"Kyoto had been struck by one calamity after another. People would smash Buddhist status and other devotional gear". This wrote Akutagawa. Joost van den Vondel in translation from dutch:
Oh long night lovelier than day time,
how can King Herod stand the bright shine
that from high heaven spreads the Word
and is adored as found of pleasure.
His pride discards the divine measure
though clearly ear and eye report.
Thus the Bethlehem children were murdered.
On the Green Cheese Planet live very content fat mice, light years away from the Cats Solar System. Satan asked God permission to bring over some of these predators. Otherwise, the devil grinned, soon there would be surpopulation with all its misery.
In the gospel of John word (in greek alphabet capitals were unknown) must not be translated by Word as it refers probably to Genesis 1: A mighty king utters a word and things happen accordingly. This is technically well told since no human eyes were present to watch and report on details. The author continues about the Messiah, the Messenger from God, who announces raise of our status from servants (Old Testament) to "children" (New Testament). No Trinity is needed for this and no offering (at a cross; suffering there seems to express solidarity) since Jesus famous prayer skips this like the psalm before. A child sits at the tabel of the father and has some access to his wallet. But it must be educated and therefore experience good and bad in order not to become an automat or zombie. Or a grinning materialist not inclined to spiritual evolution towards the attitude of the samaritan in the well known story. Christ the Anointed explains access to Paradise for the sheep and we may consider less important how or if one is religious. So modern interpretation of biblical texts incorporates evolution of mind and spirit. Only since a few centuries we know about evolution and today this matters much for religion too. Human spirit is bound to a body but the Creator is not likewise and therefore cannot be known from our intelligence. His Messenger, the Messiah who does not need to be part of a trinity, is all we got. God cannot appear on television because that would render strict certainty with loss of our freedom to choose. In ancient times the years were counted in years of the ruler. The rule given by Christ is according the Second Great Commandmend, is today also according the Declaration of Human Rights. Or the rule is of the ruler Christ anno Domini 2024, though trespassed often. His rule becomes visible where people start behaving like citizens of his Reign. In the Middle East father and son often means of same opinion and same attitude. That is why the First Great Commandmend has to be obeyed without limit.
Next question is what should be brought on tv, on Internet, in the daily papers. All the time reporting on bigger cars, speed in sports, human culture? Broadening views is urgent on schools, universities and sunday learning in churches cannot be missed. Singing there the Laudate Dominum should be of high performance; not in a way that God will put His fingers in His ears.
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