dinsdag 10 maart 2020

job for Artificial Intelligence ?

                 Wat jammer dat er geen degelijk nederlands wetenchappelijke tijdschrift, in de eigen taal, bestaat dat bericht over de onzin van zwarte gaten en zo (Die foto was een compositie en de nieuwste theorie is dat bij zeer grote concentraties van massa daar mogelijk een toestand is vergelijkbaar met die in het ondoorzichtige heelal van minder dan 300.000 jaar oud). Hieronder een copietje waarin verwezen wordt naar Vasily Yanchilin's site met daarop het voorstel om de tikken van atoomklokken aan de voet en bovenop een toren gedurende eenzelfde periode te tellen en dan de uitkomsten te vergelijken. Dat kan vlugger op een berg en aan het strand en wellicht op Saba of Eustatius?
to the Editor of Science,
                                                 A lot of articles and books still propagate the century old general theory of relativity with black holes, negative energy, inflation and accellerated expansion of the universe as a result. But already in 2003 Vasily Yanchilin showed in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (available in the Library of Congress) that Einstein's foundation, his working hypothesis that speed of light is constant, must be wrong. Electro-magnetic phenomena are not something independent but related to other things in the universe, like gravity. If the info from supernovae Ia is corrected for bigger c in the past then that accellerated expansion disappears and the Nobel prize has to be returned. If very fast processes occurred at the very concentrated young universe then such is not in agreement with existence of black holes. Negative energy belongs in a magic world, not in science. Inflation has none acceptable agens.
On Yanchilin's site top-formula.net can be found an article in the CJPAS describing use of euclidian instead of Riemann maths. However a next article on energy transport from Earth to Moon seems to need adjustment and could your paper do the job?
It is "well known" that atomic clocks in satellites run faster than those on the planet. On the site below I repeated Yanchilin's explanation of misreading: namely the second on Earth has shorter duration according the observation that photons pass not close to Earth but at a distance where time is slower if the principle of least action is obeyed ("the photon seeks a path with as big steps as possible  -oscillations of lower frequency- and a minimum of these). The tickings should be compared during a same period! To the -according the russian scientist- shorter second on Earth should be added the difference with the longer second in the satellite. The book contains also description of correct interpretation of red shift.
NIST does not like to hear about this and provides no counterargumentation. It maintains to have an atomic clock precise to a second in many billion years. This is wrong for the universe changes and correct would be to say that the clock is precise to one billionth per second. Also that institute sticks to constancy of the Planck without any real proof, which is important for defining other units. The same regarding the equivalence principle, although according the book then conflict arises in behaviour of a charge in a gravitational field. The 1919 measurement should be reinterpreted with adding change of internal energy.
Quantum mechanics originated after Einstein's main work. Yanchilin broadens the horizon with explanation, based on hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty, of gravity as a pure quantum mechanical process: In the half of a particle nearest to an external mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half then in the opposite way. Net result is displacement of the particle in the direction of the external mass, which in daily language is called attraction by gravity.
p.s. How about feeding "Watson" with the stuff for using its AI?

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