zaterdag 16 december 2023

Christmas and the Westbank

                                 In the jewish culture should be known what modern christendom implies. Essence is the New Treaty  (=New Testament) between the Creator and humans. God is understood as Spirit without body and therefore not conceivable by us. Biologists easily become atheïsts because they need not and do not reflect on the wonderful atoms. Heathen trinity is not necessary for the Messenger (the Messiah) of that new treaty, which raises our status from servants to children; all expressed poëtically. As evolution is proceeding on planet Earth such has also spiritual dimensions. Or we have to experience good and bad in order not to become zombies or automats. Resulting in sitting at the table with the Father, having some access to His wallet but not out for capitalistic gains. Not like Jacob who promised to give back ten percent of what he would receive from Above. Abraham had to learn that not he was master over his son, who thus was a free individual. Not like the son of Ibrahim who with his father had to obey Allah strictly and mullahs too. Mohammed did not understand but yet contributed in a positive way by denouncing trinity. Obeying is a must of islam and where its rules do not harmonize with western democracy the latter is rejected. In fact an ouma is sought by esp. Teheran and therefore the state of Israël should disappear.
The Messenger, the Messiah, the Ointed One is depicted as son of David. "Son of" in Middle East language often means with same attitude. Read the first chapter of John's gospel and notice that probably it starts with referring to Genesis 1, where the Great Spirit was busy uttering some words and things happened accordingly. This is technically a good discription since that Spirit is not visible, etc. Next in poëtical jargon is told that Jesus already from birth on got that new status. Which supports his task. Christians believe that he is ruling. Not with a sword like many times David but like him in his better moments as one caring for his sheep and the lambs and so is his law. Well, that is basic for western ethics called humanism. Such his ruling and not that of capitalism or whatever should be adhered to. 
Therefore no palestinian state must be organized on jewish territory, for present jews agree with humanism (except a few) while not the majority of the palestinians, stuck to islamic reign with second ranking of non moslims. Under king David there were foreign tribes content with his governing. Likewise arabs can live within Israël from the river to the sea. Since the jewish population today is big even 700.000 arab refugees might get back without much disturbation. But compensation will be required for jews expelled from islamitic countries. Worldwide DNA-registration is necessary to take sanctions on surpopulation. Becausae animals cannot raise food production like humans about two thirds of the land surface should be allowed to these creatures. The Amazone forest, the North Pole region, the Sahara, the Himalaya are to be cut loose from states like Antarctica. When under human controll every animal shall have enough natural space to run, fly or swim for at least three seconds. This in accordance with giving sabbat to the donkey. 
In the meantime several girls, students on universities, demonstrate for separation with two states or even behave serving Teheran, out for chaos in order to hasten coming of a moslim tyran. That is not how Christmas should be met at home and neither on the Westbank.

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