matter and therefore different from the iron case. So no more attention is paid to it here, except the advise to take a holiday leaving your money at the bank when overweighted.
The European Union originates from an agreement on trade in coal and steel. In 1951 the treaty of Paris was concluded with art 60 confirming that everybody can buy goods and services in the free market for the same low price as offered to others. Limiting conditions were not allowed. The above formulation is not quite as it was put on paper in 1951 because at first the article regarded only the coal and steel sector. But a really free market cannot do without the involved principle and therefore the article must be valid everywhere within the Union. This is confirmed by art 81 + 82 of the Treaty on the European Community, which repeats the guarantee not to suffer discrimination with higher prices than others have to pay. Yet, nonetheless so many persons graduated in law, art 60 is not at all respected when conflict arises with short term commercial interests. KLM disrespects by dumping to selected persons via a travel agency seats to the USA and other destinations, harming honest companies. Complaining about the cheating so far was in vain since the local judges profit from the mischief. Many European railway companies offer cheaper tickets to couples than to individual travellers. Otherwise perhaps those couples might take the car or stay home. The offered seats are not in any way related to personal circumstances of the passengers and transport companies are not to mingle into. There are no lits jumeaux in plane and train. The discrimination can amount to about 500 dollars for a trip from Europe to Japan. If you and me travel together we each pay half price. If you go alone you have to hand over the full amount of the fare. Or stay home. I cannot promise you to go together since I've got other friends.
Next consider the behaviour of big supermarket chains which are eager to get more price reductions from factories and other producers like farmers than corresponds with taken quanta. And excert pressure to that! While the small shopkeeper has to pay full price, looses competition; has to close the door of his shoppy. You are to go to the distant mall, taking a ton of iron with you. Most dirty violation of art 60 is presented by dutch government and perhaps by other regimes as well, which via tax reductions on the rent of mortgages manipulate thus on the house market that well-to-do people pay netto tens of percents less for a same house than persons with a minimum income. That operation is hidden a bit from the naked eye because poorer people cannot afford the bigger houses. But the judges can, profit and still stay out of prison! No politician in the country protests. All of them are corrupt in this way that the important government jobs go to members of political parties only; excluding de facto the remaining 95% of the population. Art 3 of the Constitution in The Netherlands plainly points out that every citizen can be appointed into state service, which implies of course open and honest procedures. Well, these are neglected on purpose by persons having certainly no less intelligence quotient than a hundred. Although not much more often either. So many mistakes are made on governmental and municipal level because the arsenal of capacities is not explored. Only friends or members of the political parties are to do the job but ain't fit for it. Then why in countries like the rotten Holland do other powerful categories of the population not protest? Because the business boys receive tax reductions, amongst others with Stock Exchange papers, and are allowed to limit management training for top positions to own circle. The intelligentsia is surpaid in for life protected positions and from the middle class as well from the lower society regions not much money is transferred to the third world for its products. A westerner on holidays in Indonesia will have heard to negotiate about payment for goods and services and proudly tells at home how he succeeded in doing so. I hate taxi drivers because in Amsterdam they let you pay for their big Mercedes and like to make détours. But in Surabaja quick reasoning in my head learned to pay more to the cab driver than he was asking. A glimpse on his very, very old car sufficed to this. In fact good laws and procedures exist but many are busy to neglect their essence. The more so when a race is going on and the others might overtake you. A fine example of the corruptiveness in Holland and elsewhere at the same time was the nomination of know-nothing but son of dutch queen into the International Olympic Committee. More competent candidates were pushed aside. Imagine that for next race some athletes get better starting position. As if fair play was never heard off, should not reign on every square inch of the Olympic field.
If your doggie has a piss in the Boulder (Colorado) public bus than probably you did not read in time the warning that for bad behaviour up to sixteen years of imprisonment is available. That might turn out to become a lifetime sentence because a dog's life span is generally less. In Las Vegas (Nevada) it is not difficult to get a good dinner. Just enter a gambling house. They 'll have a good, not expensive restaurant to keep you under their roof and not have you walk away towards another for more gambling. How different the situation is in much smaller Statelineborder near mountainlake Tahoo. You order a steak and pay for a steak, but the waitress brings chicken. We call it "country steak" she says. For such cheating there are no laws that forbid or otherwise it is too complicated for fining, since the tresspassing has to be reported to court, etc. etc. Therefore a different solution is suggested to cure deliberate shortcomings, namely the insufficiency tax or -contribution. Applicable automatically when only once p.e. is signalled that the bus company prints too small letters and ciphers on its timetable; when there is no drinkable water but instead a Coca Cola machine in which to insert several bucks; in case of too much talking on the classic music radio; when Mac Donalds and simular fast food chains serve throw aways; when Mac Donalds and simular gangs serve meat while the public would accept cheese, which is more friendly towards animals; when the plane has empty seats not sold for last minute prices (to save energy since a lot of aluminium transport by next flights could be cancelled); and of course when car makers put superfluous iron in their vehicles. Only one, or two or three times neglecting friendly coöperative attitude towards others, including animals, then would result in an automatic contribution or tax to the benefit of society's treasury during the coming months. The pleasant thing is that insufficiency tax should and in most cases will disappear without further involvement of government or other authorities. There is a very wide range in variation of application when insufficiency tax is adopted. Even papers and authors might be due if boring with too many words. Likewise the priest and the more so if not caring for plenty good music and singing by professionals as well amateurs-in-the-church-benches. Already a little threatening with i.t. probably suffices!
