zondag 21 februari 2010

planning on Jerusalem

                     The important question in Israel is whether the believers should abstain from rendering the Temple Mount a more beautiful, more worthy place honouring God. David fought wars and only Salomon was to work constructing there. The psalms tell to go into the gardens on the mount where staying renders more happiness than can be obtained in shops and conference rooms. The christians need no curtain separating the most holy spot from view and tourism as the Messiah becomes door to God. Moslims think prophet Mohammed talked here with Moses and Jesus, which means rendering hommage to the older religions, after which he rode for reconnaissance of part of heaven. The Jews may have sacred green grass in the middle, where nobody of the human race is allowed to put his foot, unaccessible like the fire of the shrub Moses was nearing. But not stay away, outside before the Wailing Wall, because not there the message of the Torah originates.
                     Presently the old city of Jerusalem is not a nice place. Read previous notes.
Serving God/Allah should not be done with lips only, but hands may be used to improve the situation. How such is possible will be described here, while keeping in mind some stories told in the Torah like about the Golden Calf and Abraham offering Izak.
At the time a deity had a calf as a footbank like a king wears a crown. When Moses stayed away on the mountain the Israelites felt very lost and to attract God they made a golden calf. But obiously He did not appreciate to be where people want him. And possibly have Him do as they like. In modern times one should not try to get God in a third temple or a special mosque.
Abraham had to acknowledge that not he was master over his son. In his days what belonged to the deity had to be thrown into the fire, offered. The story ended well or individual freedom was confirmed from Above. Therefore political or religious moslim leaders are not allowed to send youth on suicidal terrorist missions. Next Abraham found a goat, which probably did not get struck on the flat surface of the Temple Mount but more likely in the bush on the steep slope where now is the Wailing Wall. Where God gives is to be regarded as a holier spot than where man answers with offerings.
In Saoudi Arabia no christian churches are allowed and a good reason for this might be that in christendom a man, called Jesus, is raised to deity status. Remember how Eva was punished when she tried to climb in that direction. The gospel author John first refers to Genesis, when a mighty but far king uttered a few words and things happened accordingly. This is a good technical description when no human eyes were present. The New Testament means raising the status of man from servant to child. A child sits with the father at the table and has some access to his wallet. John tells about this with poetic words like light. Next he explains that Jesus was the first with the new status and such from birth on. Father and son often means alike in words and deeds towards others. No Greek or physical relationship is necessary nor has to be put in the translation. Later Jesus died like "the lamb loaded with sins and sent into the desert" for those, like Thomas, who otherwise cannot believe that God forgives for nothing in return like the jews and the moslims and some christians believe and is expressed in certain psalms.
 So several interpretations hold by religous people may not be correct. These should not obstruct that we create a physically beautiful environment for "the word of God that is going out from Jerusalem" and the same for those who will be registered as "born in Jerusalem, whether Jews, Arabs, etc. like the psalm mentions.
 In short for this purpose a new measuring for what belongs to the religious centre may deliver a "wall" that is placed outwards to get the moslims graves inside, on which high park trees then are planted after raising the surface up to the old wall's height with fresh earth; which runs west along the northern border of the Temple Mount and then curves to comprise supposed parts of old Sion, as well modern excavations in the southeastern corner. In the other parts of the old city a jewish quarter, a moslim one and a christian one can survive, while existing buildings within the the new "holy" area serve for tourists lodging. Eventually near the Damascus Gate, inside or outside, a palace for an autonomous Arab government can be erected while Israeli law stays in vigour here like Belgium law at the Brussels headquarters of the European Union.
Since the present wall around the Temple Mount is of Herodian origin not much relgious value can be ascribed to it. The New Jerusalem is depicted in the Bible along a broad river with fruit trees, where everybody gets what he needs. So a synagogue and a church may be added and of course a Psalms House for all three religions, while the mosque with the golden dome becomes a prayer house for all believers of any kind. The five buildings can be arranged as forming a David star, with the synagogue above the Wailing Wall and the Psalms House and church on the opposite side of the mount. Then in the very middle of this "David Star" the already existing little field with green plants should be enlarged. Sheep may graze here, symbolizing God's friendly and peaceful attitude towards man. Note that He sends good and bad in order that we become real human, more than just a zombie or a robot; spiritual evolution cannot do without such.
 There was a bird's eye view picture of the Temple Mount and surroundings in the magazine of Alitalia. How about the idea that God might like to see more than what exists there nowadays. We can add stones, gold, silver and songs, music, prayers. We are not able to let the grass grow that can be in the very middle: witnessing. 

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