zaterdag 19 december 2015

astrophysics 2015

Einstein took constancy of the speed of electro magnetic waves only as a temporary hypothesis and could not imagine that involved processes of electricity and magnetism were independent of everything else. Reflect on this.

The big mistake was to consider time not bound to physical processes but as something abstract, which should fit the mathematical construction of the general theory of relativity.

Since radiation is everywhere no vacuum exists in the universe; can remains unable te react anymore be kind of modern "ether" to spread p.e. potential?

If you are afraid of Onstorming Uniting Black Holes then take a telepathic geranium plant (messages faster than light) and send one of a twin into outer space. When it gets eaten its brother at your window will tremble from shock, which can be measured on its leaves with fine apparatus. Then before it will be your turn to get swallowed just a few seconds remain for a short prayer (schietgebedje).

Einstein's theories date from a century ago, from before the era of quantum mechanics.

Only the formula connecting energy to mass and speed of light stays unchanged and correct.

The special theory of relativity is valid if added on a certain time and a certain place.

The general theory of relativity is wrong, but when factors vary little it gives a reasonable approximation.

This all according Vasily Yanchilin in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003).

    The 1919 measurement is explained by 2mgh as change of potential, of which half is very well known while the other half represents a (small) change of (huge) internal energy. In new theory the speed of light is assumed to be related to the potential of the total mass of the universe which is in all directions the same for moving observers but decreases with the expansion of the universe. The equivalence principle, base of the general theory of relativity, is false because a charge in a gravitational field does not radiate but such happens when accelerated in a non-inertial system. Also rest mass is not constant, for an isolated cloud of particles will contract by mutual gravitation and speeds increase. But the impuls moment can not! A photon seeks to pass mass according the principle of least action; that means with as big steps (oscillations of low frequency) and a minimum of these. Therefore it curves around mass through a zone with slower time. Near mass proper the unit of length gets smaller, atoms shrink and electrons radiate with higher frequencies. Time is bound to physical processes and measured thus; it is not something unrelated as in the general theory of relativity which is of mathematical character. Remember that a point, p.e. as origin of the Big Bang is also a mathematical concept. It does not exist in physics because there are none dimensions.

When old theory fails then new one is required and Yanchilin presents such, interpreting gravitation as a pure quantum mechanical process, based on the hypothesis that the Heisenberg uncertainty decreases near mass. Thus in the half of a particle nearest to an external mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half than the other way. Net result is displacement of the particle in the direction of the external mass. That' s all!, a qualitative explanation while Newton and Einstein gave only quantitative description.

Light is attracted by mass and of course this happens also by the mass of the universe when a photon goes outward, tries to escape. At the border of the universe its speed decreases to zero; there everything looses movement with direction, gets into a pure quantum mechanical state, called chaos by Vasily Yanchilin. In the past c was much bigger, which corresponds to fast processes at the very concentrated Beginning. The latter is not in harmony with standstill of time near so called black holes. These are just big masses. The change of c leads to correction of the supernova Ia standard and accellerated expansion of the universe becomes phantasy. The Nobel prize for it has to be returned. Also negative energy, inflation and a cosmological constant become superfluous and exist only in the heads of many present "scientists". The new theory widens our horizon but still many problems are yet to be researched.

Dark mass according Yanchilin may be related to radiation which is abundant and everywhere. There is no real vacuum in the universe and when a light wave spreads the photon may not be able anymore to react (unless via a lense) but keeps energy/mass. The border of the universe shifts outward; then what and how much remains of old "spread" waves? To get some grip on entanglement I suggest to consider a lateral wave pattern at electro magnetic radiation. Waves on a water surface have only varying amplitude in forward direction. A lateral variation shapes a block pattern. Then for splitting with small angle and little distance a plus on one side automatically and instantly might result in a minus on the opposite side if true wave character is implied.


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