How about an insufficiency contribution from Wall Street? The American government is to spread a bit the wealth generated in the country so that all citizens get some though not equal portions. The Stock Exchange is not up to that and the question is: should it be in future? There are participants in the trade of shares that were not foreseen when the business started long ago. Namely the giant pensionfunds, whose managers are not trained and not interested to organize production processes and thus have the total of wealth increased. They try to get most of the profits! Want disturbed sharing to théir advantage! These people decide on enormous sums of capital, which in turn causes that less saying is left over for the real investors who need the money without burdening conditions. Why are the managers of the pensionfunds bad people? Because they take away the capital tool necessary for fast development and do not hand it back without conditions that freign the productive worker. They are more bad because the pensionfunds live on tax reductions. No one will oppose saving for old age, but everybody should dislike that the treasury favours the wealthy by tax reduction on pension premiums. Judges who earn well in many countries adhere to the system because it is profitable to them personally. By available law they can and should be sentenced to some years of imprisonment or hard labour because of the cheating. Wall Street meanwhile might argue that no insufficiency tax need be paid in their branch because there is already sufficient punishment by regular income tax. This raises some other questions and remarks: Firstly several income categories are fixed on wanted netto earnings, like those in the medical world. Basics here is supposed difference in status -partly justified by skill- which should qualify to earn more than the truck driver. Secondly wages could be formed according separate components like amount of worked hours, difficult or easy work, brought in experience or school training, sharing profits. A negative component regards activities destructive to nature. Also to be considered are contributions for insurance and collective matters. Such system is expected to generate nivellation; the extremes in salaries will disappear as well social and diaconal aid. Modern society prescribes insurance against illness and other disabilities to work. While waiting for a job one can be considered to be in "stand by" position with all inherent rights, including renumeration and avoiding dishonouring description. Nevertheless there still would be self made millionaires. They deserve other treatment by society -the pond in which the fish is swimming- and by taxing law than persons who got their fortune by inheritance. Remember to this purpose the law of Jerusalem, which in modern terms can be affectuated by gradual plundering the enclosures of richness that poor Aladdin discerned. Lets have mobilized a thousand economists and sociologists to explore whether taxing mainly is to be attached to received money or to spending it. The latter is done in big part by VAT arrangements, the first is evaded with help of specialists. There are many aspects to be considered at VAT issues. You don't need to agree with me, but I would call a high price for beer due to VAT and related taxing unjustified. Namely one beer is expensive then, while only was meant to make many bears expensive in order to counter drunkness. With wine the problem is futile. Nowadays good wines are produced everywhere for a quite reasonable price. Only the french drink all these themselves and export the bad ones. So it is difficult to get a good french bottle if the shopkeeper who knows about does not favour you. The really expensive wines generate high VAT sums which the rich pay readily as they drink from bottles with famous labels; adding as they should to the treasury, while in reality they hardly notice the difference with nowadays good wines produced for a n affordable price. The beer and wine model is not quite parallel to what is going on in the automobile world. Surely the expensive fast car will have its speed limited by police officers on even faster motorbikes, but the woman besides you notices other differences! She won't be impressed so much by the amount of transported iron as by the number of more or less enslaved people who assembled the thing and who, or mates from the same lower class, would be available to realize her wishes. We get at the topic of two sided contribution in society. Once during the era of gathering and hunting it was normal that everybody joined the meal of freshly prepared T-bones and steaks. There were no fridges to store for the happy few on top of society. There was neither so much distance between genetically almost identical beings who on the contrary today sit respectively in the candle light restaurant and at the table with soup from the Salvation Army. On the other hand we had many ancestors during the long evolution period and very often struggle broke out which the strongest wins. Real fighting for the biggest share seems no option in the 21th century. Analyzing further: idleness of a few rich women will not be accepted. Then what task are they to be given if not already serving the sick or so? There exists kind of freedom to work much or do little. Paying a percentage of one's income as tax certainly may cause persons to become idle and not use their talents. Income is worthless if you cannot spend it, rely on the productivity of others. Spending much generally involves kind of attacking resources which are scarce. Progressive taxing might limit exuberant spending of individuals but what is the government going to do with the money? Saved money, capital of course is to be used to procure, to buy, the technical production facilities from which the individual and society both profit.
