zondag 15 januari 2017


                        Paris lost its grandeur

     Revisting Paris after many years one notices that the old city has lost much of its former glamour. Compare with an old woman. If next french president is a real king then he may order to construct a new capital without cars, not surpopulated, noise limited and with brand new architecture. The buildings being connected by electric transport high above the ground level through pleasant green lanes.

So many other cities today have interesting appearance and worthwile to visit in Paris is even not anymore the Defense district. Then what rests after the stolen egyptian stele will be returned to its home country and the Arc de Triomphe remains only a simple memorial of bygone, often lost wars. Surely the french aim to be somehow number one in the world but Paris no longer is able to support this. A 21th century metropole may arise between Paris and Lyon, say in the mountainous landscape of the Morvan. Reducing population at the Seine and get there better living conditions.

The splendid new city will be Walhalla for immigrants! Facing this requires new statal organisation in countries with surpopulation: Not a state authority and individuals any longer should be the main structure but groups will get an important role, especially families from new born child to oldest living person or even beyond backwards. First task of such a group is to limit overpopulation and reverse it if necessary according age distribution. Second comes serving Nature and environment; so if statal inspection finds a pet bottle the sanction may be a day unpaid labour by a member of the group, selected in an honest way. Thirdly redistribution of jobs and possessions is needed to get balanced society and a forth task will be to welcome non permanent strangers with what they need and can afford.

This immediately makes clear how to handle influx of immigrants. If these persons have plenty relatives in their homeland they are to be sent back after temporary asylum and job education. But those very old, sick, without help should be allowed to stay if wanting to. Meanwhile the Amazone forest, the Sahara, the Himalaya, the North Pole regions are to be cut loose from states and become undisturbed domain of wild flora and fauna. Presently the world needs due to population growth several new metropoles as the big city can house, give work and provide recreation. These are not to be built on scarce fertile ground but at the edge of deserts, preferably near sea or ocean, while sewage water drenches a green ring around .

Would a new french capital substituing old Paris make a good example? That depends also on spiritual attitude. Many citizens consider themselves atheists without thinking any further about First Cause, which in science is totally unknown. Capitalists drive them even on sunday to Carrefour, where one can fill only stomach and heads are not inclined to spiritual affairs like in the Notre Dame. However in this church on many days not even one psalm is sung! and touristsa gaze around without understanding the real purpose of that building with its unfinished towers. The psalm tells that God forgives wrongdoers for nothing in return except adherance to His New Treaty -raising our status from servants who want a wage to children sitting at the table with the father- brought by the Messiah. Non believers might think of an automatic growing quantum computer creating the world; Well, in religion this is called God and more He or She is friendly to humans. But we need spiritual evolution in order not to become zombies. This seems to necessitate  experiencing good and bad in a caterpillar-butterfly cyclus. A woman shopping everywhere on the Champs will get at least a three centimeter thick smearing on her skin; the new french main city should provide more culture.

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