vrijdag 14 juli 2017


             changing (rest)mass

NIST wants the constant of Planck to become base of definition of the kilogram. However Vasily Yanchilin in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003) shows that the Planck varies, namely opposite to the propagation of electro magnetic waves, which becomes zero at the edge of the universe. Where everything gets into a complete quantum mechanical state, loosing direction and speed. In the young universe c was much larger than today and the fast processes there contradict standstill of time near masses which are called black holes. A larger c in the past needs correction of the standard supernova Ia and accellerated expansion of the universe, negative energy and inflation disappear. Thus black mass will constitute about two third of the total mass and it is attracted by the common kind; perhaps also some of the stuff hangs around Earth and causes local raise of potential which makes atomic clocks tick faster in space. Or are the measurements not correct! A quantum computer may analyze movements of satelites on fluctuations caused by dark matter, which Yanchilin presumes may consist of the remnants of old dispersed light that does not react anymore with anything except when concentrated by a lens. Radiation is abundant and omnipresent. Can it be bearer of potential?

Constancy of the Planck is based on the general theory of relativity, a hundred years old. Einstein took constant speed of c as a temporary hypothesis. Yanchilin argues that the principle of least action is valid, which makes a photon take a route with as big steps as possible (oscillations of low frequency) and a minimum of these, thus passing through a zone where time slows down. Observed is a slightly parabolic route around mass and that contradicts the gtr. Start reading the book on page 192 for a nice logical analysis. The russian scientist sees, with hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty, gravitation as a pure quantum mechanical process: The half of a particle nearest to an external mass will have less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half than occur the opposite way. Net result is movement of the particle in the direction of the external mass. Such might explain also why mass is not "felt" in absence of other masses, namely because of internal balance. In the new theory everything changes with the expansion of the universe, including the potential in our environment, leading to constancy of the speed of light for all observers only at a certain place and a certain time, as it is -hypothesis- related to the potential of the total mass of the universe. A falling object has double change of potential due to adding change of internal energy according the formula of Einstein relating energy to mass and c quadrat, but such is of none importance for daily life.

As a conference will be held on definition of the kilogram it may be considered whether the (rate of) expansion of the universe should count as a base for it.


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