In several parts of the world one may feel that man does not belong there; for he spoils so much, which cannot be meant by the Creator. Neither his presence is always necessary in local evolutionary process and will be a big shame when looking back later. Costa Ricans who want to leave their little country and head for Spain should get a warm welcome on the Iberian peninsula with its high, rather arid plateaus in the interior. People are needed there to water the trees after the Spaniards themselves resettled to the coastal areas. Migrated to Spain the five million Costa Ricans soon will be on European income level and shall have great cultural centers like Paris nearby. Enough money is left over to spend a holiday on the edge of the self recovering tropical forest after the homo sapiens left, including the return of ex-Americans who raise cattle for hamburgers as the climate is too warm to get nice steaks. They knew nothing about the treasures of the tropical forest and cut the trees to get yellow grass, kind of hay on the fields. Bangladesh is four times bigger than Denmark and the climate allows harvests in all seazons. But can the 140 million persons there reach sufficient income and spending possibilities to get at western wealth level? Emigration to Australia will be blocked by arms. That little continent consists for the bigger part of desert and semi-desert. In very dry years it can hardly feed own population. Those from Bangladesh won't be welcome either in the rich Borneo sultanate, where oil is changed for sportscars.
It is said that the kingdom of heaven is coming. English is not the right language to have translated the original greek sentence easily. For meant is that this reign is busy coming, was so yesterday and will be alike tomorrow. Read that it becomes visible where people start to behave as citizens of it. How to apply corresponding conduct to the Bangladesh and the rest of the world? In Egypt things grow worse not much less. In the fertile Nile valley live 60 million inhabitants on a Belgium sized number of square kilometers if the desert is subtracted. Wheat is bought and transported from America for a friendly price. In Roman times the country exported such food!
Fascism means to get done what a small ruling part of the population designs to get achieved in the state but which does not correspond to a lawful way. Good law protects the weaker against the stronger, the rich, the mean, the criminal. The other way is not necessary. Fascism needs not aim on personal material gain and differs from capitalism which is adhered to without further ideology. The fascist movement likes stressing good and bad values. The derailing involved can be measured against the Ten Commandmends, the UNO declaration on human rights, many occasional solemn statements and constitutions. Before the word fascism was invented the Amalekites showed fascist behaviour as they attacked the weaker persons and the children who could not walk fast enough to evade and dragged at the tail of the Israelite colonne through the Sinaï desert. King Saul was ordered to redress the balance and wipe out all what belonged and inhered to the Amalekite ideology. But the king saved the better beasts among the cattle and was soft to the Amalekite chief. Then Samuel got order from God, who does not like that His protegees are slaughtered, to announce the end of Saul's ruling. If brown is the colour associated with fascist manifestation then a light brown colours The Hague and so many other capitals. There it is the"we" who decide, who know best, the inner circle in power with unspoken but ever practiced slogan "own people of the party, the elite, the this, that,first". Dutch prime minister belongs to a party with less than 80.000 members. He was not elected by the people, but by the party members. The Head of State should keep law, "je maintiendrai" in french, kick such an anti-democratic person out of office, but does not. Probably too stupid for such a deed, but even more anxious to stay profiting herself. Her grandmother had opium sold at the post offices in the Indonesian colony. That was not for the benefit of the clients. That person did not retreat when before the Second War she was not capable nor willing to organize sufficient resistence against upcoming fascism in neighbour country Germany. In may 1940 she still did not give over her function to a more capable person but Holland deserted from the allied camp. Because the nazis in Berlin threatened with other deeds of terror after the bombing of civilian targets in Rotterdam. Only limited armed German forces had entered the country and could not conquer the so called "fortress Holland", unaccessible to tank forces, which might turn out to become a to Germany dangerous allied base. Recent desertion from Srebrenice is well known, but the responsible persons have not yet been courtmarshalled. Instead one of the prominents now has a commissariate at Shell, which pays very well. The Constitution of the Netherlands clearly describes equal chances for every citizen, but there is no parliament with real representees of the population. There is only a "parliament" with representees of the political parties, which together have less than 5% of the country's inhabitants as members.
