maandag 4 februari 2013

cutting hands off

to the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald,
Mohammed, author of the Koran, should be praised since he intended to change lawlesness in Arabia to behaviour like christians and jews are ordered to. In short thou shalt not take more than thou canst give, for it is Allah Who has final judgement. The book stresses fighting against enslavement and greek-roman heresy of trinity, raising a human to godly status, is rejected. Was not already Eva trying a career to become like a god and got punished? Read the first chapter of John's gospel in a different translation than the king James Bible offers and notice that the first verse refers to Genesis: A mighty king utters a word and things happen accordingly a thousand miles away. This is a fine technical description if no human eye was present to observe. John tells that the Messiah announces raise of our status to children of God, while in the Old Testament people were servants only, wanting solid renumeration. A child sits at the table with the father and has some access to his wallet. But it needs education and therefore it must experience good and bad. Otherwise it will become an automat or a zombie. Since Darwin we know about physical evolution and spiritual development now appears also foreseen. Jeso was the first with that new status and the only one who got it from birth on. The Middle Eastern expression father and son means not distinghuishable in word or deed. Jews and moslims maintain God is One and christians should not follow the pope who tries to be placed in high position.

Geert Wilders is focussed on terrorists who misunderstand the Koran, a book that prescribes to respect jewish and christian believers. Wilders certainly has many companions in misunderstanding socalled holy texts: In the main church of Amsterdam the piramidal society is adhered to by praying for the well being of Beatrix Amsberg, presently head of state but not maintaining law as is her duty. She is an evil woman, seeking status and money for herself and her family and humiliating fellow humans as second ranked; with none respect for art 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights, that everybody is born free and with equal rights, which also forms base of the International Treaty on Civil Rights. The Netherlands have a half fascist/feudal regime with the members of parliament supporting Amsberg and taking a hundred thousand euros from the Treasury; next caring for interests of own financial class best. True democracy of sovereign people is deciding on main topics by referenda after which a subjugated parliament works out and controlls daily. Fascist are called minorities that do not respect law and suppress fellow people; modern feudal system is full of crownies with professors of the universities on the first row, overpaid in a for life secured position instead of roulating, sharing better and worse jobs, turning unemployment to zero. They should be fired since there are honest teachers who inform their students correctly. In that main church recently was preached about the Golden Calf as the gold or posessions of man that he loves most and wants to determine his acting. Then praying for Beatrix Amsberg to continue her bad business precisely is the best option for the "haves". Another interpretation regarding the golden calf is that in ancient times the deity had a calf under his feet like a king wears a crown. When Moses stayed away on the mountain the Israelites felt very lost and to attract God they made that golden thing. But obviously He does not want to be where homo sapiens sapiens likes to put Him. Not as on old german helmets "Gott mit uns", nor in our days "God bless America". The gap between richest and poorest citizen in the USA is fifty billion dollars wide. Such is not what the americans want but Congress is responsible. Is this a main reason for some moslims to turn to terrorism, hitting the presumed enemy? Like Holland America is a most unchristian nation, not respecting that animals under human controll shall have sabbath, roaming around in a natural environment instead of as plofkip (bang-chicken) be kept in sheds of bio-industry. There is the Commandment not to want the ox of the neighbour. For he needs it to plough. Otherwise there won't be harvest from his land. Multinationals try to get all oxes in their stable. And in the fiftieth year -forty means a full period, p.e. a prisoner shall no longer be kept in custody than forty years- resharing of productionmeans must take place in order to give the looser a new chance but especially to provide youth with equal starting positions. Today such resharing can be accomplished by levying 5% taxation per year on capital direction eco-coco (collective, cooperative) companies, except on what is earned by own labour. Under rules approved by parliament in Amsterdam money is drawn from Africa via tax evasion. Four times more than goes in the opposite direction as development aid and gifts from the public. Has Geert Wilders to fear that under islamic law for this stealing from poor people the right hand of the members of dutch parliament will be cut off, including his? The Koran mentions that some texts are symbolic; the general idea is that thou shallt not take more than thou canst give. The psalms contain a verse that can be translated thus: Better smash the children of the nazi camp guards against the walls if they want their father's job. How easy change can be reached: Have every candidate for a public function swear that he or she will respect the famous art 1 fully and fight against those guilty of sabotage, but never taking an eye for a slain out tooth. The sinners will disappear automatically and a fresh start looms.
There is a six star hotel in Cape Town under the present regime. The millionaires owning the superstores do not meet low paid personnel and the new apartheid is bigger than ever before. By promoting english language the lower classes get accustomed to british system of class society with nobility and the american variation founded on money. And probably accept it, while the Boers and the black people adhered to consensus society with true equal rights of individuals. Only recently got known that the blacks, mainly descending from west-africans, have a high percentage of fast twitch muscle type, enabling to sprint but preferring to sleep the rest of the day like the lion. The Boers and marathon runners on the eastern side of the continent have much of the slow twitch type, making people busy all day. Then the hard working Boers did not want to share with people they thought lazy. Their religion however forbade to become racists. So they invented that those blacks were foreigners, belonging in "thuislanden", in homelands. Quite humanly they took the biggest and best land for themselves. Brain power is used by capitalists and intellectuals to become superior in society. In the arab desert one should defend against robbers and a veil was a good instrument to hide the most precious man had. In Mohammed's era most probably no he-man would consider the woman as equal in preserving order and politics or religion on such would be rejected. In other words private terrorism might continue in lawless regions. Only within the house the woman was accepted as dominant. Today revision can be made since not muscle power is most important anymore. In the days of Ibrahim one had to throw into the fire what  belonged to the deity, offering. Abraham should acknowledge that not he was master over his son. Neither are politicians or religous leaders urging youth to terroristic suicide. All ended well with Isac, or from Above was confirmed individual freedom, today expressed in the mentioned art 1, which is detested by dutch and many other justice courts in order to favour an elite to which the judges belong themselves.
Around 2013 moslims are the biggest category of believers in Amsterdam. They are not much interested in the Rembrandt, the Van Gogh and the modern art (Stedelijk Museum)-musea on the Museumplein. Do they have a right on a gigantic mosk in the form of the black thing at Mecca in the still empty middle of the square? How beautifully it would contrast with the green grass around and the white of the SM bath tube. If Geert Wilders, now an agnost and member of a semi-fascist/feudal parliament as explained before measured to the basic law of that art 1, one day converts he will be at home there. And hear that the Koran explains Creator Allah as wanting to be benevolent to man and mankind. Or should it be preferred to build there a Psalms House as this poetry is common heritage of jews, christians and moslims and can be sung, recited and musicized on sabbath, sunday and friday respectively. Who knows the other days together? It is possible that Australia gets the first Psalms House, a hundred meters high of stainless steel and glass in the form of upward folded praying hands.

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