Barack Obama's foreign policy is wrong when american support is given to evil strongmen. Instead it should be practise that the USA favours him, her and those who best try to gain democracy. The latter to be understood as in agreement with the world's basic law which is art 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights. Consider p.e. the caliphate that should stretch out over Syria and Irak. Then a caliph is needed and western governments may help to search and promote a person fighting injustice like Harun al Rasjid.
Art 1 may be regarded as a weakened version of the biblical Second Great Commandment, valid in all three middle-eastern religions. It implies rights on a place to live without others drawing money from it if not consenting and participation in the production process. The First Great Commandment excludes mistreatment of the Creator's animals in bio-industry.
In order to have better foreign policy understood well the USA should explain properly fundamentals like independance for any nation and therefore mention criteria like etnicity, culture, language, historical background, religion and economic order. Note in these respects positions of israelis, palestinians, tibetans, papuas, etc. To help palestinians a 25% program may be organised: a maximum of 25% israelis on an autonomous Westbank under sovereignity of Israel and a maximum of 25% arabs in the rest of the state, while Gaza is tranferred to Egypt in exchange for the eastern part of the Sinaï up to St Catharine. This interim solution will enable the palestinians to get same high standards of living and democracy as the israelis.
The indonesian island Java is no longer overpopulated since industrialisation got firm roots there. Those migrated to Westirian should return in peaceful remigration under guard of the american navy. Trade with China must be limited in order to excert pressure for autonomy or independance of Tibet. At home the gap between richest and poorest citizen is to be reduced to a few million dollars at most in harmony with the content of art 1. Once America was called a country of hard working people. Today millionaires can live parasitic all the time. The White House therefore must introduce bill that drains too big amounts of private capital in say twenty years toward the Treasury or coco, cooperative, collective enterprises. Except what is added by own labour.
Obama has a task to find good candidates for presidency outside the actual top that concentrates on wealth of own class. The media shoul help and pay less attention to old top dogs. Discuss limiting jobs paid from the Treasury to eight years. Thus more capable persons will show up to the benefit of the nation.
What is summum of civilisation: capitalism or the Second Great Commandment? The White House in this respects shows many black aspects. In Congress heathens dominate.
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