Onderstaand een essay waarin verteld wordt dat rente op staatsleningen niet produktief is en inflatie veroorzaakt.
Ook wordt gezegd dat de euro thans nog redelijk stabiel is vanwege de connectie met de produktiviteit der burgers. Dat ligt in zuidelijke landen anders, maar daar kunnen de buitenlandse schulden redelijk gemakkelijk betaald worden uit de inkomsten van het toerisme mits men zich beperkingen oplegt ten aanzien van begeerde import. Bij een gouden standaard is het heel gewoon, want vaak voorkomend, dat sommige streken qua welvaart wat achterblijven. Zulks tast in principe de munt niet aan.
Op het ogenblik lijkt er een stiekume strijd gaande van haves, die niet willen inleveren via de belastingen, tegen de meerderheid van het volk, dat gaarne door de booswichten tot aanvulling der tekorten van de Schatkist gedreven wordt nadat eerst de welgestelden flink hebben kunnen profiteren van die schuld middels het uitlenen van geld en het daarop dus ontvangen van lekkere vergoeding.
Wat niet besproken wordt is wie er eigenlijk tot dusver fors geprofiteerd hebben van de misrekeningen van banken, etc. Daar moet toch ook geld terug te halen zijn middels gepaste wetgeving.
golden euro
Imagine the euro coins and notes are made of gold. If then the Greek owe a hundred billion euros to foreign countries there is no problem because tourism brings in twenty billion per year.
Inside the country Athens was too generous with big salaries, pensions and subsidies while taking sufficient taxes deteriorated. But this is a local problem only within the euro zone, for the government can make law that p.e. every house owner has to pay a hundred thousand euro as one time tax to the Treasury and those with a car say ten thousand. Fine tuning not regarded here. This will result in a situation with high mortgages like in northern countries and enabling the government to pay back its debts to greek banks. By the way how much did the wealthier Greeks deposit in Swiss banks? Of course little money will be left for importing luxurious things like cars and oil but the travellers will arrive where they want to go also by train and donkey. When going there on holidays take your old bike with you as a present.
If the euro consists of gold -note that the price of the stuff fluctuates too much for this to be a realistic option- it will be normal that on capital for investment reward is obtained as total production increases. This is not so when a government writes bonds to finance the gap caused by insufficient taxation to fullfill its duties. Gold is of limited amount and spending has to be cut when not distributed to maximize production. Unnecessary austerity will result because not the available labour and technical power are used to increase wealth. When government deficits take enormous proportions the paper euro inflates accordingly because the bond holders receive money while no services and goods are realized.
At the moment the gap between the richest and the poorest citizen in the USA amounts to fifty billion dollars. The gap hinders full use of capacities, shrinks the wealth of the nation and Obama not able to change things has to be called a failing president. The same for European leaders. One should not expect that the political leaders are experts in economics and in reality the richer half of the population -more educated and with able tongue- determines how to handle the euro crises. They like paying little tax plus receiving money on bonds. They like in fact shifting the burden from the strongest shoulders in order to become richer, richer, richer. Europe and America now face a situation with extremely rich individuals versus states in debt. Protecting the position of the rich requires to get money by issuing new bonds in order to provide southern euro states with sufficient liquidities.
Watch the situation in The Netherlands: the leaders of the PvdA socialist party adopted a sovjet style in taking big salaries for themselves while they gave the poorer people a "stadspas", i.e. reduction of entrance fee for swimming pool, theatre, etc. They agreed with an abject pensionfundsystem that actually draws money from the pockets of the poorer to fill those of the already well-to-do; less benigned persons when retired thus are deprived of several hundreds of euros per month. Add to this the tax reduction for rent on mortgages which enables the better off to buy a same house for netto tens of percents less than a minimumwager would be due. The latter does not earn enough for an own house and has to rent expensively, which favours again the rich. The Treaty of Paris (1953) art 60 aims on an honest open market and forbids such practices, but it is disregarded like art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, base of the International Treaty on Civil Rights in order to maintain a piramidal society. In which art 3 of own Constitution is laughed at by the Justice authorities (this art implies open, honest sollicitation procedures instead of favouring political friends).
