"Am Anfang" was not light (der Spiegel) but the word, according biblical tradition. As no human eyes were present to observe it is technically well done to say that a mighty king utters a word and things happen thus. This is repeated in the first chapter of the gospel of John. Language is most important since the eye is not able to discern the Creator, although well His works. For the New Treaty between God and men brought by the Messiah no trinity is needed.
A point is a mathematical concept and does not exist in physisc because it has no dimensions. Therefore a Big Bang from a point is not likely and it will have been much easier for the Creator (not an IT as much intelligence is involved) to start from something like a field than to prop all into a point. Anyway in the Beginning all was very concentrated and things happened with enormous speed. This contradicts the existence of black holes where near mass time slows down. Today it is not done anymore to speak of trains through tunnels with almost the speed of light or narrate about twins of whom one travels through space. As everywhere in the universe an equal amount of time has passed the right thing is to say that according varying gravitational potential the physical processes run faster or slower.
A drawing in your magazine shows the effect of a "Gravitationslinse. Every scientist accepts the principle of least action and Vasily Yanchilin explains this in his book The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003) with the behaviour of a photon: It does not pass mass as near as possible but at a distance because "it seeks a route with as big steps (lower frequency) as possible and a minimum of these". That is why the century old general theory of relativity is wrong, which maintains the opposite and then creates black holes. Such concentrations of mass could be remnants of the situation before the universe became transparent and new forming should not be excluded. On page 185 of Yanchilin's book a formula for the square of an interval is given which excludes existence of black holes. The special theory of relativity stays valid on a certain time and at a certain place but c varies with the gravitational potential, a scalair and the same in all directions.
Yanchilin contributes to astronomy, widens our horizon, with the theory that gravitation is a pure quantum mechanical process: With hypothesis that mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty in the half of a particle nearest to an external mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions (like spilling over of boiling milk) towards the farthest half than the other way. Net result is moving in the direction of that other mass. (In my opinion this in part could explain dark mass as such process does not only occur in the centre of galaxies. Yanchilin refers to "old light" as a possible source. The Web observatory shows photons from dispersed relics, which thus still exist or kind of radiation reduced to very small amplitude is present everywhere and equally connections in the fields of non-locality should be researched).
There is a lot of confusion on red shift, explained wrongly by the general theory of relativity as due to slower time on the sun. Correcting the info from supernovae Ia accellerated expansion of the universe disappears and inflation as well as negative energy belong to the domain of witchcraft. (If in the past the gravitational potential was higher in a smaller universe part of the red shift may not be due to expansion of the universe and the time scale then has to be adjusted).