dinsdag 8 april 2008

                 Rich is fine
                                 short theatre play
A man and a woman are sitting in big chairs.
Before them is kind of a table with a beautiful antique radio (with horn) on it.
The woman is knitting socks.
The man reads a paper.
Woman: Say Billy, your little nice wife would like a bit of attention.
The man looks up from his paper and asks: What are you doing?
W: I am knitting socks. For our grandchildren. Once in the White House I won't have time for it.
M: OK and he reads on.
W: What is it in that Wall Street Journal that draws so much your attention?
M: The paper says that the millionairs own fifty trillion dollar.
W: A trillion, is that thousand billion, a million millions?
M: Indeed, all people on Earth, when earning on average ten dollar per hour, would have to work several years to make up that amount of money.
W: Except the millionairs who own the money already and can spend it to have other people work for them.
M: Exactly. Don't be worried; we've got one hundred and nine million dollar on our bank account. We too can have work other people work for us. We belong to those haves.
W: Does Obama belong to the millionaires?
M: Well, he earned a few millions recently with writing a book.
The woman puts aside her knitting and takes a reflecting attitude: He is such a socialist, doesn't he give away his millions to the poor?
M: He is an all right American. We in the USA don't do such things. Only a bit for charity. And he adds: For various reasons.
A voice from the (antique) radio starts talking: The king of France is complaining that he has to spend so much money to "friends", so called friends, to keep his position on the throne. But likewise the nobility says they get rid of considerable amounts of money in the form of presents and gifts. This not only to keep the peasants content but also for organizing defense against thieves and robbers. The latter namely think that they have better ideas on where the money should be and how to spend it.
M: Don't worry, Hillary. we live in a capitalistic country where wealthy people are protected by the state.
W: But the state has in service low paid policemen and soldiers.
M: No problem, at school they learn to be content with their humble position and to obey to what we from the upper class think good.
The woman nodds: That 's fine and so it should stay. I guess in ancient time it was not possible to become extremely rich except by using cheat and violence.
M: Correct, like the radio says every year your heap of money would shrink to keep competors at peace. By the way it is not abnormal that sharing occurs when some have got too much and cannot eat it all.
W: When one has more than he can eat he may invest it and get profit on the invested money.
M: Yes, our capitalist system favours that, we are really benigned by capitalism.
W: You mean the millionaires are benigned?
M: Of course only the rich; the poor have to work for them, even on sunday when the millionairs have shares in big shops that are open to the public on sunday.
W: That Obama, I would like him to work hard. Of course not in the White House, but just to earn his daily bread in some factory or in a shop like you mentioned.
M: Then he first should get rid of his millions.
W: He has only a few and we got one hundred and nine. If we give a few millions of it to charity he will have to do the same. Running for the democrats he cannot do with less. At the end we will possess still more than hundred, while he has to take a job for his living while I am in the White House.
M: Then surely you'll get your money back on your account and even more when later you write your mémoires.
W: May be Obama's wife will stop him from giving away all.
M: Could be. Here in the paper I read that within five years expectations are that the fifty trillion dollar belonging to the millionaires may increase to seventy five.
W: How much would that increase our bank account if we get an equal share?
M: More than you can eat. After presidency we can build a big mansion, almost a palace, have a superyacht; would you like a stable with expensive horses?
The voice from the radio: The new french king will be friend to the peasants, to the low paid workers. He will tame the nobility and the millionaires who otherwise take all.
The man rises from his chair, angrily. He takes the horn of the antique radio in his hand, rips it from the apparatus and puts it up side down to silence it.
The woman rises also and says to her husband, while embracing him: I love you!

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