Ook wordt gezegd dat de euro thans nog redelijk stabiel is vanwege de connectie met de produktiviteit der burgers. Dat ligt in zuidelijke landen anders, maar daar kunnen de buitenlandse schulden redelijk gemakkelijk betaald worden uit de inkomsten van het toerisme mits men zich beperkingen oplegt ten aanzien van begeerde import. Bij een gouden standaard is het heel gewoon, want vaak voorkomend, dat sommige streken qua welvaart wat achterblijven. Zulks tast in principe de munt niet aan.
Op het ogenblik lijkt er een stiekume strijd gaande van haves, die niet willen inleveren via de belastingen, tegen de meerderheid van het volk, dat gaarne door de booswichten tot aanvulling der tekorten van de Schatkist gedreven wordt nadat eerst de welgestelden flink hebben kunnen profiteren van die schuld middels het uitlenen van geld en het daarop dus ontvangen van lekkere vergoeding.
Wat niet besproken wordt is wie er eigenlijk tot dusver fors geprofiteerd hebben van de misrekeningen van banken, etc. Daar moet toch ook geld terug te halen zijn middels gepaste wetgeving.
golden euro
Imagine the euro coins and notes are made of gold. If then the Greek owe a hundred billion euros to foreign countries there is no problem because tourism brings in twenty billion per year.
Inside the country Athens was too generous with big salaries, pensions and subsidies while taking sufficient taxes deteriorated. But this is a local problem only within the euro zone, for the government can make law that p.e. every house owner has to pay a hundred thousand euro as one time tax to the Treasury and those with a car say ten thousand. Fine tuning not regarded here. This will result in a situation with high mortgages like in northern countries and enabling the government to pay back its debts to greek banks. By the way how much did the wealthier Greeks deposit in Swiss banks? Of course little money will be left for importing luxurious things like cars and oil but the travellers will arrive where they want to go also by train and donkey. When going there on holidays take your old bike with you as a present.
If the euro consists of gold -note that the price of the stuff fluctuates too much for this to be a realistic option- it will be normal that on capital for investment reward is obtained as total production increases. This is not so when a government writes bonds to finance the gap caused by insufficient taxation to fullfill its duties. Gold is of limited amount and spending has to be cut when not distributed to maximize production. Unnecessary austerity will result because not the available labour and technical power are used to increase wealth. When government deficits take enormous proportions the paper euro inflates accordingly because the bond holders receive money while no services and goods are realized.
At the moment the gap between the richest and the poorest citizen in the USA amounts to fifty billion dollars. The gap hinders full use of capacities, shrinks the wealth of the nation and Obama not able to change things has to be called a failing president. The same for European leaders. One should not expect that the political leaders are experts in economics and in reality the richer half of the population -more educated and with able tongue- determines how to handle the euro crises. They like paying little tax plus receiving money on bonds. They like in fact shifting the burden from the strongest shoulders in order to become richer, richer, richer. Europe and America now face a situation with extremely rich individuals versus states in debt. Protecting the position of the rich requires to get money by issuing new bonds in order to provide southern euro states with sufficient liquidities.
Watch the situation in The Netherlands: the leaders of the PvdA socialist party adopted a sovjet style in taking big salaries for themselves while they gave the poorer people a "stadspas", i.e. reduction of entrance fee for swimming pool, theatre, etc. They agreed with an abject pensionfundsystem that actually draws money from the pockets of the poorer to fill those of the already well-to-do; less benigned persons when retired thus are deprived of several hundreds of euros per month. Add to this the tax reduction for rent on mortgages which enables the better off to buy a same house for netto tens of percents less than a minimumwager would be due. The latter does not earn enough for an own house and has to rent expensively, which favours again the rich. The Treaty of Paris (1953) art 60 aims on an honest open market and forbids such practices, but it is disregarded like art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, base of the International Treaty on Civil Rights in order to maintain a piramidal society. In which art 3 of own Constitution is laughed at by the Justice authorities (this art implies open, honest sollicitation procedures instead of favouring political friends).
