dinsdag 12 augustus 2014


                          as many strikes are going on in South Africa:
                                                                      In South Africa the Boers and the black both originally had consensus societies, while the english speakers were accustomed to class differences, like from nobility in England and by money in America. The difference between blacks and Boers however was deeper than the (colour of the) skin, for the first, coming from Westafrica, had a large percentage of fast twitch muscles which enable to sprint like a lion and prefer rest afterwards in the sun. The others could work all day or run a marathon like in the eastern part of the continent. You don't want to share with people which in your eyes seem lazy. Their religion allowed the Boers not to be racists, so they invented that the blacks were foreigners, belonging in "thuislands", homelands. Quite humanlike they took the best and biggest parts of the country for themselves.
Today there are many strikes for better wages while there is also much unemployment. Therefore should be considered whether limiting working hours - attacking unemployment- for fast twitch type people plus giant raise of salary per hour-emancipation towards consensus- is an option. The number of cells of this or that type muscles is fixed but by training one can move along the line from west to east Africa, enlarging preferred cells. Presently there is a six stars hotel in Cape Town and english is stimulated to use daily. Thus people get accustomed to class society and may accept it although it involves deterioration of personal position for most citizens.
Millionaires cannot be allowed to live in a parasitic way during their whole life. The Bible tells about resharing production means every fifty years in order to give new chance to the looser, but especially to provide youth with about equal starting positions. So very big private capital should be directed in say twenty years to the Treasury or to coco (collective, cooperative) enterprises, except what is added by own labour. Discussion on this may start end economist can work out a scheme. In modern countries lots of superfluous work is done because many persons are excluded somehow by bosses and then have to find own ways of generating money. Which in practice means often doubling. Estimate how much is lost when many telephone companies are operating. Another evil thing is that managers want more employeees under them in order to get bigger salaries themselves. The governmenet should give good example and order roulation after say eight years having been paid from the Treasury. Such is in full agreement with article 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights.

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