woensdag 3 december 2014


            universal art 1
                                                                                    As Swiss government tries to mediate in the Middle East attention should be paid to art 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights, which is valid for all mankind. The European Union adheres to it in several treaties. The art may be considered as a weakened version of he biblical Second Great Commandment. This was worked out already during Moses time in the Ten Commandments. Or notice that we all "descend from Adam" and thus are equals. Sadly enough many European countries have pyramidal societies violating art 1. The same in islamic states although Moses is seen as a great prophet.
Art 1 implies participation in counseling and decision making, which is possible by referenda on main topics. After which a subjugated parliament works out and takes care of daily control. The art contains material aspects like the right on an own place to stay or dwell without other people drawing money from it against one's consent. The same regarding participation in the production process, which must lead to redistribution of better and worse jobs until unemployment approaches zero.
Humans have a right to form nations and these can differ by culture, language, history, territory. Israel is a very old nation but existing as a state was not possible during two thousand years due to foreign aggression. The Palestinians did not form any state and are not allowed to drive an old one into the sea. In the moslim world the concept of ummah exists, but regional leaders are out for power and money which is rendered by separate states. They have no intention and are not able to guarantee that the existence of Israel will be respected. Therefore the government in Jerusalem cannot accept any sovereign Palestinian state.
A temporary solution that pays to various interests may consist of a 25% arrangement. This means a maximum of 25% Israelis on an autonomous Westbank and the same percentage of Arabs in the rest of the country, while Gaza is handed to Egypt and the eastern part of the Sinai up to St Catharine is added to Israel. Growing world population needs new metropoles and such one can be built near El Arish as a composite city with Manhattan district, canals and a real desert suburb in compact high rise to keep the sun out and with inner palm gardens. Transport may be realized by an automatic gondola system high above the ground and trains should connect to Cairo, Jerusalem, Amman.
In Jerusalem a Psalms House, 70 meters high of stainless steel and glass in the form of upraised praying hands would be nice. To sing, recite and musicize the shared poetry on sabbath, sunday and friday. May be the other days together. Where now stands the Mosque with the Golden Dome Ibrahim offered a goat. The animal probably did not get struck on a flat surface but rather in the bush on the steep slope where now is the Wailing Wall. Then which place is more holy: where God gave the goat or where man answered? At the time what belonged to the deity should be thrown into the fire, offered. Abraham had to acknowledge that not he was master over his son; neither are political or religious leaders who try to send youth on terroristic mission. All ended well with Isaac or from Above was confirmed individual freedom.
Today such freedom is better protected by Israel then by any Arab regime, which should cause the European Union to support Israel in governing, excerting sovereignty and treat the Arabs as equals. At next elections first should be read in the synagogues the story of the Samaritan. Waiting for the bus in Israel you will be spoken to in hebrew. Because the Israelis vary from blond to black; they have become related to mankind or better express it the other way. The Israelites were to reshare production means, then land, every fifty years in order to give loosers a new chance but especially providing youth about equal starting positions. Forty stood for a full period- never be a person for more than forty years in prison- so fifty years was quite lenient. Millionaires must not be allowed parasitism all their lives, therefore in about twenty years big private capital has to be redirected to the Treasury or to coco, collective, cooperative companies, except what is added by own labour and except a few millions for heirs. Capitalists do not like the Second Great commandment and won't behave like Kaïn should have done. Obama fails as the gap between the richest and poorest citizen became fifty billion dollars wide. Only by referendum he will be able to overcome the wealthy people in Congress and Senate. For understanding how dutch rich steal see the site below. Those in Luxemburg and Switserland profiting from dishonest bank deposits one day may be fined with an amount equal to one year national income. Though discount might be given because of the good example with referenda. Israel is to be pressed for resharing as since 1967 almost 50 years have passed.
The best the Swiss can contribute is organizing referendum on the 25% proposition. Local moslim kings of course will oppose as such decreases their power, but the man in the street will benefit as much tax money from rich Israelis will flow to them. And the psalm says that from all parts of the world people will be considered as born in Jerusalem. Some years later -time is needed for reflection- referendum should be held on banning big families from fertile but scarce land to metropoles at the edge of deserts. The big city provides housing, work and recreation. Balance is to be sought for humans living together with animals. The First Great Commandment demands respect for the Creator, which means no to bio-industry. In near future the Amazon forest, the Sahara, the North Pole regions, the Himalaya should be cut loose from states like Antarctica as undisturbed domain for wild flora and fauna. On smaller scale border lines can be changed into humanfree border zones. At home high growing trees are to be planted in compensation to Nature for the loss of fertile ground. Bigger cars reflect egoism since the neighbour is not allowed to use the thing. Planting high trees is spreading culture to the benefit of all.
The Swiss can do more and insist on referendum in Westpapua, where the black native people, a real distinct nation, was traited by American presidents. Since industrialisation Java is no longer surpopulated and the migrants can return. Those in the free world must respect that many Palestinians, even if presently a minority, want/demand art 1 as standard, which now is best accomplished under israeli sovereignity on the whole territory.


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