The Middle East religions maintain that the First Cause can be called God and add that He is friendly towards people, his creatures. Before machines and computers were present the deity kind of description got with human related character. Due to necessary intelligence for the creating process there is not spoken of an It, though a She may be all right.
Good civilisation rests on art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, adopted by the European Union as base of its Treaties: everyone is born free and with equal rights. Thousands of years ago already even more stringent expression was formulated in the biblical Second Great Commandment: respect and value thy neighbour for he is like yourself. This was a compilation of the Ten Commandments which are surely also binding moslims since Moses who took these down from the mountain is a great prophet to them. In the Sinai many rocks show features as letters on a surface. The First Great Commandment is very important since it limits aspirations of mankind and forbids to put a person or his way of life on a holy throne like is done by Buddhists. Aslo it demands respect for the animals, Gods creatures which were not called by Adam beef, meatball and therefore bio-industry is to be rejected as from the devil. Mammon is one of God's competors and very well in filling stomachs and pleasuring the lower half of the body. Druggy is popular to young people who seek happiness. And the Buddha idea leads to nirwana, eternal non-existence, which normal people call death. Yet old Buddha, the founder of the heathen nirwana philosophy, may live: In Paradise or until that will be realized in heaven, for those Middle East religions keep the gate open for people that did not get enough knowledge but demonstrate acceptable intentions. The Pope in Rome should read the Ten Commandments and skip trinity. He must read the psalms where is mentioned that God forgives for nothing in return except an honest heart. He has to get a better translation of the first chapter of the John gospel:
That most presumably starts with referring to Genesis 1: a mighty king speaks a word and things happen accordingly a thousand miles away. When no human eyes were present to watch such is technically a good description. Next John narrates some poetry about light and then comes the Messiah with great news: Our status is raised from servants in the Old Testament to children in the New Treaty. A servant wants salary; a child sits at the table with the father and has some access to his wallet. But it needs education, evolution, and apparently therefore has to experience good and bad in order not to become a zombie. John continues that Christ, the Ointed One got this new status from birth on and so only he. Then the difference between buddhism and Christendom is clear: The latter aims at a bright future and think of computer programs which can be installed on another machine, or in heavenly circumstances the intelligence quotient gets augmented not only to cure illness but even to choose a wonderful body. The Creator is able to and as a "father" it is illogical to demand shed of blood for mischief of children. The Israelites though were very aware of their shortcomings and symbolically a lamb loaden with sins was sent into the desert to perish there together with it burden. Jesus went the whole human way and such helps Thomasses who otherwise might turn their backs. Are the orange clad monks of Thailand aware of the caterpillar-butterfly view of Christians, Jews and Moslims? Surely it is bad to eat in church only a tiny piece of bread after which everybody hurries home to consume steak or meatball in apartheid. Certainly Moslims in Paradise have to sit at the table with Christians and Jews, perhaps even with the "atheist" mr. Buddha, who did not get the Message in his time.
Then on Earth they must not regard people with other beliefs as inferior beings. A caliphate is not a western invention but can be all right like presumably the one under Harun al Rashid. When its leaders are bad they have to be replaced, arrested and punished. Bombing must be forbidden for it hurts innocent persons. So tells art 1, which implies to all participation in counselling and decision making, or governing with referenda on main topics. After which a subjugated parliament works out and takes care of daily control. No president, member of parliament, professor, officer, policeman should be paid from Treasury longer than say eight years. Next other competent people on the scene please and corruption will decrease. Is this teached to young Thais clad in school dress? Reflecting on spiritual things matters and on sunday morning therefore no shopping or sports should be practised. Meanwhile God puts probably his fingers in his ears when hearing the bad singing on Covenant Street in Bangkok, where also heretic translation of the gospel by John is read in the roman catholic way. Trinity is qualified as completely wrong by jews, moslims and modern christians. In the Middle East "son of" indicates often not physical relationship but rather undistinghuisable in words and attitude; compare with son of David-in-his-better-moments.
What would result from your hands being a Creator? Not puppets on a row, but neither terrorists who cannot be sent to shopping malls to satisfy their aspirations? Christendom includes bright prospects, more than science fiction stories. But telling about it is a little bit complicated as in biblical language sea means drowning, death; mountains stand for obstacles and the New Jerusalem will not be a fortification on a hill but resembles Babylon along a big river. And if really the first will be the last then Elisabeth of England -if she goes to heaven- shall have to clean toilets there eternally.
Will Buddhism soon be gone? The orange monks may sing psalms, that express emotions and desires, on the beautiful Geneva melodies. Well the Buddhist temples then can change into churches for lauding the Creator, for His good news brought to us by the Messiah, starting at Christmas.
In the seventeenth century Joost van den Vondel wrote (theater play Lucifer), which translated (by me, no copy rights):
Salvator who will crush the serpent's biting head;
for guilt of mankind that from seduced Adam spread
bring God's redemption in due time and then unlcok
to Eva promised Greater Eden for your flock
We count the ages and the years, yeah day and hour
till your fine grace appears and Nature shall reflower
As then the bodies and the souls in your house dwell
and stand before the throne from where those angels fell
and Oh kerstnacht, schoner dan de dagen:
Oh long night lovelier than day time
how can king Herod stand the bright shine
that from high heaven spreads the Word
and is adored as fount of pleasure;
his pride discards the divine measure
though clearly ear and eye report
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