zaterdag 29 december 2012


                       a Sinaï solution
The gap between the richest and poorest citizen of the USA is fifty billion dollars wide. Such is not what the american people want. Then it must be Congress that is responsable. How can the president in the White House act on the international scene for the good of the world population if at home relations are a mess due to that gap?
In South Africa under the present regime a six stars hotel was opened in Cape Town, a city which wants to be described as cultural capital. Most of the shops there belong to millionaires and share holders who pay little to the employees. There is almost no social contact between the rich and the poor. In fact a class society emerges along english (aristocracy) and american (money) models. The Boers and the black people on the contrary had consensus societies; just like the american ideal. Those black people for the most came from Westafrica originally, where the fast twitch muscle type is dominant. The best sprinters are found here while on the eastern side of the continent high percentages of the slow twitch muscle type enable for the marathon. The muscle type is more important than colour of the skin for daily activity. The Boers working all day thought the blacks were lazy and refused to share with them. They did not know about fast twitch muscles making behave like a one hour hunting lion that sleeps the rest of the day. The religion of those Boers did not allow them to be racists. So they invented that the blacks were foreigners, belonging in "thuislanden", homelands. The whites took the best and bigger parts of the land, quite humanly. Presently the english language is favoured in South Africa; this helps to get people accustomed to class society. And accept it.
Do small states like Holland better than the USA and South Africa? Amsterdam is a haven for companies that evade taxation in the Third World. Meanwhile charity and development aid raises a stream of money in the opposite direction, but compensating only about a quarter of what is lost. The cunning lawyers on the Amsterdam Zuidas business center even are proud of this stealing to the profit of western shareholders. The Netherlands got a piramidal society which favours big corruption. You need friends to get one of the better jobs; there ar seldom open, honest sollicitation procedures accessible to everybody. The man in the street stays silent because he profits from exploiting the Third World and animals in bio-industry.
There is also a country called Israel. With very old laws like: "thou shalt not want the ox of thy neighbour" For he needs it to plough". Otherwise there won't be harvest from his land. Multinationals try to get all oxes in their stable. Another Commandment is to allow sabbath to animals under human controll, roaming around at leisure in a natural environment instead of being locked in sheds of the bio-industry. The corner of the field (its products) belongs to the stranger; today also to the wild animal. And great resharing of production means should take place every fifty years in order to give the looser a new chance but especially to provide youth with equal starting positions. Forty stands for a full period, p.e. a prisoner is entitled to freedom then because man changes. So resharing only after fifty years is quite lenient and all the above old laws have to be obeyed in present Israel if sticking to its character. This must be stressed in international negotiations; a righteous solution for problems with Israel's neighbours then may come forward.
Due to foreign agression the israeli nation was not boss in own territory for two thousand years. A nation has certain rights like individuals have. The arab palestinians did not form any nation, but were living within a turkish domain and could migrate to best places. Arabs and israelis claim to be descendants of Abraham. He would not like his children quarrel and fight. In his time what belonged to the deity had to be thrown into the fire, offered. Abraham was to acknowledge that not he was master over his son Isac. Neither are political or religious leaders over youth; they shall not push them to terroristic suicide. All ended well with Isac or from Above individual liberty was confirmed. Which today is expressed with the Declaration on human rights. By the way the goat that Abraham offered instead most probably did not get struck on the flat surface where now is the Mosque with the Golden Dome and where Abraham put the altar, but in the bush on the steep slope where now is the Wailing Wall. Then which place is holier: where God gives or where man answers? Archeologists discovered that in ancient times overthere the deity got a calf under his feet, just like a king wears a crown. When Moses stayed away on the mountain the israelites felt very lost. To attract God they made that Golden Calf. But obviously He does not like to be where people want him. No "Gott mit uns" on helmets and no God bless capitalistic Mammon serving America.