All the president's men spend time on favouring the liked friends. That is rewarding to belly and bankaccount; not to the well being of the soul. They make available the energy to do so because "everybody does and otherwise you will experience a draw back". It seems a natural aspectof the homo sapiens' character to raise a border line between the favoured ones of own culture, circle, family and "others", who then cannot have as much of the cake. Fascistoid ideas of "our way is best" are not strange to the mind when power is within reach. The individual person is not excempt to such reasoning and pure egoism may result, become dominative . Evil egoism within every class of society occurs where families get lots of children while it is known and not at all unknown to the grown up members of big families that the resources of Earth are limited; that animals deserve a fair share, that the Pope is wrong in wanting to be boss of a number of believers as big as possible, that they harm and must be ready for corrective punishment. It is the woman who is child bearing and to her comes first responsability. By deciphering genetic material it has become easy to detect the number of children any parent has. So there won't be a problem in applying sanctions by society via its government when a father and mother do not see to it that child number 3 is not arriving because there won't be a place for it unless the Siberian tiger and the whole scala of threatened species are put into cages of the zoos. It does not matter whether women enjoy frequent pleasures from sex, it does not matter what homosexuals do, it is of no importance whether British girls have so many boy friends that at 19 they 've become bitches; the animals don't care about this at all. The European Randstad metropolis with five million inhabitants consists of a ring of cities around a green inner zone with much grassland. Beautiful herds of black and white cattle as well of reddisch colour and pure black cows graze there. One may even discern the lakenvelder with a white middle cloth. To preserve that sight a new railway line is put in a ten miles long tunnel. Nevertheless the farmer there continues to rob the mother cow of her child immediately after the calf is born. Because man drinks the cow milk and there are very many men. The Egyptian mother should realize that many of her children will starve if import of wheat is halted by natural cause, war or decision at the White House. The anti-iron candidate if elected should not continue to keep these mothers in dependant relationship. Therefore he/she has to change the foreign policy. There are plenty of advisers who can assist her. She shouldnot linger either in doing something about the iron clad men who so far have steered the world and brought it into a threatened position. Those coward men who use iron against the respectful animals which have claws only and do no harm to whom staying at a distance. The countries are heavily surpopulated, even the USA, viewed with animal eyes. Certainly there are too many people when society depends on bio-industry to feed them. When the natural balance gets disturbed the responsable parents deserve limitations put on them in moving around, regarding income and access to resources. This shapes the interior policy of the anti-iron candidate. Those of opinion to stay long here and get only later yonder (in hell), meanwhile spoiling the environment, whether disturbing the animal kingdom or using the resources that belong to next generations, cannot be allowed to have the same individual freedom as caring people. It will be often difficult to distinguish between the two kinds, esp. because changing of sides occurs manifold. It may help to give law a more commanding character instead of forbidding only a few items and be confronted all the time with détour routes for evading. More and more forbidding, in an endless way is not to be preferred. So if possible less law focussed to restrict bad behaviour and more rules, preferably "written in the heart", to attain a status of pleasant co-creature. At least part of law has to be reshaped in commanding form like "thou shallt
see to it that every citizen receives a plot of land where he can live and have his home". If trouble looms because of financial aspects to such organisation of property then still restricting law is needed. Anyway it is going the way of resharing, although the speed on this route may vary considerably. Imagine that I got a big part of a local territory and own many houses there. How to stop poor people from occupying the empty houses but with iron, whether fences or bullets? The anti-iron candidate has to tell a different solution and from all other candidates for the presidency in the White House therefore is easily detected.
november 2004
Once the whole territory that now forms the USA was freely accessible to the animal and it could drink wherever Nature provided water. To watch this may have been a real pleasure to God. But now He sees a much different situation and the question arises whether that involves improvement or deterioration. It is necessary to reflect on how Americans will fit better in a balanced landscape. In some areas one finds beautiful high trees surrounding comfortable estates, with dogs, cats and horses having pleasant lives. Yet not far away the opposite is met. What economics cause satisfaction or discontent and revolt, crime to persons, animals and plants? What is the right policy to get more harmony? And who should lead on that route? Can he or she be characterized by a prominent adjective?
At the start of the 21th century the world is dominated by capitalism. That translates into struggle: the fittest tries to get most and often more and more, sometimes almost all. If such at first sight ressembles the social structure in Nature then yet there is one big difference: man is not bound to a certain spot or area which would limit his aspirations. But every region is within reach and the more so when he can use oil without caring to refill depleted wells. So he creates for himself in a rather selfish way a system which is not durable like that of the animal kingdom, which ultimately rests on continuous supply of green food grown with solar light and warmth. Reddish styled communists share opinion with many Republicans that all belongs to man and exploitation of nature is not to be limited. Although they quarrel whether profits should go to the group or to the individual. They do not want to discern that planet Earth endures a plague, namely of destructive surpopulation. OK, even more people could be fed, have a car and enough leisure time to make treks deep into nature as well money for culture, but just look around the corner: there are the sheds of bio-industry. Responsible co-living of men and beasts, creatures that share with us more than 95% of tissue type in the body, is not possible anymore. The spirits before the throne of God will be lamenting all the time because of the injustice and egoism of Adam's descendants. Papers and television spread stimulation to continue taking more. Both at daily personal level by consumption raising advertisements and on the page with the stock exchange results.
