dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

inspectie UNO scholen

           Gelet op de gebeurtenissen te Den Haag rijst de vraag of er in die stad wel goed onderwijs aan de jeugd gegeven wordt en of de Onderwijsinspectie zulks controleert.
Nederland blijkt geld te sturen naar Gaza en draagt ook bij aan VN projecten; wellicht komt een deel van dat geld terecht bij VN scholen ginds en dan lijkt daar eveneens een rol weggelegd te zijn voor genoemde inspectie. 
to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation,
Due to foreign agression the jewish nation had no own state for two thousand years. The lasst five centuries moslims dominated, considering jews as second ranking people who had to pay extra taxes and were denied many positions.
Presently in Gaza the UNO has several schools and as it is understood hating jews is main education under responsability of the secretary-general. French media reported missiles in UNO schools under controll of the secretary-general, destined to kill israeli civilians. The psalm tells: the children of nazi-like fathers are better smashed against the walls if they want to follow such parents.
The European Union has art 1 of the universal Declaration on human rights as fundament for its treaties. This art can be considered as a weakened version of the biblical Second Greast Commandment, which binds moslims too.
Art 1 is despiced by government, parliament and justice courts in Holland, in several other european countries, in the moslim world; not in the least by Jakarta oppressing westpapouans. The UNO secretary-general does little to embetter the situation, although such is his duty. At his headquarters the content of the art is even not well understood: several automatically included rights like freeedom of religion are repeated superfluously in following articles; implied rights like on an own place to stay or dwell without others drawing money from it against one' s will are neglected. The same regarding participation in the production process, which necessitates resharing jobs.
Isis shows what many moslims strive for: humiliation of other people and bereeving them of normal rights guaranteed by the united nations of the world in 21st century. Therefore Israel should not allow existence of a palestinian state; it is too dangerous. The palestinians never formed a nation with own language, culture, history, but descend mostly from migrators within the turkish empire. Presently a 25% solution for actual problems lies at hand: a maximum of 25% israelis on an autonomous Westbank under sovereignity of Israel and a maximum of 25% arabs in the rest of the country, while Gaza is added to Egypt and the eastern half of the Sinaï uop to St Catharine is turned to Israel. Provide then a hundred billion euros to Egypt for constructing new metropoles along the Mediterranean and the whole region may prosper, getting also railways that connect Jerusalem with other capitals.
In near future the Amazone forest, the North Pole regions, the Himalaya, the Sahara should be cut loose from states and brought under international controll like Antarctica as domain for wild flora and fauna. On smaller scale border lines can change into humanfree border zones. At home the First Great Commandment which obliges to do away with bio-industry is to be respected. Note that a state must guarantee obeissance to art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, which is explicitly contra millionairs leading parasitic life. So big private capital should be directed in say twenty years to the Treasury or to coco (collective, cooperative) production, except what is added by own labour. Art 1 testifies of high civilisation and opposes capitalism, which is egoistic. Neither Mammon or Carriere -becoming master over others with help of money or positions- shall be gods. Therefore it is wise to  roulate public functions, like already is the case with american presidency etc. Let it meanwhile be known what was and what will be teached at UNO schools in Gaza.

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