donderdag 1 oktober 2020

speed of energy transport

Angular momentum can be understood as describing a situation. Compare that in a country with closed borders the distribution of cars or horsepower varies. So in CJPAS october 2018 the formula 23 by Vasily Yanchilin may read: delta M = 42 / 33.10 exp 6 (sec); v = 40.10 exp 6 /24.3600 and r(eff) = 0,4. 6,4.10 exp 6; which renders delta J(Earth) about 15000 kgm exp 2 /sec. Further delta J(moon) = m.dv.dr. with about the same result (dv negative). As it concerns a descriptive part of physics it does not matter what speed transfer of energy has. The Ligo experiments show at distant stations a little difference in time of registration. Which indicates limited speed of energy transfer. Besides transporting photons there exist also shock waves without "particles" bridging much distance. Notice that space is nowhere empty since radiation is omnipresent and perhaps bears other processes than expedition of photons also. 
Earth and Moon wobble due to the influence of other celestial objects. Clarifying this regarding involved energy, speed, gravitational potential is a good task.
(To those not aquainted with the hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty): Gravity as "a pure quantum mechanical process" might be explained with variable unit of length (see Yanchilin's article on Poincaré in another CJPAS pulication): in the more compact atoms in the half of a particle nearest to an external mass more energy for quantum mechanical transitions is needed than in those sitting in the farthest half, which causes net surplus from the latter; in common language manifesting gravitational attraction.
About atomic clocks some arithmetics has to be done: On Earth in compacter atoms more energy might be needed for ticking which then could slow down. On the other hand to the second here should be added the longer duration in satelites when counting: what will be the sum?
The stuff in so called black holes might be of same kind as in the very young opaque universe. What opinions are around? As well explained by Yanchilin in his book, on his site and in the CJPAS black holes do not exist and photons seeking to pass mass with "as big steps (oscillations of low frequencies) as possible and a minimum of these" illustrate this very well since they pass mass at a distance where time runs slower and oscillations thus have lower frequency. Time running slower can be expressed by reduced speed of light and of energy transport. Remark that Yanchilin describes the border of the universe with c = 0 and at its begin much higher than today near Earth; be it in that pictured "black hole" also higher than an alternative is to say that time there runs faster and spectrums should be searched.

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