A consequence of such mismanagement is the rising star of mr Wilders. He dictates policy of his party since he is the only member of it, not even parliament representees of that party are allowed to become members! Presumably he waits for mismanoeuvring of the prime minister to drop support to the minority cabinet. Then winning next elections he'll become Number One in the state, possibly also in a group of smaller states and as he said no financial support to Greece will be given. (Unfortunately reforestation of that Mediterranean area is not talked about, although this would bring in many euros to the Greek for digging holes and keep their goats away, while the wood later renders profit). Such undermines policies in Berlin and Paris (who together do not make majority), where no good policy in the interests of the poorer half of the people is sought: read giant tax raising for the rich to get them rid of superfluous money. Instead of private owners driving the Porsche automobile there can exist then only clubs whose members share the expenses. And make more people get into the car!
Imagine a golden euro of which too much belongs to a minority of wealthy people and institutions like pensionfunds. Which have not a management trained to increase national production; they are out for getting a bigger share only and hinder real entrepreneurs. Sharing jobs to reduce unemployment means better income distribution and less working hours, while everybody's capacities are used for raising national wealth. It stands for drop of status of those now high in the piramide. It would be agreed that the job of the man in the White House is the most important one on Earth and no other salary should be higher. The only way to get the golden euros in the right pockets is to take them by hard government measures as the rich man refuses to cooperate from own free will. A real capitalist first fills own pockets. That's why a good french king was called the friend of peasants: he tames the greedy.
With an uncontrolled paper euro the upper class to which belong present leaders, is seeking to create more paper in order to avoid taxation. Until now the euro is rather stable because it is connected to productivity, while some inflation is allowed to correct the unbalance caused by idle people receiving money on bonds and to get adjustment between sectors where productivity can and cannot increase. So there is no exact crises today with that euro but it can be shaped and most likely will be our fate by wrong policies in capitals. Remedy to the latter is simple: halve the salaries of parliament members and they will stop favouring the interest of the financial class to which they now belong. Instead they may get open mind for the needs of the poorer people of the european populations as they will belong to this class. Unfortunately most editors are well-to-do and do not like this essay, refusing to make things known to the public.
The american crisis originated when Washington wanted every household to have a nice dwelling but forgot to take the necessary measure of redistributing income, coupled to sharing jobs.
Note that the actual policy of the government is tinted atheistic even when Obama shouts "God bless you". When Moses stayed away on the mountain the Israelites felt lost and made a golden calf because such a thing at the time served as a footbank for the deity like a king wears a crown. They tried to get God where they wanted Him, do things for them as they liked. The Bible is pro resharing of production means once in fifty years in order to give loosers a new chance but especially to provide youth with equal starting positions. Today this can be achieved gradually by taxation of capital thus that it decreases by two percent per year, although by own labour it may become bigger. Remember the Ten Commandments which forbid that cattle is exploited on sunday and so the animals shall have access to free natural environment in stead op being locked up in sheds of bio-industry. Also not the ox of the neighbour is to be wanted, for he needs it to plough and get income from his land. Multinationals try to bring all oxes in their stable and the capitalist does not join old Pentecoste when first products of the new harvest were distributed among all citizens.
Obama promised to be a friend of everybody who wants freedom but some one else should be elected next time as he even refuses to help the Westpapuans. Kennedy was a bad president giving in to Sukarno, a kind of war monger starting kind of colonial war when it is was quite foreseeable that in near future Indonesia could receive independance peacefully. The false pre-cooked referendum about independance of Westpapua has to be corrected and read the faces of the inhabitants who painted these in the colours of their flag as the suppressing indonesian military forbade to raise that flag.
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