donderdag 29 november 2007


A hundred billion euro plan
                   for solving Palestinian problems
The Middle East gets rather surpopulated. There cannot be produced enough food for own people and if import stagnates starvation may occur.
The animals there lost most of their unspoiled territory and cattle is exploited in miserable sheds of bio-industry, while sheep and goats harm wild flora.
This is due to egoism.
All over the world plants and beasts need large protected humanfree reservates. To this purpose the Amazone forest, Alaska, East-Siberia, the Himalaya, the Sahara, apeland of Borneo and the Dreamland of the Australian Aborginals should be cut loose from states and brought under international controll like Antarctica. On smaller scale border lines can change into humanfree border zones.
Growing numbers of population no longer are to be housed on fertile grounds. Metropoles for them may be constructed at the edge of deserts near sea or ocean. The big city can house, provide work and offer recreation. It is an instrument to gain wealth.
Mankind does not know much about its origins and has little controll on the future. Many people stick to religion for better interpretation and from that derive advanced rules on social behaviour. Jews and moslims thus inspired define for themselves a nation, which needs land or a country and with overlapping claims conflict arises.
Doing research on this the following interpretations are to be tested: The divine power is ascribed full righteousness and after favouring particular societies this may change to other ones for good balance. As also promises from Above are to be kept a new period of attention can emerge and so the position of Israel may be regarded. The Palestinians for the most are moslims and believe in the concept of a pan nation, comprising all of their fellow believers. Many Arabs now living in Israel or at refugee sites descend from migrants coming to a region in the Turkish empire where circumstances to make a living were slightly better. They differ little in aspirations from sedentary people elsewhere, except that religious leaders mobilized the political elite to keep persons with christian and jewish beliefs in a subdued position. The broad mass next was incited to have a lot of children in order to drive the Isrtaelis into the sea. The evil perception culminated in terroristic attacks although the Koran tells the story of Ibrahim and his son, which may be interpreted as follows from its roots: Abraham had to recognise that not he was master over his son, but only God is such. At the time what belonged to the deity should be offered, thrown into the fire. Likewise no religious or political leader is allowed to play the role of master over youth and send them into suicidal terroristic missions.
In fact from Heaven full liberty is given to any human under condition of respect to his Creator. This is confirmed in the punishment of Eve when she tried to get higher ranking and sit next to God, which means also superior position towards others. Man's humble place is also evident from the story of the Golden Calf: It was custom that a god had such a thing to put his feet on like a king wears a crown. The Israelites felt very lost when Moses stayed away on the mountain and they tried to attract God to where they wanted Him. This was not successfull. On the other hand Jerusalem was chosen to spread law. Texts of it seem to be complete but working out for daily practice is far from ready and modern Israel can be ascribed task to this while from Palestinians nothing is expected. Explanation on the presumed task is given later in this paper. The New Testament describes the New Jerusalem as a splendid city along a broad river with plenty fruit trees. That does not ressemble old Jerusalem, built as a fortress on a hilly top but is more like Baghdad in its Golden Age.
The area potentially available for moslim Palestinians is far too insufficiant for settling in villages with agricultural base plus cities that render accompagnying elaborate services. Instead of several semi-metropolitan areas with industrial jobs preference may go to a Singapore-like home between El Arish and the Suez canal while on the Westbank Arab farmers and their villages plus small cities are incorporated into the state of Israel. The idea behind this proposal is that more habitable space has to be created to get quarreling peoples and nations satisfied and this is best translated in more specialized square meters in a metropolis, a living organism, good for own inhabitants and doing well in wide surroundings. It is imaginable that present state borders are changed a bit, up to the Libian-Egyptian for compensation if desired, to create more harmonious domain, the environment where one lives, works and spends daily leisure time. The new Palestinian giant metropole can reach an optimum of five million citizens, including several Egyptians and Israelis, while separation exists between politics and religions.
