dinsdag 11 juli 2023

reducing tension

                                                       On planet Earth humans are dominant and no good to Nature. For balance in near future men should not occupy more than one third of the land area, as wild flora and fauna lack technical means to enlarge food production in their environment. The sharing may vary with p.e. in Israel 2/3 of the country for its population. 
Today there are so many more jews in their homeland that another 700.000 arabs from refugee camps can be absorbed rather easily. This number equals not the larger departure of jews from arab countries but these persons generally found a new good living. Under king David there were several foreign tribes living in harmony with the israelites. So the big compromise between the present opponents may involve about a hundred thousand new houses added for returning arabs or israelis leaving dwellings formerly belonging to the refugees. The general picture is to reduce tension also with Teheran for an Israel from the river Jordan to the sea with an autonomous Westbank, where jews can settle up to 1/3 of the total population and the same regarding arabs in the rest of Israel. Gaza may be added to Egypt in exchange of more desert to be devellopped by Israel up to mount Horeb. For stability DNA-registration is needed in the world in order to take measures against surpopulation. In the mean time the many millions of strong men in Egypt together with the Gazans may build for their boss a new higher piramid.

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