Since Darwin we know about physical evolution. It appears that there is also spiritual change devised by the Creator. This needs experiencing good and bad in order not to become automats or zombies. Surely such then will be sent down from heaven to everybody. In other words responsability for society affairs is not limited to politicians.
Because the world population still increases new metropoles are to be built at the edge of deserts, preferably near sea or ocean. Not on scarce fertile ground. To maintain sufficient domain for wild flora and fauna the Amazone forest, the Himalaya, the North Pole regions, the Sahara are to be cut loose from states and brought under international controll like Antarctica. On smaller scale border lines can be replaced by humanfree border zones, p.e. giving space again to the bear on the Golan and the lion in the Sinaï. At home near every artificially hardened surface, whether roof, yard or street, high growing trees must be planted to compensate Nature for the loss of good soil.
Then what weight should israelis and palestinians ascribe to their political leaders? Who may leave office for other persons with different perceptions any time? Besides attention to religion many of the population are interested mostly in housing, work and recreation. When travelling in Israel by bus a foreigner is addressed to in hebrew language. Becuase the israeli compatriots vary from blue eyes to black skin; they have become related to all mankind. Such is not the case with the palestinians. Some moroccans have red hair, probably originating from invaders. Israel, representee of mankind, still has a task from old religion: spread good law from Jerusalem, law that protects, that opposes Eva's sin: she wanted carreer, becoming boss over other people and be superior. As it is said that a few families in Israel controll most of the economy first correction must be made in own country!    
Can outsiders make suggestions for redrawing border lines and improve cohabitation? Dahab was founded by israelis. A new borderline may start from here over the highest peaks of the mountains and then follow contours of the landscape towards the north-eastern tip of the Gaza area. South of Rafah a metropole may arise for all egoistic arab and israeli families with too many children in a surpopulated world harming animal life. This city also can serve for temporary stay of refugees who will receive obligatory education in schools and at university level, after which returning to the home country. Another metropole is to be constructed on the Mediterranean coast not far from Lybia and for both settlements the international community can raise a hundred billion euros. The russians may realize a railway with broad track between these cities via Cairo with extension to Jerusalem, Amman and Southern Russia.  Codenamed Palbayt the city south of Rafah will be the centre of egyptian larger autonomous Gaza area, including former israeli territory south-east of the strip. As about 25% of the population within 1948 Israel is arab the same percentage is to be allowed for israelis on the Westbank and in the autonomous Gaza region. Idem in the zone Taba-Nuweiba, where palestinians may harvest from sun tourism. The jordanian-saoudi border should be shifted southward in order to enable jordanese hotel business along the Gulf of Aquaba. Supreme government on the Westbank is to be israeli since this gives best guarantees for individual freedom and material progress on equal base, not regarding non-moslims as inferior. From the israeli Treasury then a lot of money has to flow to the Westbank as compensation for neglect in the past. Water must be shared on equal base. In near future then there won't be a palestinian state, but instead enormous progress regarding individual freedom and material possibilities. International standards do not allow that newcomers claim a state on territory of an old vested nation. The Ummah idea of moslims is not accepted by the rest of mankind and perhaps resulting from past ages in which most individuals were illiterate and strongly depended on their leaders. In modern society no pharao, no ayatollah, no king is to decide for people. They must do so themselves. Truth loving education and information of young and old cannot be lacked.