Now for aspects of law that are derived from Jerusalem views recorded in the Bible. First is valid that men descending from Adam are equals, like after the Second world War with its holocaust was formulated in art 1 of the Universal Declaration on human rights. However a material component is still lacking in this article, p.e. that everybody has a right on own spot for dwelling or staying without others taking advantage of this by attaching a financial or other burden. The latter does not regard the carpenter who offers a real contribution or the municipality which takes care of the street towards the house, but aims at parasites. As told in Genesis neither parasitism in daily life can be allowed and every able person has to contribute in work, both for him- or herself and for society. This enormously contradicts practices in the western world and by giving the good example the new Palestinian metropolis by far will outwit Brussels, the capital of the European Union. Furthermore old Pentecoste is to be honoured on which first products of the new harvest are shared. Capitalists give only after own pockets have been filled. The story of beautiful but poor Ruth to whom farmer Boaz fell in love explicates that always a remainder has to be left to the poor and to wild animals. One of the Ten Commandments forbids to want the ox of the neighbour; for he needs it to plough; otherwise there won't be income from his land. Multinationals which try to get all oxes into own stable therefore are to be frained. Also sabbath must be respected for the sake of domestic animals, which means allowing these to stroll around in a natural environment. Because of recent inventions such as concrete stables and iron cages a sub rule may be added, that every animal under human controll shall have enough natural space to run, fly or swim to full extent for at least three seconds. And near every artificially hardened surface, whether roof, yard or street high growing trees have to be planted in compensation for the loss of fertile soil. All this culminates in resharing after fifty years, which is just more than forty, the classical lifetime of responsability, in order to give loosing families a new chance but especially to get equal starting positions for youth. Modern resharing can go gradually by redistributing taxation and by education which opens doors. This too is opposite to capitalistic practices of taking as much as possible permanently and reserving better jobs for relations. It equally is opposite to noncaring for wild flora and fauna by causing surpopulation. Modern DNA research enables to find in all circumstances parents and these must temper their egoism and fit fully to take care of the children. Sanctions are available and necessary to protect the interests of next generation. This is in accordance with children's rights. The new inhabitants of the suggested metropolis must be aware of these social restrictions, which also cause individual qualities to become more pronounced than belonging to the group of a big family, clan or religious organisation. In turn this influences the outlay of the metropole, which therefore is not conceived as a large assembly of family houses and apartments with some central district for specialised services to the public. What it will become depends on the citizens ultimately. They get the instrumentals from architects plus a variety of scientific input. In this essay only several different appearances of district built-up or not each other ressembling sub-cities are given to incite trying valuable twentieth century habitat.
The metropolis, for the moment code-named Palbeit, will exist in different, spatially separated forms and first thing a visitor may remark is the absence of cars and other motorized vehicles except trains, trams and a gondola system at five meter above untouched surface with automatic transport of two persons or two hundred kilogrammes of freight. Renouncing cars here means that enough money can be saved to spend nice holidays abroad driving cars through the varied landscapes of Earth. Of course it means less fatal accidents and a lot of space becomes available to man, animal and plant which otherwise would be occupied by automobiles. But the buildings then should be arranged in such a way that not authorities who want to be transported in Mercedesses can direct addition of streets and so neither can follow the upper class, middle class and everybody. Technics are advanced enough to earn a living with twenty hours working in own profession, doing a day per week civil servant's job and get back some money from the tax revenues as wage while blocking corruption. There is little need for hurrying otherwise than really fast to which comply helicopter and motorcrosser.
City A of metropolis Palbeit then may consist of a big number of high rise buildings on land and on an artificial peninsula in the sea. At the latter site concrete foundations of sky scrapers function also to tame the waves. A central open place should be large enough to gather all inhabitants for the purpose of partaking in counceling and decisionmaking on main topics, that are worked out by a subjugated parliament.
Urban environment B at a certain distance consists of harbour facilities, industries and living quarters, mingled as much as possible to utilize every subspace and have this protected from the sun's heat by sheltering and trees.
