dinsdag 17 januari 2012

on gravity

                                                  Many scientists and also Wikipedia boycott the new theory on gravity which was presented in 2003 by Vasily Yanchilin in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravity. So young students are kept ignorant and further research lacks.
The russian researcher rejects the equivalence principle and the general theory of relativity although he agrees that the latter gives useful approximation when factors vary little.
He calls black holes phantasy. From the book in own words why Einstein's old general theory is invalid: 
The new theory is based on the principle of least action; with hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty.
Near mass the unit of length shrinks and distance thus increases. A photon departing from Mercurius passes the sun in a straight line measured to own geometry, but to a distant observer it moves in a parabolic track. It tries to make as big steps (oscillations) as possible and a minimum of these. According to Einstein's hypothesis of a hundred years ago before quantummechanics became known the second becomes slower near the sun. This translates into lower frequency of photons there. Then the photon would seek a path closer to the sun mass which at distance would be observed as a hyperbolic route. In reality such does not happen. Thus far contra arguments are absent or not presented in public.
The red shift of sunlight is understood in the general theory of relativity as caused by slower second on the sun and overcoming gravitation. However not the sum of both is measured. In the book new vision is offered.
Yanchilin's main hypothesis is that the propagation of electro-magnetic waves is related to the potential of the total mass in the universe. Slightly that potential increases near a local mass and so the speed of light too. Or in other words time runs faster near the sun, which is in agreement with the fast processes near the Big Bang when mass was very concentrated. At the "border" of the universe that speed reduces to zero and everything there becomes undetermined, loosing direction and speed. Einstein himself took constancy of the speed of light in vacuum only as a temporary hypothesis since he did not believe that such a natural phenomen could be totally unrelated to everyhting else in the universe. Reflect on the words electro, magnetic, waves.
The special theory of relativity remains valid if understood thus that the speed of light will be the same to all observers moving in different directions. Because it depends on that potential of the total mass of the universe which is the same in all directions at a certain time and a certain place. But changes every moment and therefore the scale presented by supernovae Ia has to be corrected. Then accelleration of the universe expansion is fiction only and the Nobel prize 2011 for physics has to be given back.
Yanchilin offers a solid mathematical description of an interval and as a consequence big masses should no longer be called black holes. While also inflation, the cosmological constant, negative energy disappear. Newton and Einstein offered a quantitative explanation of gravity; Yanchilin maintains that its character is pure quantummechanical: In the half of a particle nearest to an external mass transitions a la Heisenberg towards the other half are reduced compared by those from the outer half towards the half nearest to the external mass. Netto there results movement of the particle towards that other mass, which in common language is called gravitational attraction.
To be discussed is whether inertial mass is not observed unless you push it; as if there is balance between Heisenberg transitions when at rest.
(A new item might be whether less "mass substance" at the beginnings of the universe complies with more limited transition activity).
To find out who is right Yanchilin wants time measured at different heights with atomic clocks. However the core of the atom may be sensitive to quark activity in such a way that those clocks wont't be exactly precise.
As the sun's mass contributes to the speed of ligth according Yanchilin the latter is in winter about ten centimeters bigger than in summer due to varying distance of our planet to the star. I wonder whether measuring refraction of frequencies in those seazons may provide info. In practice laser light could be used, after splitting sent from different heights; but first theory on this should be worked out in order to see whether it will be a realistic experiment.

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