woensdag 5 december 2018


                                      Israelis think that their people have intelligence above average but this does not correspond with their perception of God. They still believe that jews should be servants of the Creator and obey strictly His presumed orders, which are being dressed in old polish style and stop the tram on sabbath. In the big universe there may be a thousand more planets with intellectual beings, animals and whatever God chooses. Maybe there is a Green Cheese planet with content mice, light years away from the cats solar system. Satan asked God to allow him to transport some of the beasts there but it was not granted. Well, the devil said grinningly, wait and see surpopulation then with all its misery. Which might get the Lord puzzled. We should not and we cannot image how the fifteen billion years old First Cause -not an IT without comprehension- looks like and have neither any idea how on other habitable planets things are arranged. On Earth there is evolution, both physical and spiritual. The latter demands experiencing good and bad in order not to become automats or zombies. The servants of God, the jews, want like good servants reward in time and are not interested in new education like for children. To them is unvalid: Thou shallt work four days, the fifth is to study the Koran, the sixth to study the Torah, the seventh to study the Gospel. If we fly around the North Pole the holy days may merge. And remember that the donkey got sabbath, roaming around freely or respect the animals and abolish bio-industry. Every animal under human controll shall have enough natural space to run, fly or swim for three seconds at least. Do you really think that God got tired from creating? The christian sunday is to celebrate the New Treaty that God gives to man and which is brought by the Messiah: from servants now all can become "children", who sit at the table with the father and have some access to his wallet. The Gospel narrated by John obviously starts with referring to Genesis 1. If no human eyes are present to watch it is technically very well to report that a mighty king spoke a word and things happened accordingly. Modern christian interpretation is not like roman catholic heathen greek trinity but accepts that Christ, the Anointed, was the first with that new higher status and got if from birth on as special messenger from Above. Formerly signature with a pen was unknown; it was done with blood. The psalm tells that God needs no offering except heart and mind. Note that jews throw stones; europeans crucified.
Do you believe that the israelites were stupid and thought that their self made Golden Calf was a deity? At the time a god got a calf as footbank like a king wears a crown. The sin most probably was that men wanted God where they thought He should be. To serve them! Reflect on Isis. An older misunderstood story regards Abraham who was to kill his son. In those days what belonged to the gods should be thrown into the fire, offered. All ended well or from heaven individual freedom (of the son) was confirmed. Then which place is more holy: where Abraham offered the goat instead of where God gave the animal, which will have been struck in the bush on the steep slope where now is the Wailing Wall; not on the flat surface of the Temple Mount. Those "polish" jews, not dressed and behaving like the old israelites, may do some research on sunday after posting begging letters to the Boss on saturday. Did you notice that the arab palestinians in part descend from israelite farmers not brought in exile like the city dwellers? This opens the gate to the Temple Mountain where is room for a Psalms House, built of stainless steel and glass as upwards folded hands, a seventy meters high. To sing, recite, musicize the old shared heritage on respectively friday, sabbath and sunday. Who knows the other days together. How much intellectual power is needed for realisation? Recent dutch religious song texts are dramatically bad compared with what a previous generation produced of real poetry. As they died and came to heaven God, Who also speaks dutch, said to them Thanks for your nice songs. The psalms reflect what is going on in human minds. The brains have so to say a computing centre where info from outside meets what comes from the memory cells. There a picture arises of what to do but if good education was not given by the parents or friends were criminals unpleasant images may dominate followed by unpleasant acts. So it is very necessary to inform people with true values.
This went wrong on last friday december 16 when in Paris the kilogram was redefined with the constant of Planck. Vasily Yanchilin argues in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003), on his site top-formula.net and in his article in the Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Science, june 2018, that the Planck is not a constant like Einstein maintained. The intellectual capacity of the latter is overestimated for his general theory of relativity, on which that constancy of the Planck is based, appears to be worthless. Producing from phantasy black holes, negative energy, inflation. Every scientist accepts the principle of least action and a photon obeys it: Around mass a light ray gets slightly curved because the photon seeks a path with as big steps -oscillations of low frequency- as possible and a minimum of these. So it does not pass quite near mass since time runs faster there resulting in higher frequencies of oscillation. The american wikipedia boycotts the work of Yanchilin like in the dark Middle Ages to vested authority unwanted books were burned. Is the situation better in Israel or are students deprived from info and stay ignorant, dumb? In ancient times philosophers checked logic of theories but today they are well paid and lean back satisfied and sleepy. This sidestep to science illustrates that intellectual capacity of jews is limited and there was no Nobel prize for the fine art of boxing or whatever the swedes did not hink of. Today's architecture in Jerusalem is rather lumb and the ugly motorways date qua appearance from a long time ago. Even people generally are not dressed well, not as they should to honour the Creator and give pleasure to fellow men and women. In Eilat a thousand shops sell coca cola and chocolate but where to find a copy of the J Post? So it seems that not only the guys hurrying to the Wailing Wall somewhere lack using eyes and ears properly. Which results in a stagnant picture in the brains while the Creator meant the opposite. Do not get angry if they want to stay "servants", not desiring to accept that higher status; Nature also has a great variety of flowers.
