vrijdag 1 februari 2008
second part Lucifer
3rd stage
sunrise on the right
star sky on the left
778 - 839 skipped
Luciferists, marching, dancing like American Baptists 19th century:
Oh brothers, asking what went wrong
It 's Gabriel coming along
He 's trumpeting a strange command:
to slave for Earth on its demand
Did we wrong, did we cheat, did we fail
that such dust, that such junk, that such tail
gets God's eye, gets us sunk, gets the hail?
Nominated only recently
as pillars firm. And decently to
God's court we serve
But not valid seems our contract
Our Creator lessens contact
This disturbs our nerve
Angels, there's no longer sunshine in our life
Adam's triumph equals a flower cutting knife
Why are former rights now suddenly denied
Gone 's our future, morning generates a night
Are you upset?
Upset on Gabri's message?
Upset at God's decisions?
This looks like madness
Who dares criticize God,
who thinks himself in a situation to have
negative comment on the orders from above?
We are bound to respect what God makes law
as He is just to do so and has to be
glorified for it
Protest means breaking the seal of the Highest One
Obeyance pleases the Lord of the Cosmic
Empire more than music on your instruments, even
sound it almost devine, more than gifts of sweet
odour on your altars
You are not created to rule. Then be not so
proud and not concerned on your status
Please, fellow brothers, stop your complaining
and be willing to accept the weight
of the Supreme Command
You had better say
the weight of erring ants
If God arranges it thus
you have to go their way
Give us reason and explanation
that we will become of second rank
Your impatience is hurting
But our spirit is harmed
We hold to the rights that were granted us
What is god
always will be above that
skipped 882 - 926 + 928, 929
Change in God's will is cause of present tumult
Equal distribution of God's good things
would fit best to the Upper Ruler
skipped 931 + 932
The breathing beings should thank Him
who in diversity creates
If some are thick and others slim
that not be subject of debates
One Power all has sorted out
made not the composition grey
but called for voices soft and loud
directed each to have own way
The turqoise shouldn't ressemble jade
and odours not all please the nose
Some stars stay brilliant, others fade
Are n't multicoloured man and rose?
Disturb variety is bad
Who wants to surely can be missed
It even holds for gay and sad
Both pain and luck are to be fished
955 - 1030 skipped
The youngest born steals the crown and the blessing
The oldest one is sent away with empty hands
He is marked a slave by the Divine
Majesty in response on his obediance,
his love, his loyalty
That sparks anger
that calls for revenge
that raises justified hate
towards man who should be
drowned in his own blood
before he attacks and overruns the
position of us, angels
and gets us move in fear of his whip
Is n't he already practizing with the animals
down there below?
Lord Beelzebub, find us a leader who prevents
our fall, we are ready to follow the
banner that symbolizes our rights
1046 skip 1291
It now has come
that angeldom
is split apart
forgot its start
A sword in hand
stands up each band
But there 's no gain
by brothers slain
To chaide is none
concile be done
Tumult and toil
the Reighn will spoil
Oh, sons of State
why choose such fate
The schism renders the Angels people wandering.
Their visions get blinded from uncertainty that rises with the cry for steadiness and secure positions in a changing world.
God, their beakon is out of sight and tribulation on its way. Union must give in for personal success.
Their wealth in the magnificent heaven suppressed old feelings of happiness that were generated by partaking in community. Then greed got its chance. Greed as a seed of war in these thus far so peaceful skies plenty of royal gifts.
All that greed will take
is of little sake
though it sets on fire
nation and empire
But it burns the soul
turning things to foul
Ain't there a protector
acting as corrector?
1330 - 1381 skipped
Uriel, bring me the lightning,
my harnass, helm and shield;
unroll God's flag
Blow the horn, awake the regiments
Take weapon, all God's soldiers
and hurry to your posts and man the flights
The harness fits you
like you were born to it
Here comes the banner with God's name
that promises you victory
Here come the lieftenants, sworn
to the banner
Be courageous General Michael, you will
conduct a righteous war
1398 + 1399 skipped
other side of the stage
Our army, is it ready?
It wants to attack
And under your leadership destroy
Michael's forces
We wait for your order, Lucifer
Then we'll deploy our wings and raise our arms
We'll sweep away the air from under the enemy wings and when he falls
we'll catch him in chains
How many are we?
