That is not possible if time gets to a stillstand at things called black holes. Existence of these contradicts rapid expansion in the very concentrated young universe. The russian scientis Vasily Yanchilin argues in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003) that supposed black holes do not exist and are just big masses. The book is didactically very well written and also readable by people lacking sufficient mathematics. Recently the author opened a site with summaries. The book widens our horizon with new theory that replaces the century old and wrong general theory of relativity, which is based on the hypothesis that the speed of light c is constant in vacuum and therefore also the Planck must be a constant. NIST is intending to base the kilogram on such a Planck constant, refusing to take notice of the work of Yanchilin and obviously not able to prove that his argumentation is wrong. His theory has hypothesis that the potential of the total mass of the universe determines the speed of electro-magnetic waves. To the special theory of relativity - the speed of light is the same for all moving observers- then should be added: at a certain time and a certain place. Namely that potential is the same in all directions but lessens towards the border of the universe where it becomes zero and not otherwise regarding c. Here everything looses direction and speed to get in a total quantum mechanical state; so mass reduces (founding hypothesis) the Heisenberg uncertainty and the gravitation then becomes understood as a pure quantum mechanical process: In the half of a particle nearest to an external mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half than the other way. Net result is displacement of the particle towards the external mass, which is called in daily language gravitational attraction. Note that Einstein assumed constancy of c as a temporary working hypothesis at a time quantum mechanics was still unknown.
Every scientist accepts the principle of least action and a photon passing a mass will do so with as big steps -oscillations of low frequency- as possible and a minimum of these. Near mass, all agree, the unit of length shrinks and distances become larger. Observed is a slightly curved route of the photon around mass, thus through a zone where frequencies are smaller or time is running slower than properly near the passed mass. The general theory of relativity wrongly insists that time decellerates near mass. Another bad calculation in the gtr is: 1 + 1 = 1, namely the red shift of sunlight is attributed by slower second on the sun and by overcoming gravitational attraction while not the sum of both is measured. Yanchilin presents better explanation in his book. He also mentions the 1919 experiment as not confirming the gtr because the famous Einstein formula relating energy to mass and speed of light was not considered in the change of potential. When c changes from very fast at "the beginning" to zero at the "edge" of the universe then the supernova Ia standard has to be corrected as well and accellerated expansion of the universe disappears. That means the Noble price for this wrong idea has to be returned! At the Utrecht University a renormalisation procedure was developped for shortcomings in the gtr. If the latter is wrong that work looses value and therefore the authors do not want to read Yanchilin's book. At the Universiteit van Amsterdam an own theory was invented, however not fit to solve any problems. But the professors got a million euro premium for it and banned Yanchilin's book to a distant storehouse not easily accessible for students. So the young men and girls stay ignorant, dumb. Like in the dark Middle Ages when to vested authority unpleasant books were burnt wikipedia boycots Yanchilin's work. NIST fails in prooving that the gtr is OK.
A few months ago Yanchilin started site Here is added new theory by another scientist on the origin of stars. Yanchilin rejects black holes, negative energy, inflation of the universe, which he considers phantasy not in harmony with sound physics. Dark matter he presumes might originate from "old" light, that got too dispersed to react anymore but keeps its energy. Consider that light bends towards mass and therefore also gets retarded by mass at its back. Radiation is everywhere, so around Earth also some of the stuff may be present temporarily and cause not yet understood strange ticking of atomic clocks in satelites. Can potential let be known via radiation?
NIST should not try to base the kilogram on the Planck as this is in latest theory not a constant. The US Secretary of State may organise a conference on the topic, inviting Yanchilin to hear his arguments and participate in discussion. Since last year many think that a Higgs particle provides mass, but not the real character of it is revealed; by the way the electron too is in many ways still mysterious. Yanchilin thinks rest mass was smaller in the past and he illustrates this with formula on constant impuls moment of a shrinking cloud of particles. That is a good topic to talk about also at the conference.
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