more activity needed
Justice Courts are strictly bound to law that is in agreement with art 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights. The experts in justice at courts are required to clarify and always must respect Exodus 23:2. So people cannot refrain from info provided by the International Court of Justice about the violations by powerful countries regarding the rights of Oigours, West-Papuans, Tibetans and measures to correct. Silence makes the judges unfit and to be replaced.
Jews were exempted from own state for a two thousand years due to foreign agression. As they held to their nationality all the time new comers like arabs cannot be met in claims to take over. Indians and aboriginals had no nation wide aspirations or organisation, but should and are in part respected to continue their regional social and political existence. As for the Amazone district, scarcely populated, this and the North Pole regions, the Sahara, the Himalaya should be cut loose from states like Antarctica to become undisturbed domain of wild flora and fauna plus human natives. Papuans differ etnically completely from indonesians and the latter must be forbidden to invade and make the papuans a minority. The "transmigration" started when Java was mostly agricultural but since industrialisation it is not overpopulated any more in the old sense. The ICJ may stimulate research on concerned juridical approach.
full house
To get balance between humans and Nature population growth has to stop. Moreover the number of chinese should not be bigger than 500 million in order to avoid unwanted domination. Only temporarily cities may exceed 5 million inhabitants and the Amazone forest, the North Pole regions, the Sahara, the Himalaya are to be cut loose from states like Antarctica to become undisturbed domain of wild flora and fauna. Russia is to join renamed NATO with new task to protect where Nature must be respected fully. Borderlines can be changed into human free border zones and near home high growing trees are to be planted in compensation for the loss of fertile ground.
All this requires sanctions on more than two children and more than one in already big families. Therefore DNA registration is to become obligatory. Medics may devise sanctions, but for a start this may consist of loss of citizenship and being banned.
Then problems in the Middle East can be solved rather easily: Israeli's will be limited to have two children and arabs to one until later generations find balance. This in respect to historic developments. Within an Israel from the Mediterranean to the river Jordan and from the snow mountain till St Catharine the Westbank can be autonomous with a maximum of 25% israelis and the same regarding arabs in the rest of the enlarged country that was robbed by foreign agression during more than 2500 years. The Gaza strip can be handed to Egypt and an international security force should disarm Hamas and Hezbollah. Along the sea new metropoles may arise, financed by rich countries since the big city can house, provide work and offer recreation. Among these real desert cities in high rise and compact to keep the sun out; with inner palm gardens. Without cars as transport can be organised by automatic gondolas at 5 meter above ground level; with districts varying from Manhattan type to canal city and not to forget a green belt moistend with sewage water. From the arab refugees one present family should be allowed to return to city or village inhabited around 1948 while the others are given nationalities of surrounding countries from where the jews fled.
The above proposal is an econmomic plan for redistribution and raising wealth. To this may be added big mosques like a giant black cube above green grass where art 1 of the Declaration on human rights is instructed. This article is essentially like what prophet Mosa brought down from the mountain. It is harmonic with the Koran that was received by Mohammed because the christians got heathen greek ideas about trinity. The Koran offers access to Paradise to moslims, christians and jews. Most probably they will eat there from a same table, which should be tried already down here. However die-hards designed for the Fire obstruct and people must become aware that they have to join spiritual evolution.
Biologists become atheists more easily than researchers in physics, for they do not consider that the marvelous carbon atom was created for once and all. Earth is not like the Green Cheese Planet with content mice, light years away from the Cats Milky Way. In our world Allah, God and Jaweh will not appear on television because then everything gets frozen and no spiritual gains would be sought. Satan wanted to transport cat beasts to the mice planet, but God did not allow. Then he remarked grinningly that soon there would be enormous surpopulation with a lot of misery. So He had to take measures.
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