Our number is growing, from all sides and spheres
reinforcement is coming in to form a mass of blinking steel
I think one third of heaven's population has chosen our side already, if not half
Michael's wave is ebbing. From all hierarchies Cherubins, Archangels,
Seraphins turn their back to Michael
And down on Earth the green of Paradise is loosing colour like
autumn is ahead with its decay
Above the heads a dark cloud has constituted
a sure sign that indicates our advantage
The Luciferists have to make a start only
to get the crown on their head
That sounds better to me than Gabriel's trumpet
Listen all ye brave to what we have to say
In short: You know how far we are yet
We have protested openly and clearly
We have disapproved the measure of the Head of heaven
We have committed ourselves to maintain our position
and to submit not
We thus resist and it would be foolish
to think that the other side will
do as if nothing has passed
What we have done and are up to is not cause for amnesty
So nothing rests but to assemble power
and without looking back defend our banner
under my leadership. Till we reach
a free State of Angels after harsh battle
May come what is due,
just be couragious in unsad mood
Our souls are made of eternal stuff
that even almighty power cannot destroy
If you march eagerly and use your strength
in the collission with the enemy army
and will be triumphant
then tiranny will disappear
to make place for a free state
A Free State in which Adam nor his sons will bind you
with a necklace to labour for them
If you follow me as Head of your liberation movement
that knows not of an everlasting copperstrong and heavy juich
then repeat unanimously and in harmony
the oath to the Morning Star
We swear both to God and Lucifer
Attention, there comes Rafael from Above
He is upset and full of pity
He holds a white flag and wants to mediate
in order to save your heads
Governor, spokesman of the Divine Authority
What swept you from the trail of obedience
Are you to oppose the Creator
who made you as you are,
so splendid in all respects
Did you open your mind to doubt,
is your loyalty no longer guaranteed?
I hope not so but I am desolate
and while embracing you my face is
whiter than pale
Honest, just Rafael!
My joy, my desire, please hear to me
Speak, anytime and on anything
Be gentle, Lucifer, take care of yourself
and do not put on a harness against me
For your sake tears prop up in my eyes
I come with medicine for the evil that has
overtaken you, with ointment of mercy
from God who put you on the governor's seat
What madness is it that brings you out of senses?
You, who was crowned with unequalled gifts of beauty,
wisdom and popularity
And had none shortage of diamonds, gold or the scepter
Would you forsake your loyalty and throw your honour and your authority
to become companion of dragoon and griffion?
Throw away that rebel banner, put off that harnass and lay down the ax
Put down, put down the arms and fold your wings before God
takes away the cushion of your throne
and you fall down to where is misery,
death, dispair and not ending repent
Dear Rafael
I deserve neither threat nor anger
My heroes are sworn in to God and Lucifer
No matter what is said I fight
to maintain the divine Declaration
as it was before Adam saw daylight and the sun awakened his paradise
No man will sit on angels' shoulders
No angel will be man's footbank
His neck will not wear the slave band
unless we're kicked out of heaven
I stand for this holy justice. I am urged to
by thousands of complaining tongues
Go and report this to the Father
whom I serve
Oh Governor, do not try to give your thoughts a cover up
Do not deny your aim which is feeding your greed
Your talking makes it appear even more horrible. I am stunned
Oh Morning Star that got lost, you cannot
cheat God who knows everything
What greed. Was I somewhere short to fullfill my duty?
What 's in your heart going round?
"I want to climb the top, nevertheless
the clouds, and there be an equal of God
All will be dependent on me
and I will choose how to distribute the
good things or withhold those"
Cover your face and bow. Avoid to strive for more power
How do you mean. Is n't it me the Governor?
You are, in the name of God
And how long? Till king Adam puts us aside?
If the Supreme Ruler wants to give him power
then let it be
Lucifer: That is an invitation to sharpen this ax
for your own neck. Reckless you are!
Think of where we are. In heaven
envy, hatred, greed and proudness cannot exist
Need not simulate that something else is at stage. I would like to
hide these shameful things
but I cannot
Lucifer, where has gone your aura
My aura has been given to Adam
I am no longer the heir
skip 1572 - 1582
If only men and angels were given the same status
That would have been bearable
But now the flame of rebellion is unleased
To keep man off is to resist God
How can God's heart be called big
when He humiliates the one He gave the
biggest scepter. When He robs one's fine well-being
It is taking away the chair where one
wants to repose in his rightfull seat
Better were it not to have lived at all
Not to be surpasses rejection a thousand times
The shade doesn't know the sun and does
not miss her warmth but what was
enlighted and then looses must be called damned
Stick to your job and task
Why fortify yourself with iron?
The iron is for defense
We only want to be free, is such not allowed to us?
