maandag 29 januari 2024

unstable 1 in the formula for an interval

                             Would you like to sit in a train running with almost the speed of light through a tunnel? Or be an astronaut to experience the general theory of relativity? The modern way of perceiving is that since Creation everywhere in the universe the same amount of time has passed. But the clocks differ because the tempo of physical processes depends on the local gravitation potential. Light contains energy and energy has a mass equivalent. Mass is susceptible to gravitatiion. The speed of light is the same in every direction at a certain spot and a certain time because it is most probably coupled to the local gravitational potential, a scalair changing with the expansion of the universe. But also towards the border of the universe if you believe that all began with Big Bang. Such not from a point since that is a mathematical concept and not existing in physics because it has no dimensions.  May-be the Creator, the Great Spirit without body like our spirits have and therefore not to be imaged by our brains, started from kind of a 3d field, which seems easier than to prop all into a point. Inflation then may have been superfluous.  Sometimes scientists succeed in modifying the situation in distant parts of the universe  and thus were able to make a hole in the lighting sphere around a black hole to let us see the thing. If photons emitted long ago by supernovae IA were faster in a smaller universe with bigger gravitation potential then accellerated expansion disappears. Light propels as waves since otherwise many collisions would occur.  But dispersion makes them loose possibility to react unless a lense is available. All around the solar system space is full of old weakened waves.
Next question is whether besides redshift resulting from expansion photons loose energy because of the mass equivalent when travelling, transporting energy. That makes controll or revision of the time scale necessary. 
Read more in The Quantum Theory of Gravitation (2003) by Vasily Yanchilin with new theory on gravitation: If mass reduces the Heisenberg uncertainty then in the half of a particle nearest to an external (influencing) mass there will be less quantum mechanical transitions (like spilling of overcooking milk) towards the farthest half than the other way. This explains relative weakness of gravitation and irreversability. Via the King Saoud University recently was published about the interval formula, in which the "1" is considered not as a constant and the minus after it should be a plus to get balance. Resulting in denying true black holes. Which in reality may be remnants or new formed concentrations of the stuff from before transparancy.

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