Are you ready now for basic economic reforms after a start consisting of using less iron and more brains? Here is a scheme: Today production is aimed on selling and thus provide money to the owner or shareholder of plant or office. Money is nothing else but a claim on things and services from other people. The available amounts are limited. In other words the factories and shops are not manned primarily to get enough for the whole of the population but instead to make changes in ownership of possessions and possibilities that help realize personal wishes. Law and government do not see to it that evenly distribution of wealth is obtained but in practice favour those who are in advantageous positions for grabbing in a capitalistic way. Happily this route is not paved with brutal force like in a slave state, but attracts healthy workers and elsewhere productive consumers by offering them a share. Meanwhile there is no care whether everybody gets enough of that production unless by charity and in a civilized society by social redistribution. This all happens in a context of about forty hours per week that the machines are turned on for the production. Having these go longer would spoil the market prices. Persons who cannot spend enough are excluded from getting a sufficient share. It is no secret that several and sometimes severe shortages persist, on big scale amongst populations of the Third World.
The goal in new economics will be to provide both humans and animals as well plants with what is needed, while extra's to some are not objected if that does not raise conflict. Quoting "La déclaration des Droits de l'homme et du citoyen" (1789): "Differences in material position and status can be based only on general well being of society". Evidently all what is necessary then is organisation of the machines to run for more hours and have them manned in a way that everybody earns. Sadly enough the latter is not quite possible for one needs to be skilled ànd able to bridge the distance to the production site. Therefore governments must intervene and device means for distribution of products . As a working hypothesis is stated that this can be achieved with help of different price tags on a same product: those with sufficient earnings are to pay more than sheer production costs, while the other category, the unproductive poor who have no access to a well paid job in the free labour market, gets things for a reduced price. This is not quite new as taxationin various ways has such effect. the tag then is not at the end product which is allright because otherwise in the same market reselling would occur and confuse the situation. Different price tags preferably are to be placed in separated markets, whether distinct from each other by miles or law regulations like food stamps. It helps when transport costs rise considerably. So a good instrument to this policy is to raise the fuel price artificially by heavy taxing. Automatically this will reduce transports of iron too. Regional prices for own grown and homemade products increase when competition from far away -not seldom in the form of hidden dumping- shrinks. It helpes stabilize with the big city where generally incomes are higher than in the countryside. Usually governments do not obstruct traders from getting the bigger share of profit on agricultural products. The tea leave picker perhaps receives one cent when you buy a cup of tea in the café for one dollar. That basic revenue should be multiplied to at least one third, for only then holidays, social security, the police and school can be paid. Traders love low energy prices as that enables them to move goods around the world to where most profit is expected. If tarifs for shipping go up presumably less variety in kinds of tea from different growing areas around the world will become available in the supermarket. Then on holiday in a far country you may taste a cup you never had before. A much higher price of oil in order to tame the traders is reached by putting a lot of tax on the crude. The stuff is offered still in a competing producer market. The sheiks will get less revenues when total consumption drops and at the same time taxation in the consumer country is raised. That won't be bad; such taxation allows the government to do away with taxing on wages. Lower bruto wages will enhance employment, higher netto wages can be a good method to redistribute purchasing money. Of course Washington should be eager to get extra income for the treasury from taxes on scarce products like oil as this enables financing durable structures. The rich consume more oil products than the middle class and at the bottom of society the amount drops very much. Tax paying should be accordingly. Building new better metropoles with that money renders homes to humans and frees the countryside of too many people, which is benificial to wild animals. The anti-iron candidate presenting a program that fits with the above scheme will not be liked by well paid intellectuals, rich businessmen and share holders. Even not when part of the raised oil tax is used for education and training new top managemers according the described goal of new economics. But the majority of the people may think, reflect and vote diffently than what is advised to them in the campaigns sponsored by wealthy people.
january 2008
How do you like your eggs in the morning? Does one egg suffice to satisfy your appetite? Did you take care not to buy eggs from bio-industry? A chicken there on average gets the space of an A 4 sheet of paper only. Perhaps those who lock the animals inside and do not respect the Ten Commandments which prescribe to allow sabbath, strolling around at leisure in a natural environment, perhaps their souls will be locked in the graves beside the rotting body while not able to shut the nose from the stench. A calendar can be drawn with the names of rulers in the almost 200 states the world is divided into. There should be registered whether they do badly or try to achieve something benificient with their power. The UNO is not to mingle with internal statal affairs, but there exists the UNrepresented Peoples Organisation to bother about those affairs. It needs bigger headquarters, something like a palace, to obtain more status and then play a bigger role. At its Round Table quarreling and fighting political and religious factions may discuss and search for solutions of their problems. Less military peace keeping will be needed then. The headquarters may be shaped in the form of an ark like Noah had and could be built in old Amsterdam or other city. Because the UNO fails in the cases of Tibet, Papua, Basque country and others this UNPO firstly has to stress that in the present century it is illegitimate to suppress peoples and nations which claim to govern themselves. Of course new independent countries are bound to certain limits in regard of deploying sovereignity as neighbouring states should not be harmed. This is evident for any country. More will be on the agenda because help can be provided to correct abusive justice and deliver programs of development. To get the picture some analysis is tried about Indonesia below and please take the looking glass yourself.