Victory in civil war is not victorious
It is lamentabel when brothers are overwon
For our sake, for God's and because
of His punishment, oh, please Governor,
make your regiments retreat
Michael's army is nearing already
So stop your mad campaign
What use in that
Even if one thinks it over and over
there is no door to conciliation
I assure you, I'll be hostage
To darken the Morning Star
To dwindle and see my enemies
take possession of my office!
Lucifer!, fuck off, I see
hell longing for you. Will you,
the most perfect of all God's creatures,
be a voluntary prey of eternal fire?
God forbid! Please, I beg you
I don't know if any creature
was ever such a looser as I am
On one side there is faint hope,
on the other terror frightens
To win is most difficult
to be beaten seems likely
It is a hazard to go into battle when
Gods banner is on the other side
How far away we are now from our duty
Quarreling and trying to change the law
Hurting the majesty of our rich Father
and devalue His blessings
I am rebellious towards my Creator
How can I make that all right?
No, we have gone too far. Things cannot
be made undone. What should we do?
What advise should be followed?
There 's no time left. There 's left only a moment
of time which is not sufficient when the
question regards salvation
or be damned
It 's too late, minor punishment for what we
did has no solid ground
Hope is gone. I hear the trumpet
Lord Governor There 's no time for reflection
General Michael is coming with his regiments
We must take our positions and attack
The battle will be ours
You speak too early
Battle and war are serious business
Michael looked frightened
We are in the mood to destroy
Follow the banner
He was not so sure anymore
Now despair takes him at hand
The Archangel brings himself and all his people
to misery
Never again he will be allowed to appear in the joyful palace
unless Divinity's heart speaks
Prayer may break a heart of diamond stone
Our Father who prefers the way
of kneeling down and silent pray
above all gold and songs on tray
Thy creature though with harsh mischief
comes near in trust and with belief
to lay before Thee joy and grief
Thou has watched this Morning Star
who climbed so proud the warrior car
For greed he 's blind, now high and far
he wants to be with God at par
Retain him from his fall
and stop who heard his call
to rule and conquer all
as if our size 's not small
Be merciful and quit
this Lucifer whose wit
is to be crowned
while Thou art downed
Oh Lord do not permit
that such fine soul stays split
but cure his mind
Thine heart he find'
1708 - 1940 skipped
4th act, epilogue
in spotlight
1710 -1940 skipped, but projected on screen a resumé:
Lucifer mounted on his warrior car
of gold metal with the wheels sed with red precious stones
A lion and a dragoon draw Lucifer's car
to the middle of his army which was
positioned in the form of the rising moon/of a rocket
The lion roared and teared
The dragoon spit fire and smog
while beside the car Hydra shot out its
tongue filled with poison
and Lucifer raised the ax to cut down
the banner with God's name, that went in
front of Michael's army, positioned in a triangle
Then lightning strikes Lucifer
who tumbles backward out of
his car that is smashed into a thousand pieces
and with it sink the half moon/terror spreading soldiers
(note: In the author's time the Turks went for Vienna)
When noon has gone and evil night comes near
the sun sinks down, its golden rays then disappear
Alike while tumbling glamour has quit Lucifer;
his skin turns red, the hairs to rotten fur
That once mild face gives way to frightning jaws
Caressed the hands so kindly? Now they 'r steel proof claws
Where once the stern spread sympathy stiff horns grow out
The diadem is lost and mud with tar is caught
Inside with curses, shameless and destructive
the character to death becomes productive
Living the life for sake of have and get
the senses spoil and cheat as one is far from God
It is the consequence of reaching to the crown of God
How went Apollion?
When he saw that the tide was not favourable
he fled. He fled when the Morning Star went down. And everybody fled
Lightning and thunder rolled over them
and turned them into monsters. They ran
They were hunted downward
It was a shower raining fallen angels, clearing the sky
How sweet to our ears was the sound of this rain
They ebbed down for our flood powered by God
We marched on and hit and did away
what was left, what was not hurrying enough in flight
Wildly, bereft of angel body and heading for hell
they barked, and roared and shouted
and cried outrageous in disgust of hell's features
I hear triumphant Michael who comes to show the victory
The chorus greet him with music and singing
Harp and trumpet announce his parade
Green leaves are spread out on the road while the
flute is playing a heavenly melody
Blessed be the hero
who counters evil might
stops it in flight, dares feroce fight, stands for what 's right
and kicks the bandits out of sight
Michael managed
to keep God's banner high
Though they were sly, stuck to their ly, went for the try
Now all are sent to hell and fry
Justice yields honour
For peace it is a must
Only what 's just values for trust, tops upon lust
though mercy creates beauty's crust
Sing all ye angels
disharmony has gone
Each echelon thanks for what 's done, praise in bon ton
It 's God who fought for us and won
Praise to God; heaven's state has changed. The enemy is slain;
his banner conquered. The star on the morning sky has a new master as well as many
others that twinkle like clapping the hands, jubilant of the triumph and giving testimony
that misbehaviour nor greed, which cause rebellious state of mind,
can last
Not anymore a mist of brutal ungratefulness will dim the light and brilliance
coming from His Majesty, the Creator of all things and
beings, natures and capacities
The enemies tremble and wander into utmost lowness, horribly deformed
That 's the way it ends for those who storm the throne
That 's the way it ends for those who storm the throne
and try to punish man in whom God's soul is shown
Woe, Woe, Woe, how things have turned
Why feasting! The triumph is in vain
No use to show triumphantly the conquered banner,
the enemy's conquered banner
What do you say, Gabriel?