The proposed change of borders between Egypt and Israel involves exchange of a few percents of their territories. Egypts gets a few millions more tax payers, inlcuding israeli farmers south-east of Gaza (no problem keeping their present nationality). The natural reserves in the Sinai are to be enlarged and except new hotel accomodation north of Dahab there won't be much economic gains for Israel. Its security situation improves a little and especially the palestinians will enjoy advantages. Amsterdam might have a giant Ark with round Table for quarreling and fighting fractions all over the world. With a scientific department to propose agreements. In Jerusalem a Psalms House on the Temple Mount, constructed with stainless steel and glass as upward folded hands, may suit as the concerned poetry is common heritage of jews, christians and moslims. Who can sing, recite and musicize these on sabbath, sunday and friday respectively. Who knows the other days together. Although the pope in Rome still sticks to trinity the protestant christians now better understand Mohammed who in the Quran opposes this heresy firmly and agrees with the jews that God is One. Modern interpretation of the gospel by John, chapter one, is that a far but mighty king speaks a word and things happen accordingly a thousand miles away. As no human eye was present to observe this is a technically good description of Creation (first sentence of that gospel). The Old Testament can be understood as agreement with people that are servants and want good wages. The New Testament contains new Initiative from Above, offering status of child. A child sits at the table of the father and has some access to his wallet. The Messiah was the first with such status and so from birth on. No greek halfgod or member of roman trinity. The expression father and son in the Middle east often means "not distinghuishable in word or deed" (dutch expression: two different hands on one belly).
How about the Bedouins? They form a culturally quite separate group, these days sometimes conflicting with neighbours in less desertic areas; caused by own surpopulation and disappearance of trade as in ancient times by camel. Many goats signs well-being of a family, but is disastrous for wild life, prived of subsistence food. In western countries dogs are fed from bio-industry and afterwards chase away small animals out of parks and woods. The wolf and the fox on the contrary don't harm after being saturated. Sheep of course like fresh grass and all the cattle should stay on artificially moistened enclosed fields. In the 21th century the sun helps produce fresh water. Only the Bedouins need proper technical education to manage things themselves and master their environment in a way most respected by others.
If the egyptian president is not like Solomon he may be served with some advice on governing. The International Monetary fund likes to do so very much, but this results mostly in favouring the haves. Those one hundred billion euros may be spent in five years, boosting the economy. Not in giving new dwellings and factories for free since mortgages and loans exist. About 5% of the egyptian population is older than 65 years and they may receive the money up to a thousand euros per year. For they care and both children and grandchildren will profit. Parents with no or one child should receive the full amount while a big number of descendants reduces this to zero. Another constraint must be introduced, namely no money if the children do not plant trees (often using sewage water), if they refuse  to get rid of the humiliating litter and buy cars instead of bikes and trains. Also sanctions if the children do not attend school and university, if televison presents soaps instead of activating the brains, making the world accessible by second language too. Both Quran and Bible stress the importance of own free will and urge to choose the good. If not knowing about the latter better demand back the money you spent on education. Discover that peace in the Middle East needs not a thousand tanks. Have the generals sent to Mali, to Somali for peace keeping. If not successfull it will be better that such old soldiers die instead of young ones. By the way peace keeping is quite honorable, pays well and needs higly competent military.
Why should rich countries be happy to donate a hundred billion euros to egyptians (the latter will pay taxes, so the state gets its share and can incourage realisation of new metropoles). Because there is the condition that not only inside tourist hotels but everywhere the visitors from all over the world will find a hospitable environment without begging, litter, taxis and torture of animals in bio-industry. Power of grandparents in this respect can be more effective than any international fund. Oil sheiks and foreign car makers won't be pleased when people have good jobs at the railways. Big traders don't appreciate more expensive transport by trains (paying loading and unloading) ... that favours regional entrepreneurs. So the Sinai solution aims for good results to all involved parties except the haves, the rich and superrich. Locals should found eco-coco (cooperative, collective) supermarkets and hotels.
Imagine a new metropole at the edge of the desert near the sea as consisting of a canal city, a Manhattanlike district, a small classic suburb with watered gardens, a big new type of desert quarters since technique allows high rise surrounding enclosed gardens with palm trees, preserving cool temperature of the night in lower and cellar space; a bedouin village, a race circuit with bolides for rent and an automatic gondola system at five meters above ground level, transporting two persons of twohundred kilograms of freight, making cars and asphalt superfluous. And the buildings full of learned and learning people, able to do what is necessary, respecting other humans as equals, also caring for domestic and wild animals.

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