Indonesia was composed in the early 20th century by a foreign power which originally sailed here for trade. In many regions of the archipelago it met hierarchies with rich elite at the top of society's piramide and near-slaves at the bottom. Only in underdevelopped areas existed kind of solidarity between the humans with sufficient rights for each individual on a share of what became available in the community. The rulers of the hierarchies fought among each other to enlarge their sphere of influence at the cost of several lives. Next the Dutch overruled whatever they did not like with both desirable modernities and gunpower when in Europe the minds turned to colonialism. The better part of the latter often was a leap forward by the ancient regimes of local chiefs and princes due to introduction of new techniques which raised economic output. Worse was that the lower classes did not gain much as the profits went to the foreign power and the regional elite. The sons of the Indonesian upper class visited school and university together with the Europeans, which raised a sense of equalness, also regarding handling the grand statal affairs. The Second World War came rather unexpectedly and other strangers, the Japanese excerted their power. As they realized that their expansive war was lost the Japanese found Sukarno, educated on colonial institutes, ready to take over. This person could not wait for a gradual transition with interests of all Indonesian islands and populations secured and well represented but preferred to listen to radicals out for own power and not shy of unnecessary violence. Misled individuals joined and many got killed in fighting with the again superior army of the old colonizer The Netherlands. This European country came out of the Second World War as a robbed, very poor nation and wanted funds from colony Indonesia to reach again the wealth of the twenties. Half a century later interpretation could be that the greedy Indonesian politicians should have had a coöperative attitude with the Dutch, because first their home country needed help and later it became rich. The Dutch got spiritual evolution which would led to harmonious independance of Indonesia plus transfer of wealth to it. Namely the middle and lower classes in The Netherlands would have enforced such. Not so much by transfer of money, although old age pensions would be financed mainly from the European partner, but especially by assistance to raise national productivity in Indonesia, which from itself is a rich country. At the end of Sukarno's regime he turned to war against Malaysia; next hundreds of thousands communists and others were massacred while he was head of state. Also, out for prestige, not caring for the lives of Indonesian soldiers who were dropped as guerillas, he tried to conquer Papua but failed. The Dutch there were no colonizers but spent money to help the population to independance, which enables own choice of friends and allies and coöperation. By the way no need to say that there was and is something rotten in the state of Holland. Former queen Wilhelmina treated Indonesians as second ranked persons, had opium sold on the post offices, was totally unable to take available protective measures against nazi expansionism and probably was not aware of the meaning of the word "dutch" or diets. It denotes the people, regardless of religion and ethnics, considering everybody as equal citizens like in the theory of old Rome and repeated in the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages. Her successors were no less incapable but served for the evil elite to keep the hierarchical society in shape. Next to this purpose will fit a person who with elbows manoeuverd a far more capable candidate away from the IOC to take seat there himself. As if not on every terrain of the Olympics fair play is an absolute condition.
History took a different course than optimal and just like in the pre-colonial and colonial days there now is an elite in Indonesia which tries to take all. The peasants and those migrating to the big cities because of overpopulation stayed poor. The country shows the classic example of aan egoistic and egocentric upperclass. One sees big new expensive four wheel driven cars of the elite on roads full of holes overtaking old buses in which the poor are packed. Not liked is spending money on construction of new railways with comfortable trains in which passengers of first, luxury, second, third and economy class all arive at the same time. Little foreign currency is need to that purpose and less money would go abroad to foreign car makers and to own oil sjeiks. Trains in which also tourists can enjoy the mountains and volcanos of Sumatro and Celebes. The president of the republic is not capable or does not want to change and therefore he is marked negative on the calendar of rulers. He blocks the way to someone who would be a good head of state, who also tames the military. Of course it is well known in Indonesia that society can become really prosperous from bottom to top within a few years if the rich stop spoiling by taking the resources and spend foreign currency on luxury. The well-to-do have incomes on European level but pay the maid and the cleaner and the riksja driver with the three times undervaluated rupiah. Every citizen of the country is a millionaire measured to the rupiah which inflated in a gigantic way due to the bad conduct of the upper class. Meanwhile one should notice that poverty would be absent in Indonesia if people behaved less egocentric and avoided surpopulation. Today the Indonesian has no other desire than to keep power and money while the rest of the population serves, at the bottom almost in slavery state. Then what has changed during the last centuries? Now change should come soon.
