maandag 10 mei 2021

.....the highest mount in Jerusalem

                              priority in Jerusalem
              In physics law of entropy is valid, which leads to an Initiator, the Great Spirit who controlls. Why should He not? Such perhaps on more planets than countable with each its own variety. Who would deny experimenting there? So on Earth religion maintains seeking God, especially by obeying His laws that reflect His benevolence. He won't appear on tv because then everything would become determined completely and our freedom to choose vanishes. Even by profets He sometimes does not distribute clear message, although what the Messiah brings should be sufficient. In christian opinion Christ delivers New Treaty between God and man. Before that humans were like servants to the deity, aiming on rewards. But the New Testament raises our status to "children". They need education and obviously must experience good and bad in order not to become automats. Science now has the concept of chip making for reprint, which is applicable to humans by the Great Spirit after dying. 
Meanwhile scientific research fails regarding natural things like red shift of sunlight, which determines acceptance of Einstein's vision - longer second on the sun while photons do not loose energy overcoming gravity - and black holes. Of the latter a photograph was published while in reality it was an artificial composition. Black holes need slower time near mass, which contradicts fast processes in the early very concentrated universe. A better explanation of red shift is provided by Vasily Yanchilin with as result that time runs faster near mass. Neither witchcraft is needed then to generate negative energy. Failure often happens in the political regions too and important is delay of registering DNA; needed in order to take sanctions against surpopulation. Eruption of a giant vulcano may reduce sunlight and cause famine. The Amazone-forest, the Himalaya, the Sahara should be cut loose from states like Antarctica to become domain of wild flora and fauna only.
The israeli government, searching to subdue political unrest and not blocking freedom of religion, may examine whether moslim religion deserves priority on the Temple Mount. Especially regarding the site of the Mosque with the Golden Dome. Here Abraham offered a goat after becoming aware that not he was master over his son like in ancient and modern times often is sought. Is the place where man offered holier than where God gave the goat, struck in the bush where now is the Wailing Wall? That Dome site, now frequented by moslims only, may still be of such importance to the Great Spirit that He favours best religion to His purpose there. Which is not heathen greek trinity of the christians (the gospel of John starts with repating Genesis 1: a mighty king speaks and things happen accordingly, which is technically well expressed when no human eyes were present to watch), not limited to persons with jewish mother but be accessible from all over the world. In accordance the state government may conclude that moslim priority to go there is justified. But such does not exclude other types of believers to pilgrimage there and a political initiative to guarantee sufficient access is to be made. Westerners often dislike clothing of moslims, but that protects against hot sun. And in the desert with plenty robbers a veil serves to protect one's treasure. 
Nowhere in moslim environment more respect for the Declaration on human rights is observed than in Israel, but still the dispute with arabs needs handling and do not forget that DNA registration. It may be difficult for orthodox jews to discuss access to the centerpoint of Jerusalem. In christian opinion old Jerusalem has been kind of replaced by churches. A jewish church with God is One might compete with islam on the Temple Mount in a friendly way by constructing a Psalms House there, where the shared poetic heritage is sung, recited and musicized in many ways.

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