North of this a canal city C is possible as the concept of street along water on one side of a closed row of houses up to five or six stories and quiet gardens at the other side is very appalling.
The sea water that flows into the dug out canals is pumped to a reversed artificial wadi passing through experimental subcity D and cooling it. Advisabel as it is to have a new archtectural style of at least the same importance as the famous Art Deco there should also be inlets at the roofs, on which Dareus mills, to get fresh nightly air in its catacombs that spreads at day time.
On the contrary city E, the farthest landinward, may show how to master desert conditions by building very compact in high rise to keep the sun out and have inner palm gardens.
The low lands at the southern shore can be reserved for realising wishes to live in one family houses with watered gardens (F) like present in many leisure ressorts in the Middle East, until scarcity of water ends it.
Meanwhile it is possible to have a racing circuit, where one can rent a bolide, in combination with an international airport plus world trade centre (G). Trains from Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut and the Gulf get a main station here. By the way a many countries comprising authority will enable swift expansion of comfortable and economic travelling by train.
Not to forget is a tent city (H) in bedouin style.
The Palbeit area will be large enough for realizing specific hamlets (I) and beyond the present shore an island of Manhattan allure looms in future (J).
So the development of an area, about 50 x 50 kilometers, made available by revising the 1918 Egyptian border, seems enough to bring all of the Arab or moslim Palestinians to a high standard of living in an attractive and important metropolis, a focus between continents on an almost ideal location that could not be used before since machines lacked. Added to this should be the Gaza strip which then is to be renovated plus eventually some of Israeli territory in that corner to get round borders. 
At the other hand the Westbank will become part of the Israeli state completely, allowing though continuation of Palestinian farming under restriction of reforestation, plus their cities for serving purposes plus new villages besides those of Israeli colonists. The Westbank for economic and environmental reasons is less suitable for population expansion, while Palbeit in a short time can provide wealth and status and free movement around the world to many, not only Palestinians but also some Egyptians, some jews, some Israelis, westerners and refugees from different parts of the world.
The cost of creating Palbeit is estimated at hundred billion euros added investment for getting twentyfive square meters per person for a family of two parents and two children at a total of two and a half million inhabitants of the metropole in its first stage. This sum includes the cost of public service utilities and primary investment for work floors at an almost immediate bruto wage level like that in the European Union say a decade ago. Depending on industrialisation, trade and international services the salaries will rise to a competitive level on world scale.
A bit of those one hundred billion euros investment capital might come from Arab countries, but not very much is expected for various reasons and the main portion has to be brought in by the countries of the European Union, which all aim with great desire and devotion on ending the Palestinians problems.
The above plam clearly comes from a European, though not from a politician as such a person is not busy in the first place to enlarge habitable space but tries to get a bigger share of what is already available. Palbeit-like metropoles can be constructed anywhere in regions with surpopulation where it is possible to reform bare land near the sea into urban environment. The presented ideas may induce even better plans. As for contested Jerusalem: that city is ascribed a role for spreading conciliating law. Good law protects the weaker party against the stronger, the cunning, the criminal, the rich sometimes. Perhaps there are too many moslims and christians and righteous jews to have Paradise as a rural environment and the New Jerusalem needs no fortifications but may be situated on a broad river or along the shore of sea or ocean. Then in Old Jerusalem the believers of the three religions may come to sing, recite and musicize their common heritage the psalms on the Temple Mount in a splendid new building of glass and stainless steel, shaped as two raised praying hands. They can go there on friday, sabbath and sunday respectively; believers from far away who did not adjust their watch also on monday and thursday while for the remainder of the week perhaps together if not busy spending their tourist money. One of the psalms expresses that they all will be regarded as born in Jerusalem, being citizens under its law to the world.
The train Palbeit - Jerusalem takes less than an hour.
What will make Palbeit different more than any other city in the Arab world if striving for maximalisation? This metropolis shall get microclimates, both spiritually and for abundant plants and animals.

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