Mr Ibrahim writes in the Jerusalem Post, november 25, that islam is the most formidable and persistent enemy. Intelligent editors of the formerly Palestinian Post should correct his. Islam recognizes God as leader Who is peaceful, but sometimes a D-day jihad is necessary. So it are the peoples who murder and enslave and this is wrongly connected to a religion that originated to adjust trinity. Read in the Koran, sura 2, who enter Paradise and will sit there at a same table. There it won't be necessary anymore to cover from robbers in the lawless desert one's treasure with a veil. A main cause of war is surpopulation, already when the israelites entered the promised land. Dictators also often take arms and a combination may become disastrous. Therefore population growth has to stop and this requires strict DNA registration in order to take eventual sanctions. Will such registration proove that many arabs palestinians descend from israelites in the countryside not taken away as slaves? We must not sit and wait but propose solutions for the conflict with the Hamas and PLO leaders. Which best is done by organising referenda, for those in power seek more power for themselves plus money. For example plan A consists of an autonomous Ismarael within a greater Israel from the river to the sea and up to St Catharine in exchange for the Gaza strip to Egypt. On the Westbank a maximum of 25% israelis can be balanced by a same percentage in the rest of the country. Plan B gives place to 700.000 arab refugees within this country on condition that big families and those participating in terror are excluded. In exchange arab countries, from wherwe almost a million jews fled, have to give citizenship to all of the remaining descendants of the 1948 fleeing arabs. Plan C is of financial kind with from rich countries aid to build west of Rafah up to the Libian border new metropoles that provide housing, work and recreation. Eilat is of mediterranean type and not a compact desert city in high rise to keep the sun out and with inner palm gardens. Such now should be constructed; with sewage water creating a green belt around for animals, producing vegetables and hosting scientific research to conquer more from the desert. Likewise a deal might be gotten for a new metropole under dutch law, enlarging the dutch state, opposite the Canary Islands in exchange for almost a million moroccans staying in Holland and Belgium who do not want to give up their old nationality. For the cost of enlarging dutch cities near the North Sea three new metropoles can be built at the edge of the desert of which the second is given to the West Saharans and the third to Morocco. Trading hot sand for a prosperous economic motor! Like a future railway Damasc-Amman-Jerusalem-Gaza-Cairo seems possible also in West Africa a connecting axis can be realised with even more metropoles along it that make emigration to Europe superfluous. Most of the Sahara, the Amazone rain forest, the Nort Pole regions, the Himalaya should be cut loose from states and brought under international controll like Antarctica to be undisturbed domain of wild flora and fauna. Borderlines may change into humanfree border zones. And don't forget to plant high growing trees near your house in compensation for the loss of fertile ground by artificial hardening a surface. Present bedouins differ very much from rich and active Ibrahim. During the recent decades their dwelling deteriorated by plastic and metal rubbish. They seem not interested in change and may sit watching sheep while jews in Europe could not thus and were compelled to work and study. So their brains got more influx to generate an active image for research when science age started. Do the haredis ressemble the bedouins in abstention from "progress"? It is the governement who is entrusted with education when parents and media stay behind. Will such endorse propagation of building that Psalms House, as symbol of reconciliation too? There are about a hundred thousand moslims in Amsterdam who consider themselves primarily turks and moroccans. But the city is not multicultural since theatre etc in their languages are not available. Some want to introduce the burka. I proposed to give them a state-mosque, built as a giant black cube on pillars, nicely contrasting with the green grass and nearby white Bath Tube, a museum with such appearance. To instruct in that mosque art 1 of the Declaration on human rights, which was preceded several thousands of years ago by what Mosa brought down from the mountain and is strictly valid for moslims too: respect and help the other for she/he is like yourself. Summarising one notices that many children of Abraham still want to be servants of Jaweh and in that range there exists difference in position and abundance of meals. But when the Messiah brings good news that our status is raised to "children-of-God" (the expression being a son of someone, like maintained of Jesus, in the Middle East often means not distinghuisable in word or deed from the other although a giant gap in power etc can exist. Equivalent in dutch language is "twee handen op één buik") then the accepting persons are equals and must share their power and wealth.
Next it is your turn to comment on our situation. The Creator put marvellous change into one's life span with also freedom of attitudes up to Exodus 23:2.

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