woensdag 24 juli 2024

like Solomon

                                        Base of justice is fairness, expressed very well in the dutch word billijkheid. This means balance for opponents in good and bad. Without the slightist doubt Hamas taking hostages is a criminal organisation. And mistreating them. The ICC has to consider that the women of Gaza allow their sons to commit such crimes. Therefore a juridicial basis exist to stop this by the ICC calling the israëli army to take a hundred Gazan women for exchange with those held by Hamas. If not agreeing then 200 or a thousand, which ten to one will be a great shame to the moslims. In history simular situations occurred and were solved reducing violence and victims. Therefore  the ICC should follow king Solomon and likewise end the terror. 
Meanwhile other call should be directed to NATO for military help to finish attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah, annihilating these criminal organisations. Next ICC may help to get a Democratic Alliance on our Planet instead of NATO, which takes decent measures against regimes not respecting the universal Declaration of human rights. Which has none article to take hostages like Hamas does. The declaration allows nations with own culture, language, religion to repossess the lands lost by foreign agression like happened to the jews during 2000 years. Those wanting a moslim ouma by driving the israeli's into the sea or taking the Westbank from them are to be warned by the ICC to stop their activities. A hundred years ago some western statesmen without much knowledge of the Middle East drew borderlines there. These cannot be accepted as creating solid international law.
A technical detail is that naturally the Westbank would be covered by a green thirty meters thick cool forest. For growing olives artificially watered desert soil is to be develloped. 

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