Nothing but that Adam has fallen
The father, the root of the human race
has been brought down in a most miserable way
and without a moment of respite
His position is perfectly horizontal now
Such is thunder in my ears
My heart is unwilling but my brain
wants to hear about this defeat
That dedainful Lucifer has
mixed in with Earth, has n't he?
After the battle he gathered the remnants,
adressing himself first to the
lieftenants among his followers,
though these disgust each other now
for what they look like
He called for revenge and said:
"You, who so proudly did your best for our just cause
and have suffered such dammage;
it is time now to put hate towards heaven
as that stays to its preference for the human race
Catch this race in its craddle, before it becomes strong
and will take possession of its heritage
My aim is to spoil Adam's future and that of his children
I know how to saddle him up with such heavy
breaking of law that body and mind will be poisoned
and he'll never be able to sit in the reserved
chair that belonged to us
Misery without end will be on Adam's trail,
hard labour and suffering, followed by death in all
the world. Nature will be disrupted and long for not-being.
I see before me already the human become
the opposite of God's image. His will, his memory,
his reasoning, the given gentleness, it all will be
affected and disfunction
Weeping will be normal at mid-day;
from his mother's bossom he will be on the way to the mouth
of inevitable Hades
I will stimulate tyranny, increase it in brutality
And you my sons will be sitting
as princes in the churches, on the altars
up to the roof and take your shares
So much will it cost
my crown to Adam"
Dirty, damned creature, still provoking God?
It won't be long before we teach you another lesson
After his speech Lucifer immediately
sent Belial to obtain the fall of man
Belial knows what to do and takes the
shape of a snake, the slyest among all animals
With a few words only the snake, winding
itself around a branch of the tree of
knowledge, tackels the most innocent person,
"Did God restrict your freedom, are you
not allowed to taste the sweet fruit of the
best amongst all trees?
Dear Eva, that cannot be so; just look
at this apple: it is glowing from gold and red
colours, inviting to taste a king's food
My sister, there's no harm in joining
enlightment, don't be afraid of wisdom
like God is familiar with. May-be God would like
to keep it all for himself and does not want
that others understand about things and play with
these as they like
I think you should eat the fruit
and I promise that you will feel much better then
and more free"
That 's enough to raise Eva's heartbeat
and her longing for the forbidden fruit increases
as it is offered so kindly to her eye and
her mouth, which sighs deeply
Then desire moves to the hand
The arm stretches out and the fingers take
So she takes and tastes and has
Adam joined, to the bewilderment
of her sprouts
Their eyes open and they see
their nakedness. They cover themselves with
leaves for they are ashamed
They feel shame and hide in the shadow
But don't become invisible to God
The sky darkens, is the rainbow sign of
coming plagues? They run but fear and
anxiety accompany them. Even a dropping leave frightens them
Chorus talking:
Man shouldn't have been shaped to man, but
stay an ape
Then greed would 've been
restricted to fruit
and not evolve to a rape
of what belongs to God
God thunders:
"Adam, what have you come up to!"
But Adam says that Eva is more guilty and
Eva says that the snake is the most guiltiest
You know what must follow
and Uriel is sent to drive Adam and his Eve
out of Paradise
Yet God has a solution
and His promise is trustworthy:
Salvator who will crush the biting snake its head
For guilt of mankind that from seduced Adam spread
bring God's redemption in due time and then unlock
to Eva promised Greater Eden for your flock
We count the ages and the years, yeah day and hour
till your fine grace appears and Nature shall reflower
As then the bodies and the souls in your house dwell
and stand around the throne from where those angels fell
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