donderdag 20 januari 2022


            Israeli's visiting Amsterdam may notice that the left part of the Museumplein is rather empty. I proposed to build there a mosque in the form of a giant black kube, nicely contrasting with the green grass and the white Bath Tube of the Stedelijk Museum. For the many moslims in the city, eventually accessible only for women. There is also room for a Psalms House, constructed of stainless steel and glass like upwards praying hands. Enough space will be left to play football on sunday afternoon. 
   Then about the Temple Mount, which may be called CC, not credit card but Creator's Center. In ancient times offering meant eating meat instead of daily beans and the deities got a share in exchange for coöperation. In Jerusalem for a long not very democratic period with much blood kings and temple were together. Should things remain there as it is now? Abraham/Ibrahim had to acknowledge that not he was master over his son. Neither are political and religious leaders. The goat he offered instead perhaps got struck in the bush on the steep slope where today is the Wailing Wall. Which place is more holy: where Abraham offered or where God gave the animal? So for the jews up that wall and overshading it a little bit to keep persons below dry when it rains a synagoge like a big wooden ARK may serve. The majority in the country wants to keep the Mount free of Trinity, but another building can be a jewish church. Celebrating the New Treaty between God and men, which raises our status from servants who want renumeration to children. Quite in agreement with evolution that has also a spiritual component. Including experiencing good and bad in order not to become an automat or zombie. Also a Psalms House would do for singing and reciting the famous poetry. In the old building on the southwest corner info can be provided on religion, etc. All with a broad lane for seekers and a small steep path for pilgrims. 
Then there will be left enough room for a field with green grass in the middle. Humans are competing creatures and swords not only melted for jeu de boule can be replaced by balls for fighting teams to play with. He in heaven may like to watch.

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