maandag 19 november 2018

logical controll

      BSPS committee

                  Recently on november 16 the kilogram was redefined in Paris and based on the constant of Planck. However the Planck is not a constant according Vasily Yanchilin in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003), his site and the article written by him in the Canadian Journal of Pure and Advanced Scienc, june 2018. The change of the Planck may be very slow and therefore not being of importance in daily life with the kilogram but it is regarded of substantial importance considering the development of the universe. 

In ancient times philosophers were busy with checking theories and controlling logical content, but today they are well paid and lean back comfortably, not interested in the work of the russian scientist Yanchilin who gives solid arguments that the general theory of relativity is wrong. Already 15 years those people had the opportunity to study this by reading the book, which is written didactically in an excellent way with argumentation also understandable for those not provided with much knowledge of mathematics. Wikipedia boycots Yanchilin like in the dark Middle Ages to vested authorities unwelcome books were burnt. Scientists fail in providing counterargumentatation to Yanchilin's findings and stay silent. I gave Yanchilin's book to the University of Amsterdam but it was banned to a distant store house, not easily accessible for students, who now stay ignorent, dumb.

Einstein's main contributions date from before the era of quantum mechanics. He and Newton only presented quantitative descriptions of gravity. Yanchilin is the first to offer a qualitative interpretation with gravity as a pure quantum mechanical process: With hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty in the half of a particle nearest to a mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions towards the farthest half than the other way. Net result is displacement of the particle in the direction of the other mass. This explains why gravity is very weak and operates not in reverse direction.

Your committee may do some research whether the following from the book is right or wrong and publish results on your site:

The principle of least action is accepted by all scientists and a photon passing a mass does so with "as big steps (oscillations) as possible and a minimum of these". Observed is not a route close to the mass but in a slightly parabolic curve throug a zone where time runs slower and thus oscillations have lower frequencies. This is opposite to Einstein's thinking that time slows down near mass. As a consequence black holes cannot exist, which by the way is contradictory already to the fast processes in the early very concentrated universe. 

That time runs faster near mass can be proved in Yanchilin's experiment with laser beams in a graviational field as extensively explained on his site. Frequency counting apparatus is needed for this and mathematical info was presented already in the book.

As accellerated expansion of the universe is based on Einstein's wrong theory the Nobel prize for it should be taken back. Negative energy has no physical sense and belongs to a world of phantasy. The same regarding inflation. Yanchilin broadens our horizon with the concept of changing velocity of light, which was much bigger in the past and tends to zero at the outwards shifting edge of the universe. There everything looses speed and direction and gets into a pure quantum mechanical state with a maximum of uncertainty. The Planck is opposite to c and thus changes also. If the speed of a photon changes it may nearing the border of the universe become too weak for reaction with anything if there is something anyway and a source of not-ordinary-matter might result since the energy is equivalent to mass and the photon in a certain way thus transports mass. But much is unclear about time and its second which defines speed. Yanchilin couples the second to physical processes and not to something abstract (read the book!). In the CJPAS he gives a new approach which should be followed by better describing the second in the scientific world. For if the Planck was smaller in the young universe we should not take the Earth second there in the formula for energy. A hundred thousand scientists may think about it! But they need contribution from philosophers to notice that the general theory of relativity is incorrect. The special theory of relativity, again according Yanchilin, stays valid under condition on a certain time and in a certain place since the speed of light in Yanchilin's hypothesis is related to the potential of the total mass of the universe. That potential is the same in every direction but decreases with the expansion of the universe. A light formula is presented to which I suggest research whether a differential form might be more understandable and perhaps "proovable". In Einstein's famous formula relating energy to mass the photon's energy is noted with c. The change of that energy might be connected to the change of mass excerting potential or try to formulate the problem better.

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