zondag 10 maart 2024

task for NATO or some western states

                        Many persons sympathize with moslims hating jews. That is notable in several dutch papers and on sites like Joop.nl. It seems that these people do not have enough information on the historical rights of the jews on the whole of the territory between sea and river. There was never on the Westbank any palestinian nation; today there is an assemblement of moslims hating jews and wanting to get rid of western humanistic rules in order to promote there moslim dictatorship with in several respects awful character. Under king David foreign tribes were accepted to live in peace and so it is in present Israël. Perhaps more info should be distributed on the fact that the Jerusalem government aims to protect human rights to full extent for indiviuals and minorities but cannot accept kind of an umma on the Westbank, thus no palestinian state. 
In the mean time it is to Europe to help Israël fighting terrorism with all means, including military forces to get rid of Hamas and next Hezbollah. Also of course bad Houthis. Biden seems mentally not fit to arrange this and offers a route via the sea while over land all help needed can be provided and will be provided if the hostages are set free. Accent must be put on their liberation and therefore it is necessary to replace leaders of the Red Cross etc. who fail in their task. 
Russia has no plans around the Bosporus and Turkey can be missed by NATO. Instead this military organisation should help Israel where same human rights are respected. 
Not long ago it seemed possible to create an autonomous Westbank in Israel with a maximum of one third jews while in the rest of the country likewise maximally one third arabs. This is esteemed to be not realistic anymore because too many moslims are expected causing sabotage. Then only cities and villages on the Westbank with arab majority can have full arab governments in future. The situation in Gaza is different because here kind of a Singapore status is not unrealistic if human rights are guaranteed by a military force from outside until a new generation gets rid of hating jews. Now the NATO countries are able and have a duty to assist Israel in eliminating Hamas and Hezbollah and should proceed to this with full force. Already one or some of this alliance can start as urgently the hostages must be freed. The citizens are responable for the crimes that Hamas recruiting from them commits. If it is difficult for these people to stop Hamas they should welcome NATO forces and these deployed will have a limiting effect on otherwise needed Israeli military operations. 
Presently on short distance of international justice courts dutch politicians discuss formation of a new government. That should adhere to true humanistic principles, rejecting any umma state on the Westbank, which is propagated by moslim leaders in accordance with their religion. Full support is wanted to have also there law not with second ranking of women, etc., neither capitalistic rules with domination of money and exploitation of lower classes. Being honest in this respect obliges those dutch future ministers to correct exploitation of workers in third world countries by raising tax on from there imported products and bring the money to local old age pensionfunds. As well billionaires will have to cede their capital except some tens of millions to the Treasury in order to live better like the well known samaritan. Students like company from other students, tennissers like company of persons with whom they can play, british like english habitudes, so also jews and arabs like ............ but their DNA has much in common and spiritual evolution, what obviously is foreseen on planet Earth, can reduce quarrelling and fighting. 

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