vrijdag 29 juli 2016

.... keeping the millionaire Hillary Trump away from White House......

                     the new candidate

America must adhere to art 1 of the Declaration on human rights. This is the universal Constitution stating that all humans are equals. Thus have the right to participate in counseling and decision making. It says that everybody is born free and with equal rights. Mucht older and compelling is the biblical Second Great Commandment: thou shallt respect and help the other for he is like yourself. A good state cannot have other than this foundation and its government has to seek well being for all. Quite different is religion: the Creator sent his Messiah to announce that from servants who want renumeration (Old Testament) people can become "children" of God.  A child sits at the table of the father and has some access to his wallet. But it needs education and obviously then has to experience good and bad in order not to become an automat or zombie. The First Great Commandment about the Creator demands respect also for His animals and the donkey shall have sabbath, roaming around in a natural environment. Therefore every animal under human controll shall have enough natural space to run, fly or swim for at least three seconds. The Amazone forest, the Himalaya, the Sahara, the North Pole regions are to be cut loose from states like Antarctica and become undisturbed domain for wild flora and fauna. On smaller scale border lines can change into humanfree borderzones and at home high growing trees are to be planted, compensating loss of fertile ground by artificial hardening.

Then in next presidential elections every citizen is entitled to choose any candidate and write his or her name on the paper. Discounting this is illegal by art 1 which has absolute validity in really civilised societies. For studying which will be the best candidate the Treasury may hand over to each voter a hundred dollar note. There can hardly be objections to a foreign one, although have pity with p.e. Elisabeth of England. For as the Bible tells that the first will be the last she, IF admitted to heaven, already will have to clean toilets there eternally.

The new candidate's program should be this, in agreement with Micha 6:8: Redistribution of jobs and incomes while avoiding unnecessary spilling competing. Being paid by the Treasury shall be limited to eight years, valid for presidents, members of Congress, judges, professors, civil servants and also police officers, since maintaining safity is first task of the people, just like effectuated in old times. Youth shall have military training like sons of nobility received in the past in order to learn using head and hands in dificult situations. Christ said not to love father or mother more than what he is out for. Also the young should not be hindered to come into his reign. The family is a main source of evil, just like net working. This resulted in a giant gap between rich and poor with a middle class striving to become millionaires too. Art 1 aims at equal chances, which will result in maximum well fare of the nation. Millionnaires cannot be allowed to lead parasitic life all the time, so large private capital has to be directed in say twenty years towards the Treasury or coco, collective, coöperative business. Except what is added by own labour and a free minimum sufficient to be independent farmer, etc. Then the better president will export such good style and help papuans, tibetans, kurds to autonomy or independance, while doing away with the nuclear threats. Art 1 states rights only but the Second Great Commandment enforces to act and contribute. Since no one can provide reason for excemption the americans now have to search that new candidate.


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