In Toradja-land on Sulawesi like elsewhere the parents give their children a motorbike. Not books for the spirit and a bike for the body. The boys like those motos and drive along the asphalted roads. They do not much go into the forest or on the fields anymore. Later they become betjak drivers with five of them on each corner of the street waiting for a client. However the rich send their sons to universities to have their brains trained and become able to continue present situation of affluent possibilities for their aristocratic class. Yes, the president himself has a library of seventeen thousand books and urges people to read. But people prefer to watch the diverting television programs and chat through their mobile phones; thus they are happy. Occasionnaly they hear their leaders talk about unity, religious zeal and so on and agree with the bosses that Papuas, Atjeh people, Dajaks and Toradjas are not to handle own affairs. That would mean less shipping of money to Java and Jakarta. It is said that the noise in the streets to which contribute the motorbikes a great deal with very low frequencies have deafened a quarter of the population to a frowned up degree.
Do we live in a global world regarding basic values as liberty and income? Presently there is a difference of more than a thousandfold between some rich and the poor in the USA. These categories do not mingle, do not eat from the same table, do show little brotherhood as is teached in the protestant church and in the catholic one too. Jesus did not reside in a mansion or at the Hilton. Remember where he was born: in or near a city with an upper and middle class that provided no shelter for Josef and Maria. If such people with nice houses and lots of chairs in it promise you that they will take care of your interests when electing them then it suffices to remember birth of Jesus. Father Christmas is a friend of rich thieves but the very poor he leaves to Christ. The Belgian scientist Joost Defoort wrote that property causes many handicaps to others. The owned things are not to be used by other people and if so the police will be called. Armed men carrying deadly guns will maintain the status quo. The upper class in fact makes law and is not ready to harm own interests. On the contrary these will be favoured and yours will be neglected if you don't belong to them. Perhaps they promise to raise your salary with a few percents, but they won't forget to raise theirs also with a few percents, which in absolute terms are a few dollars respectively a lot of the green stuff. Santa Claus is not exactly of the saint type as he gives to own family and friends. Not to the really poor except for show like the pharizee. Capitalism is contradictory to the main commandments on serving God: pay care to His created world and regard the neighbour as an equal being not to be dominated by money or with law. Staying lazy and as a rich person consuming what others produce is not in accordance with a social community. Even millionaires therefore have to work, including sweat on humble tasks like cleaning of public environment. Are religious Jews followers of Christ, though at a distance because they still don't want to see him? It seems so because in fact most of Jesus teaching is valued and obeyed by them. The protestant vision about Christ is changing because the Jews teach that God forgives without demanding something in return except a devoted heart. Then Christ is the lamb loaded with sins and sent into the desert to perish there because many people like Thomas cannot believe without a token. Perhaps it fits with God's justice that Jews stay behind a little after having been blessed so much in the past. The question is what do they expect from a still to come Messiah? That cannot be nicer cars, neither slaying of Palestinians. To understand best about religion one should learn the language of the gods, which is impossible to homo sapiens.
Scientists cannot find the answer on the famous question of First Cause. Our brain is not fit to imagine this and as we are dependant the first cause has aspects of godly, above our dimensions, arrangement. The Bible is written to tell that the godly intelligent presence is friendly to us. It or He cannot appear on television because such would rob us of choice to believe or not and turn us into kind of robots. Likewise pain and suffering may be necessary for spiritual ripening. The Russian Vasily Yanchilin has developped a new theory on our universe in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003) which undermines Einstein's general theory of relativity and in fact outdates it, shows it is invalid. The Russian scientist explains gravity as a pure quanum mechanical effect, while assuming the hypothesis that the propagation speed of electro-magnetic waves depends on the potential of the total mass of the universe. Einstein did not believe that the speed of light is totally independent of anything else and assumed constancy of it only as a working hypothesis in a time that quantum mechanics still had to be born. The general theory of relativity gives appreciable results only when factors vary little. However the special theory of relativity stays valid if understood thus that the speed of light is independent of observers and their motion. That is logical when it depends on the total mass of the universe. This potential was very high in the past as the universe was concentrated and expands since. Towards the "edge" of the cosmos that speed becomes zero and everything looses properties like movement and direction. Notice that at the Big Bang mass was concentrated far more than in a black hole. In Einstein's general theory time decreases near big masses and comes to a stilstand at a black hole. This is contradictory to the supposed events at the Big Bang. Yanchilin argues that near big masses that speed of electromagnetic waves increases. He describes gravitation by assuming that small particles like the electron appear and disappear discontinuously within a sphere of Heisenberg relationship. The sphere expands gradually but shrinks to almost a point when the electron is hit by a photon. After which expanding again. For better understanding I call those appearances iets, so the name electron can be reserved for the sphere. Within that sphere at the side nearer to an outer big mass time goes faster and more iets will appear here than on the opposite side farther away from the outer mass. As a consequence the whole sphere, the electron, moves towards the other, the outer mass. It is "attracted" by it. Namely a majority of iets appears in the half of the sphere closest to the outer mass while within the sphere they have to stay spread at random. Now imagine a pre-Big Bang situation with only iets, the discontinuous appearing and disappearing of unspecified elementary things that can form matter like that of the electron and perhaps also functioning in electro-magnetic waves as pushes which transport energy without proper displacement of mass. Compare falling domino stones. If one or more Initiatives from Outside intervene in that ocean of iets kind of multiple Big Bang may occur. Inflation theory ain't necessary anymore. Just like a photon hitting the electron-iet does shrink the sphere, which is the hull of the electron manifestation, to almost a point that Initiative could create the beginning of our present world in a very compact form. This is the latest theory on the early history of the universe. As a hypothesis it gives work to scholars. Our modern minds cannot accept ancient Greek thinking that things turn round and round in eternal repetition The universe has no begin or end in their vision.
