The European Union mentions in its treaties art 1 of the Declaration on human rights as basic. Being born with equal rights was expressed a few thousand years ago already in the Second Great Commandment: Respect and treat benignly the other for he is like yourself. Art 1 creates fundament of real civilization and the state must be based on it. Which means shaping environment where everybody can have good share. This differs from Christian religion which includes experiencing good an bad in the frame of evolution to "children" of God. Capitalists don't like art 1 as they are greedy, prefer to be slaves of the Mammon. A correct government cannot allow that some persons lead parasitic life as millionaires and thus redistribution must be organized. This principle is valid also regarding relations oversea, although people there have to cooperate and avoid surpopulation, caring that to wild flora and fauna remains sufficient undisturbed domain. In this respect the Amazon forest, the Sahara, the North Pole regions, the Himalaya are to be cut loose from states and brought under international control like Antarctica. May be one day a next emperor of China will call back the descendants of the migrants from southern China who now populate South East Asia. The elephant then waves adieu and the tiger will smile.
In the mean time the citizens of the European Union should be aware that law consisting of art 1 does not stop at the border. So they must respect it fully also in the Middle East and if a dutch F 16 smashes a boy's leg compensation has to be paid, amounting to at least 20.000 dollar per year. Or considering that future international relations are uncertain preferably a million at once. Then from his fortune how much Barack Obama will be indebted likewise? In Brussels much is wrong since art 1 is not fully respected; note that it guarantees automatically participation in counseling and decision making -easily possible by referendum- because it rejects any pyramidal structure of society. Presently big boss there is a Luxemburger who stimulated tax evasion. A fine of a year national income on Luxemburg, Switserland, etc. seems just. From Brussels to the International court of Justice is not far. Americans visiting Europe who violated art 1 with bombing may get arrested in near future and preparations now have to be made for both their defense and for indemning their victims.
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