When one reflects on his role in the created world there is psalm 100: serve the Lord. It means controll own aspirations and search God, the Creator and Chief. Is being rich and influential bad? That generally is not well if these are intertwined, for then those without have to obey what is dictated with the green notes or told by the police. Influence should be steered to good programs for society. It is difficult to take away the money from rich people and nobody can do such in the right proportions. Therefore the role of money in daily life has to be shrunken in a different way. Limits on spending can be introduced and were practized through distribution. Art 1 of the UNO declaration on human rights tells that we are born free and as equals. This article needs material adding like that everybody has a right to a minimal place for dwelling or staying without others profiting from this against his will. Here are meant parasites, not the carpenter who delivers a real contribution or the community that has constructed a road to the houses. At elections do not vote a person with substantial higher income than yours; do not support a candidate who belongs to a superior income category, for he or she is not at all likely to descend to your level of available amount of money for spending. Although before the day of election nice promises will be made in practice later nothing else but continued big difference in thickness of the wallets results. This translates in more arm reach of the richer, sometimes oppressing the poorer, anyway limiting the latter fellow. If there are no candidates yet who belong to your own income class, who probably will serve your interests best, then at elections fill in the name of a person willing to stimulate social-economic fairness. Of course he or she must be not already much wealthier than you. Talk around to find such persons because papers, radio and television are mainly in the hands of the elite. Use Internet to communicate, help making programs. Then choosing at election day not from the presented list with candidates who live in a class one or more higher than you do and filling in a name of a non-official candidate your vote becomes invalid. If such happens with several millions of votes, with tens of millions of votes, with perhaps a majority of the votes then it cannot stay hidden. It becomes clear what people want: a person elected to serve their interests best and such is not done by people with higher incomes, whether received from business or from the university. When from the elections results a high percentage of votes on various candidates, need not even have US nationality, who were not official candidates presented by existing political parties - which often show aspects of criminal organisations- then next a referendum or new elections have to take place in a democracy to get government and representees. The referendum on main topics grants the right on participation in counceling and decision making on main topics, after which a subjugated parliament, Congress, takes care of working out and daily controll. There is your chance if you do not belong to the upper class, to the wealthy elite, the highly salaried intellectuals, for changing America. Thus a more social House of representees will reside in Washington and capitalism shall be kicked out. Productivity shall be aimed at rendering what is needed and not be done in the first place for profits to a happy few. Jobs will be shared thus that everybody at least during part of the week can use all his or her talents and so the nation reaches a maximum of wealth and welfare. Which of course is to be shared with other countries in the global world.
Mankind differs in type of muscle. In West-Africa high percentages of fast twitch muscle occur, which makes fit for sprinting. East-Africa is known for the marathon runners who have a high percentage of slow twitch muscle. The rest of the world is somewhere between. One cannot change the percentage in the body of fast and slow twitch muscles, but possible is by specific training to get the cells of a chosen muscle type bigger. This causes a shift from "west" to "east" or in the opposite direction. Coulour of skin is far less important than the muscle type since the latter determines to a large degree your activity pattern. Our brains have millions of cells of which a big part is not used by many people and presumably by no one. So heaven, which formerly was place of rest with harp music like now tropical islands with nice breaches are attractive, might be a situation in which the practiced intelligence quotient is raised to several hundreds, enough to cure illness and choose a nice body. Of course in religion heaven means being near to God and the reign of heaven is coming wherever people start to behave like citizens of it. An exercise for the brain is reflecting on how information from the outside world comes to it. Westerners receive much via the eyes while in situations with less written information the ears are very important. The first impression on the actuality screen inside the brains is rather vague and in "black and white". Coupling to the memory makes the picture more clear. Next thinking can happen on the question whether to visit the Chinese museum and selecting a museum in China or one with Chinese art. Free choice gets involved but analysing it seems to be the result of addiction and subtraction of better and worse alternatives. That 's what one needs to elect the anti-iron candidate.
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